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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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nex, thanks for the clips! Also, I noticed the music too!!! I just forget to post about it. :huh:

TL, I hope you feel better soon!

hooked, funny about the keeping the door unlocked. I mentioned that on SOC, but I don't think anyone responded...

Re: Her outfit. It's better on air than in that ABC media net picture. BTW, I didn't mind the hostage crisis fur dress thing.

Re: The jacket or blanket. Another thing I noticed but neglected to post about. :huh: In one scene it looked like a blanket; in another, I assumed it was Scott's. But...Could it have been Logan's?!

Re: Episode counts. Last night, while in bed, I figured this out. LOL.

Episodes appeared in so far: 4

Episodes remaining: 11

Total is rumored to be: 14

So, that means she has 10 more to go, and therefore, once in the next 11 episodes, she won't be on. From the recaps, I'm assuming today. I'm sure she'll be tomorrow with

and then afterwards with

Though, I must say 10 episodes in a row sounds too good to be true!

Because I am in a good mood, I'm gonna do TG's counts, LOL.

Episodes appeared in so far: 8

Episodes remaining: 11

Total is rumored to be: 17

So, that means he has 9 more to go, and therefore, twice in the next 11 episodes, he won't be on. If these counts are true, Tracy is going to be on one day, without him. That's great that she's on; I just hope it doesn't mean TG is off on another vacation in late November (i.e. let's say Tracy is on November 29th for some reason, but Luke isn't 'cause he left November 27th...or something).

And with that, I must head out! Here's hoping for Tracy previews!

EDIT: Parts of this article have been discussed before, I think, but did anyone mention the last part?


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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No Tracy/LuNacy today :(.

They didn't show her in the previews but that doesn't mean she wont be on 'specially if that episode count is right.

I went back and listened for the music a the end of yesterday's scene. Nice touch.

Tracy's wearing someone's tuxedo jacket in yesterday's epi. I saw the arm of it, as she sat down on the couch. I guess it's prob Scott's or Logan's.

I guess Em's dead or whatever. In the last scene (I think) today, Nic went into a rage, you can hear him with Em but can't see them, then she hits the floor.

Back to work on my school stuff. Will try to be on later to chat. Not sure If I will be able to, or how long I can stay. Lata.

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wow a party in the thread right now! So I figured today she wouldn't be on if any day. I bet for sure the rest of this week and next with em's death, luke's second heart attack, his surgery, and dillon/ned coming home for the funeral...she will be on most of the rest of the month if not all.

Stace--I think TG maybe won't be on the day of his surgery?? My guess is that is a Tracy/Alan day maybe? Alan is supposedly on once this month...with Tracy. Just a guess...

Maybe Alan waits out the surgery with her in Luke's room or something?

I am so super busy today that I am almost glad that it is not vital for me to watch GH and slo mo a thousand times--ha ha!

Chat with you guys later...TL..hope you get your work done and feel better.

Nothing doing on soapdish today!!

Nex--thanks for the clips as always---You are the best!!! Love the title of that clip--Momma bear!

Edited by hookedongh
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Wow so many posts, so much to talk about! And talk about a party in the breakroom last night!

Nex, thanks so much for the clips! I actually noticed both those things. It is so hard to remeber everything when I'm recapping, sorry I didn't mention it! I also noticed the sappy music on that first day when she was on, whenever that was. I was so excited that their scene was considered important enough to get that.

knh, guess who has a day off Friday? ME! Guess what I will be doing? READING YOUR STORY!

Hooked, I noticed the unlocked door thing, too! I was thinking how ridiculously calm they were. Imagine TQ with AZ, now that would be a hilarious scene. Hmm, Sane, I like it. I don't know about them together, but its possible. Sane, Lunacy, get it? Haha! :lol:

TL, I hope you feel better! I feel like crap, too. I felt the sore throat coming on last night and it hit today. I feel lousy. After Gossip Girl, its bed for me tonight! And I believe both Scotty and Logan were jacket-less.

Ms.Q, the outfit is much better in person. The sparkly necklace added a lot, too. I love watching that first scene when she came in, because I remember how excited I was that she was finally there! I get the same little adrenaline rush each time. :D Haha, think I am addicted a little?

About that spoiler:

He was so good to her, that makes me angry! Poor Jason, I like him. I am so used to everyone dissing him on HG that it seems taboo to enjoy his character. :rolleyes:

My mouse is screwed up. And it is irritating the heck out of me. I am getting SO FRUSTERATED at a freaking mouse. I want to go to bed. :(

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Do you think thread is contagious???? I just felt a scratchy sore throat coming on. I took two advil, a vitamin C, an echanasia with goldenseal, and airborne a few minute ago. Determined to knock this out. To top it off, I just made matzoh ball soup for dinner for us (don't get too impressed TL/Lainey it was from a box).

Gonna go watch today's show and fold laundry before the next round of carpools. Chat later hopefully.

BSG--Where are you???? Hope the house thing is going well.

Deb--where ya been?

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I'm glad about Monica going off on Jason. He seemed to just treat her as a mother when he needed something (i.e. a doctor to fix up his bullet wound - before Nurse Liz assumed the role). Oh, and he offered the occasional hug when someone almost died. I never got the impression that he was oh, so wonderful to her in recent years. I might be blinded by my hate for him though. My hate for Jason Morgan knows no bounds. :lol:

About the mouse: Colette, are you on a lap top? My lap top mouse HATES ME SO MUCH sometimes. I was on Yahoo!Help one night trying to figure out what the problem was...It resolved itself though. Of course, every now and then, it COMES BACK and annoys the heck out of me.

hooked, good speculation on the surgery.

From Cindi R:

If anyone is around in a bit, post a link. I have parent-teacher conferences tomorrow, so I don't start until 11:30! Woo hoo! I get to leave the house at 11, instead of 6:15-ish. Life is good tonight. :lol: (Though I won't get home until 8:30-ish instead of 2:30-ish, but whatever...I'll worry about that then).

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Awwwww...I miss you guys!!!!! Stuff has been crazy with the apt. Should know soon how things are moving along, but it's all been very stressful. Oy.

I'm sorry you guys are both feeling sick, TL and hooked! I'm sending you chicken soupy vibes. I hope to be around later tonight for a little and maybe we can catch up. In the meantime, I need to download the awesome TQ clips!!!

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Woohoo!!! Thanks so much!

Nex, thanks for the clips


Oh my God, I would be so rediculously happy if JE is on for all the rest of NOvember's episodes.

ok, off to finish reading my driving info b/c my test is noon tomorrow

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