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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ms.Q, I love the banner and avatar! That is such an adorable picture. I think it is about time I change mine. I love the banner, but not so much the avatar.


I hope its a great one!!!

I don't have anything else to say, haha! Maybe I will go find a banner to make.

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Happy Birthday KNH!!

Have a Great Day!!

Funny you should mention the parallels... wasn't there a spoiler about the b/w ball and saying that we would see alot of relationship parallels?

I don't know what Scott's prob is either. Why does he care what Tracy sees in Luke?

Ms. Q, Love your new banner and avatar, Jane looks goooooorgeouuuuus in that pic. I like the one you made for KNH's birthday too.

Colette, I LOVE YOUR avatar, I always thought that Tracy was gorgeous in that pic. I know what you mean about wanting a change though. I want to change my banner too but I have a hard time letting go of this one.

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Hey, quick theater question for ya TL? Do you know of any that aren't striking right now? My mom was going to take me to see Wicked at some point for my birthday and she's been calling for at least a week or two now and since Broadway is on strike theuy won't even sell tickets. They did tell her to check around b/c they are not all shut down. Are there any you know of? if not no big deal, I'll just have to wait a while

And yeah, I remembered the spoiler about the parallels, that's why I was thinking that, otherwise I don't see what problem he could find with Luke being ou of the way with tracy.

I have to change my avatar soon too. I just have never found a picture. I wanted to use the one I drew but I can't get it small enough so does anyone have any suggestions?

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UGH I didn't know that Broadway was on strike, too!! I was considering seeing A Chorus Line again this Christmas. Geez that depresses me. Christmas isn't the same without seeing a play in NYC.

TL, thanks!! I love yours, too. I think I'll wait until I find a without-a-doubt-AMAZING picture.

I just spent about two hours trying to pinpoint what is sucking up all the memory on my computer. Everytime I download a new TQ clip, my system tells me that I am running low on virtual memory. Well, it turns out the shows I buy off iTunes are taking up 15GB alone. Yikes. I will have to burn them to discs or something, because I can't survive without my Tracy clips...

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Personally, I think they all sound probable.

#1&2, you know the Q's like to circle the wagons when one of their own is hurt, especially if they think the other person is the reason. Luke's the kind of guy who would deliver that message - always seems to be left to the husband of the daughter (at least is seems that way in real life).

#3, all her leading men are gone, and they seem to be floundering with what to do. Doesn't seem much left at the moment.

#4, they've just given her a shiney new 3 year contract and suggested a new love interest. Gotta do something with her, especially with the promise of revitalizing that family.

#5, that one's been circulating of late. They seem to swoop in and pick up the much loved but under-utilized-until-axed character/actors of late. Wouldn't put it past them to score this coup - and they seem to know what to do with older actors in general (until our currently watched but much maligned show).

BTW, thanks for letting me vent yesterday. I felt ridiculous and relieved afterwards. Ridiculous because it really is silly to get so caught up in a tv show. Relieved because I'm pretty sick of those loyal to the EWCBO picking Tracy as their target.

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WOOHOO Monica gettinga story out of this. It sucks though that Emily has to die for her to get it cuz thats her 3rd kid dead and her husband....shes not going to have any family left.

HMM i dunno what to think bout SD going to B&B. In a way i hope it ain't true cuz i love him on gh however it'd be good for him as an actor.

Happy Birthday knh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope to catch up with ya'll soon in the BR....I gotta work tonight and don't know if i'll get on when I get home if not I'll get on tomorrow evening after work I hope. LOL.

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I finally just now finished watching Friday! I LOVED IT! They were sooooo awesome together...cute, hot, fun, serious....I know I am a day late and a dollar short with my comments since I just watched but whew....that was so great! I was slow mo'ing like crazy TL!!!

Did anyone notice that when she said that he picked an unfortunate time for romance, that she handed luke her necklace and he stuck it in his jacket pocket?? I was like what is she handing him...a crumbled up tissue? Then I realized after a few slow mo's that it was her necklace. Wonder if there is any significance in that--probably not!

They really looked like they had fun with that little mini love scene--totally comfortable...not awkward like those first kisses/tackles on the couch that were so exaggerated!!! Of course they didn't have to play it half naked like some of the others have to play their love scenes! But still...they do seem like they really like each other.

And as far as him not saying ILY. I think what he did say meant ever more. I agree with you knh! I think that she did laugh and was a little uncomfortable with him being so serious with her. However, I think JE is playing the whole relationship like she said once in that magazine article...that she will let it take whatever form it needs to take because she will do whatever to stay with him...and her whole schpiel about not liking when he leaves her and that she has serious reservations about what he does and with whom he does it with---did you see he sorta lowered his eyes like he was almost feeling bad about that.

Anyway, it was delicious!! Can't wait for monday when she finds out he has a heart attack. See how fast her back feels better then when she jumps into action. I do hope she will be the one to provide the heart meds, and I do hope that she will give up her seat on the boat or something for him. They need to make her the good guy for once!

I love that ned is mentioned in those spoilers Ms. Q! Hopefully he will be around for a week or so.

Maybe the actress leaving is georgie??

TL--I am so sorry about the strike. That stinks. Hope it gets resolved very very soon.

Stace---can't believe I haven't chatted with you in so long!!!!!

Finally...HAPPY BIRTHDAY KNH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and I am running to the grocery store, but will be online around 4:30 central time...maybe I can catch you guys around then in the breakroom...Dallas Cowboy game is on so all the boys will be tied up for a bit.

I will post a link. Gosh I missed this place! Haven't ventured to soapdish yet, but I am sure I will be getting hooked again--get it--hooked--ha ha.

Oh and also, I like the spoiler that skye might be leaving. However, even if she stays, there is NO WAY IN HELL that luke is leaving Tracy for Skye--no way no way!!!


Okay I didn't last long not on soapdish, but well worth my trip there--woo woo!!! Read this an insider posted!!!

I am a happy girl right about now! :)

Waving to Lainey!!!

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Waves back at ya!

I am happy now, too.

Thanks!!!! 'Cause so far today as been a total waste for me. Maybe this will give me the energy I need to actually get some things done. We'll see:

Comments on Ms. Q's Spoilers:










SD acting with Susan Flannery?!?! Hmmm. I swore I'd never pick up another soap, but that woman gives off killer "power woman vibes," and it might be fun to see SD mix it up with another power woman. I hope it's a "real" role, and not a little kiss-off role. GOOOOOO SD!

Monica may get an actual STORYLINE?!?!?! Guza is still in charge, so I'm having troule believing this is true. They can't even write her into a ball that honors her husband, so why should we believe anything would come of her daughter's death? (They didn't up her storyline after her husband's death.) I WANT to believe this, but I don't think I do.

Robin Christopher leaving?!?! Good. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. (Sorry. That sounds harsh. I don't wish RC any harm. I just have never liked that character, and lately I find her uber-useless.)

ta ta


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Happy Birthday, KNH!

Found this for you:

The eight Broadway productions still running are “Cymbeline,” “Mary Poppins,” “Mauritius,” “Pygmalion,” “The Ritz,” “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” “Xanadu” and “Young Frankenstein.”

Don't forget that Off Broadway shows are still running, too.

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Oh man, Sorry TL. I didn't know who was actually on strike in the theater so I didn't know you were out of work too. That sucks, my dad's union was facing a big strike last year but they worked it out before it got to that.

Stace!!! Thanks so much for fixing the picture for me, it works I guess b/c it's on here now!

Magic, thanks for the theater info. Mary Poppins was actually next on my list after Wicked and Rent which are both on strike, so I may do that!!

Everyone else, thanks for the birthday wishes and I hope everyone is having a great day.

Hooked, I'm finishing up my story quicker than I thought. I think I have everything I wanted to add already in it so I'm going to do another check and then I think I'm good to go... at least for the time being. Thanks for all your help with this. Now I just need to write my letter and choose which woman I want to send it to from that list I had. Not much will come of it but it's worth a shot I think. Anyway, thanks again. Whenever you can read it again just let me know. I'll send you the few other new parts, but I won't send it to you as a whole again, I don't want you to have to keep downloading it.

and on this...

"And as far as him not saying ILY. I think what he did say meant ever more. I agree with you knh! I think that she did laugh and was a little uncomfortable with him being so serious with her. However, I think JE is playing the whole relationship like she said once in that magazine article...that she will let it take whatever form it needs to take because she will do whatever to stay with him...and her whole schpiel about not liking when he leaves her and that she has serious reservations about what he does and with whom he does it with---did you see he sorta lowered his eyes like he was almost feeling bad about that."

that's what I think too, but the laugh is what is allowing her to keep things the way they are, I think he leaves when other people get to close or serious, not the other way around, so as long as it isn't her hitting him with these feelings he's alright to stay with her. That in addition to uncomfortable thing.

Ok, I'll try to stop into the breakroom later, but I don't know that I'll be able to. I should... I'm only going to dinner with my family in a while so it's shouldn't be too late. Then again I have to make lunch for tomorrow cuz I'm working early and then shower b4 friday's GH comes on soapnet cuz you know I'm watching it agian!!!

Ugh, driving test thursday. Not really gonna have a problem with it. Just in case my mom had me practice backing into parking spaces today. That's the only thing I really haven't done. She got pissed at me actually. I did it perfectly the first 2 times. She looked at me and just goes "Son of a b-tch, do it again" I did it perfectly 3 more times and then from the other direction so she said she was just wasting her time and we went home. I hope I do that when I'm with the testers. Once I get this damned licence I can get a real job that pays money and I won't be so far in the poor house. Plus my friend at work is having me do a mural on her son's bedroom wall. She said she'll just give me the key and I can stay they till I have to go to work and just get it done in the mornings. Either way works for me cuz I'll make some money...

ugh, can you tell it's a big sore spot for me... I need some serious cash. My insurence is up in about 3 months and they are already not paying for my perscriptions (which I have plenty of) even though they are cashing my checks. Still can't figure out what's goingon there and I haven't heard back from them.

Anyhoo, back to the good stuff.... birthdays and JE!!!!! Good thoughts going through my head right now

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PLEASE, someone come clean my house!!!!! I want to scream...... pine needles in the Lego bin, and it's been how many months since last Christmas..... urghhhhhhhh

Okay, that's out. Welcome back, Hooked. Can honestly say it is significantly quieter when you are not here.

Looking forward to Monday's show. I really hope they give some good stuff to TQ, and not just background fluff.

Didn't notice the necklace thing until you mentioned it, Hooked. They are so bloody comfortable with each other. It's like they leap-froged from enemys to "frienemys" to comfortably married, in no time. Smart. Mature. Waste the BS on the 20-somethings - the 60-somethings have done that route already.

The laugh mentioned above (knh?), was definately her "I'm not comfortable with honest emotion directed at me" laugh. She did the same thing back in July when Lulu told her how much Luke really did care about her. This chick has been hit and beaten in the heart so many times, it's a miracle she's opened herself to the town con at all.

Can't wait to see the ILY spoiler come through. It's gotta happen (it's been awhile for both of them), just hope they do it justice.

I'll try to be in the BR, but I've GOT to find the floor in the kids room sometime before the end of the decade.

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