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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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2 TQ scenes. Segments 4 and 5, I believe. Luke was in all 7 segments. <_<

I'm just going to recap the TQ parts:

Scene 1:


Scene 2:

Hair: It was fine. Didn't love it. Didn't hate it. Better than just "okay."

Outfit: NEW! Black (dark gray?) short jacket. Black pants. She spends most of her 2 scenes behind the table, so I didn't get to analyze the full outfit a whole bunch.

Other comments: Georgie was in the scene, but in the background, offscreen, kind of. I mean; in the beginning of the scene, she/Luke were talking, and then once Tracy entered, Georgie disappeared.

I liked LuNacy today, brief as their scenes were. I can't describe it, really, but TG and JE seemed extra comfortable in their scenes.

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soapdish is a big lunacy lovefest today! Check it out Ms. Q!! Wow only two scenes...bummer, but still glad they were on together!

So sweeps officially starts Nov. 1st, so Wed is the people arriving at the ball, and then November 1st is the big death thing and then the clock goes back.

Going to watch today's episode now. At least half our favorite duo is in all 7 segments.

Spoilers dropped just now at soadish for after the ball.

woo woo...our girls makes yet another spoiler!

Edited by hookedongh
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Scenes: 2. Very short.

Dress: New? I think she was in blue, maybe the outfit she wore for the voting button I made? Her make-up looked very nice.

Hair: Mediocre.

Luke was arguing with Scott over Lulu. Once Scott left, Tracy came in. I guess she was meeting him there for lunch. She commented on the ugly fake plants and how Luke should replace them since he is part owner. lol. Luke said that he needed her attention on what to do about Scott. Luke said that he wanted to get dirt on Scott. Tracy mentioned how when she tried this before, about Scott's bastard son, it turned into a mistake. Luke told her to not dwell on the past. He seemed content that she tried for him. They were both happy and cheery.

Second scene, Tracy takes out the invitation and explains it. He looks at it, and comments on how she doesn't look too excited about it. They both agreed that it wasn't their cup of tea. Tracy said how there was going to be a donation in Alan's name, so Luke suddenly was happy with the idea. They didn't even discuss going with each other. I LOVED how it was a given that they were going as a couple. Tracy added how they should go to keep and eye on Lulu, since she would most likely be with Logan. Luke agreed. I also LOVE how Tracy brought this up and was into Lulu's safety, not Luke. They agree on blackmailing Scott at the ball. Lol. I don't think anything else happened, or it was so miniscule I forgot it. Ha.

All in all, they seemed very relaxed and happy. I liked the scenes a lot.

Sorry to be a nag, I won't mention it again, haha, but in case anyone missed my other post I was wondering if anyone had copies of medianet pictures including Tracy besides the current ones and the Shady Brook ones. I am not sure how long medianet has been around, so I don't know how many there would be, but I am working on another banner. And medianet pictures are very nice. :) I also wondered if anyone has a copy of the clip where JE gets the emmy? I have never seen it. Thanks so much!

EDIT: Oh, Ms. Q, you beat me! (I have been typing for like the past half hour...)

Edited by Colette
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Thanks for the recaps Ms. Q and Colette! I don't have any old medianet photos saved. I don't have the emmy clip either. Sorry as I would love to help out. Maybe LadyA? She has lots of old stuff, but that is really old.

Seems like nov. will be good in the episode count for TQ! Ms. Q--this could be her best year in a while huh?

Have art tonight, but will try to be online later around 9:30pm central.

Hey you new yawkers on this board (lainey, BSG, TL) ---do cabs take credit cards these days like on long rides from the airport into the city?

I wonder if since they have pretty much written off GF returning anytime soon, they are moving ahead full steam with Lunacy? I noticed that is it nice she hasn't been mentioned in a while. I mean Nik has guardianship (hey..maybe he will ax off laura during a random rage attack visting her) but they haven't brought her back or mentioned where she is.

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Wait, so I finally figure out how to use my vcr along with the direct tv only to have it do it's mysterious type-changing thing it does a few times a year and now I find out it does it on what could very well be a good lunacy day?! I know I now have soapnet and can at least see the eipsode, but clips please? Whenever you can

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Colette, I used to have about 2.5 seconds from JE Emmy in a montage. I'll see if it's on this computer a little later. If it's not, I'll get if off the other one soon.

As for media net pictures, there were none of Tracy during the hostage crisis or train wreck. ABC media pics, in general, used to be stored on Soaps Sites, but the site is now defunct. Here are some that I found saved on my computer (not all of them are the best of shots for a banner):









Time for dinner! Catch you all later!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Okay so on soapdish now in the insider's lounge ther is a summary for this week (Nov. 2nd week) This is what it said regarding Luke and Tracy

(I am not bothering to spoiler black it out as we have seen this before)

Elsewhere, Luke pours his heart out to TRACY.

But the interesting thing is...this is for the week of the 2nd, and then it says later for the week of the 9th that the episode title is "Luke opens his heart to Tracy" and then Luke confronts Zacharra both on the Nov. 9th episode. Which is interesting to me, because could it be possibly that Luke pours his heart out to tracy before he thinks he is dying of a heart attack? How great would that be if it wasn't like a death looming confession? Hmmm...check that out Ms. Q and see what you think on page 123 of the IL there.

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I loved Tracy and Luke today. She looked so happy and they were so in sync. I just love this pairing. It's sheer genius. Look at how they are in sync with blowing Scott and Logan's worlds apart at the ball because it's the right time. LOL They just make me smile. I can fast forward through everything but those two. And I want to see Luke with AZ! I would love to see Luke and Tracy go up against AZ. Now that would be a match. Why can't we get any of Luke and Tracy going up against Helena? Tracy would make a good Cassadine rival.

More Tracy! More Tracy!

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And by the way...who is up for some retro Tracy fan fic? Who wants to see Tracy on the continent with a tall, dark and romantic Latin man? We have some Tracy gaps in GH history, do we not? So she has the potential to have a mysterious man in her past and the stage has been set since she dropped the bomb that she had met (at least a relative) on "the continent."

What do you think Tracy lovers? I mean I love my LuNacy, but there was Tracy before Luke and damn it, I'm sick of her not having a hot love life in the past.

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I want it, too!

And yes, it was me. It was me.

Oh.. I started my own versions of the 'declarations of deep love.' It's called "The Glint of Gold." Here's hoping I finish it. We'll see....

The cabs are supposed to have the TVs and the credit card machines.. but not all of them do. Only 'yahoos' try to use cards. Pay cash. From LGA to East Side will cost about $25.ish, give or take.

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YAY! How long have we been waiting for this?! So excited.

WOOOT! So excited. And so proud of our boys!

Totally agree with Lainey. The cabs are supposed to have the credit card machines, but the drivers will tell you that they are broken (even if they aren't) because there is a service charge that cuts into their cut. Better to just have the cash rather than be stranded.

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