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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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^^^ Was my last sentence up there not positive enough? I tried ending my post on a happy note. :)

BTW, I hate when posters give incorrect information to other posters. And I don't mean SoapDish. I mean, when someone has a question about GH (i.e. how did Luke and Tracy hook up), and someone responds, saying Tracy kind of blackmailed Luke into marriage. Are we watching the same show?!

remos, glad your son is ok!

Lady A, hooked, got a minute to chat?


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I think she meant that for me Colette!!! :)

Well haven't gotten to watch today yet, but to me it was considered a bonus since we didn't think she would be on this week at all!

I am so stressed out it is unbelievable right now. I am totally finding a therapist tomorrow. I have got to find a way to separate and deal with this overabundance of schoolwork for my son and his attentional/focus issues, plus the resentment I am starting to feel because of the whole thing--I have been there done that with school, i don't want to spend my evenings and afternoons doing all this work again with him. My mom was calling me tonight telling me I am going to get sick over all this and get an ulcer or something. I need someone to give me some coping strategies!

On a positive note though...it has been so gorgeous here this week. Blue sky with not a cloud to be seen, 70-75 degrees, breezy---we get like maybe a total of 10 great days like this a year here total, so I am trying to enjoy each and every one of them!!!

Hope to catch you later LadyA/MsQ--sorry I had to bolt before...had to drive carpool. Gotta drive one more round tonight in about 5 minutes too! Be online around 8 central hopefully!

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Shoot Ms. Q--maybe you were right---someone on soapdish just answered my questions about the Qs being at the ball--they said not a single one of them makes it there (Nik annoucnes the harbor closes). Oh I hope they are wrong...but it is looking like the Qs will be relegated to worrying at home once again. Maybe she will get some hospital scenes later on...why would scott get to be there and not Tracy---UUUGGGHHHH! So much for my positi9vity huh?


I need to stay off that site soapdish--it is unhealthy negative bunch of nut jobs! Now two people just answered that saying Tracy makes it to the ball, and people are pulling legs tonight in there. Another person also answered that Tracy does make it to the ball.

I gotta go carve pumpkins with my family. I am relegated to that nasty job of pulling out all the gross slimy insides and seeds cause nobody else will do it--sucks being the mom sometimes! :)

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I'll try to make it into the breakroom in a bit.

As for right now, SoapDish's latest "insider" said NONE of the Q's make it to the ball (hooked, was that you asking again? :P). I'm not bothering spoiler tagging anymore since we have no real confirmation. I'd like to believe Tracy is there, so I have a reason to watch GH next month, but you know, if she's not, it'll be okay. :)

I'll just stick to this thread where it's all TQ, all the time (unless I'm ranting about Jason's hair or something like that). Anyway, for the record, I find it STUPID that TIIC would leave the Q's out of a ball that 1) not only should be featuring the entire cast but 2) is in freakin' honor of Alan QUARTERMAINE. That said, it might be stupid, but it doesn't surprise me. But, from a "fashion standpoint," there is a bright side:

If Tracy is NOT at the ball...There is no chance of her being in a ugly, dowdy, frumpy [insert word of choice] outfit for however many days in a row.

I'm trying, guys. I'm trying. :lol:

Hi hooked! Looks like you did ask!

BTW, Colette, I was referring to hooked's post. You and I posted 3 mins apart, so the ^^^ went to her, not you. :)

Edit: Do we believe this?

Yes, I am back to spoiler-tagging. So,

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hey Stace--can you post today's clips since Nex is out of town if you have a chance and if they are posted at HG?

Yes it was me asking! Finished carving pumpkins. Gonna check the br for a sec...promised adam I would play with him for five minutes! But so far, he forgot about it!


last time for this stuff I promise...but now someone who claims to have breakdowns and doesn't post the info cause it is not their info to give said they will confirm things but won't spill anything...here was the latest response and then I am so done with this is she there or is she not there....


So do you know if Tracy is there or not? Or Monica? Do they just not make the launch? I am a old timer with GH and it makes me sad that the Qs are so low on the totem pole that they never get to be there for the disasters unless they are getting killed off like Alan!


I'd rather not give out new stuff, but I will say that yes Tracy is there and Monica is not.

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UGH that stinks about Monica not being at the ball if their correct which they probably are

Today was ok I liked how she agreed to help Luke and they clinked glasses that was a sweet moment imo lol.

Anybody around to chat. 9:10 central time???? I'm on for a bit gotta do some studying for saturday

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Remos, glad to hear that rusty is going to be okay.

Ms. Q, thanks for the vid! :) I am going to watch it right now.

About the spoilers.... she BETTER be at that ball!! Should I start calling the comment line now? Would it make a diff? prob not. I hate that everytime sweeps comes around she's never in the thick of things like everyone else is. Does Luke suffer his HA there, and she is supposed to be with him, right? I HATE this freakin' show!

Edit: Rachel and I are in the BR... come join if ya can.

Edit Again: Just watched your vid Stace! LOVED IT! Love the new scenes. I think you have good timing with it, because now they are together more than ever now, and all the hotness came from this year so....

Oh, and about today's show.... I'm glad they were on. LOVED her touching Luke - YUM! The scenes were too short like a 1/4 a milisecond each. ugh. This show show so annoys me, but at least they were on.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Good morning all.

Thanks for the compliments on the video.

Per the scene insider at SD, Luke is on M, T, W, R next week. Right now, from what's posted, it looks like Tracy is on just M.

hooked, "is she or isn't she [at the ball]" might just be our question of the year! LOL. At the end of the year, we should do a little poll: Favorite hair, favorite outfit, favorite single line of dialogue, most popular question (haha)...

Possible spoiler:

Finally, not sure if this was from SI or not, but the ball apparently begins the 31st and ends the 15th. That's not too many days without Tracy, right? Like 12?

Re: CLIPS - Entire show is here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4TJ06PHM

Credit goes to Trudy of HG.

No promises if I'll have them edited by today.

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Ms. Q--Looks like the last word on Tracy at the ball is no from that insider. Oh well. She wasn't at the metrocourt eithr and we survived. At least it seems she was supposed to be there with Luke, but doesn't make it cause the launch is closed or something. Okay...my positive spin of the day...at least Tracy won't be getting killed or one of the victims if she is not there. Surely they will show the Qs in some throw away scenes all dressed up with nowhere to go.

I feel like writing GH and telling them how horrible they are to ignore the Qs at a ball that their daughter is throwing and not to let Monica have scenes with her, etc. Especially since it is in alan's honor Nik is making the donation. Hate this show so much.

Also they are saying now that Emily is presumed dead and there is the funeral, etc, but Zachara kidnaps her and holds her prisoner in his home and it will be reminiscent of the "Think of Laura" time frame when Laura disappeared all those years ago on the docks and was held by the Cassadines. Blah! Since when are Emily and Nik that important?? This is the Sonny/Jason/Carly show!!!

I couldn't get back upstairs last night to chat--sorry guys...had so much going on around here. Catch you tonight for sure. My husband is leaving town til saturday today so I will have one less person to worry about--ha ha.

About yesterdays show: Even though it wasn't a lot of time, they are TOTALLY married and united now as a team. She and Luke seemed like Lulu's parents and Tracy did seem genuinely worried about Lulu. I like how luke told her good try spanky trying to get lulu to stay. Also how they clinked glasses and how she touched his shoulder. That was strange with the camera angles and her face not being in the shots some of the time.

Who else wanted to slap the crap out of that snot nosed lulu.


Oh, this cracked me up yesterday. Thought Luke sorta looked like Mr. Rogers or something with his sweater on with the collar sticking out of it--he looked really old to me yesterday and grandpa-ish! :)

And was tracy saying "good question" to Lulu when lulu asked luke who told him that lulu was around Zachara because she was wondering too?

Edit again:

Some new youtube video/clips have been added:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM0x_HCBrRE (tracy gives birth to premature dillon)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe91dF6P3iE (tracy goes into labor)

This was on wubs.net blog: Thought it was funny.

"Good to see Luke and Tracy acting like an old married couple. They have become the new-old-guard Q's."

Okay edit again (I need to so get a life today)

I posted a new thread of SOC...please add to it!! It is called Why are no Qs at the ball?


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