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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Scenes: 4

Hair: Mediocre

Clothes: Red blouse (I haven't seen it before). It wasn't sparkly or anything, just... a blouse. ha. And black pants.

Scenes 1 & 2: Tracy is in the Q Mansion having breakfast. She tells Alice to call her messeuse(sp?) because, it is implied, she is stressed. Once Alice leaves, she talks with Alan on how Luke has ditched her, same old. Next scene, Logan comes in. She wants to pay him if he gets chummy with Scott. Once they get close, Tracy thinks that Scott will share some of his secrets with Logan. Logan will tell Tracy, and she will be able to blackmail Scott into bringing Luke back. (I think, it went by fast.) Also, this will help make Lulu happy. (When he first came in she mentioned that he needed to repay Lulu for what he did to her.) He says that what he has with Lulu is real, and that she will come back. So he declines.

So it looks like Tracy will be clothing-less because, I am guessing, Luke will be interrupting a massage appointment.

Scene 3: Tracy admits to Alan that she cares about Lulu. He threatens to leave her, she is being nice! Scott comes in and explains the deal to Tracy that he made with Lulu (about the giving Logan a second chance and he will give gaurdianship back to Nik thing) so she slaps him and throws out her back! haha. Tracy is angry because he is taking advantage of Lulu. He leaves (threatened by Alice) and Tracy throws something at him when he is walking out the door. And hurts her back again. Massage time!

Scene 4: Does Tracy have a fling with this "Ramon," her masseuse?! She is on her back on the table (naked but with the towel). In comes the guy (no visage seen) and he starts massaging her. She is going "ohhh thats good.... blah blah" and he leans in to kiss her. Her eyes are closed and she says "You didn't waste any time!" She opens her eyes, and sees its Luke!!! Looks like our girl has a sex life besides with Luke, haha.

Preview!!!: Tracy is touching Luke's face. She says: "Scott dropped the charges." Luke is like, "What?" She was wearing that dark blue shirt with the sparkly light blue swirls. The one that was showed in that SoapNet promo. I am assuming tomorrow will be those scenes.

So many grammar mistakes! Sorry, I fixed them.

Edited by Colette
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Hair wasn't wonderful, but I liked it. Much better than last week.

Pants looked dark brown to me, but that might've been the TV.

Blouse as Colette mentioned was plain, reddish. Those who remember what she wore when Skye brought Lila Rae home and when Luke removed his ring - This is the same top.

I liked how TIIC had Tracy writing the check onscreen. Very realistic. Usually, it seems like these characters aren't capable of doing 2 things at once, but lo and behold wrote a check and talked to Alan, simultaneously!! I also liked that Lucky was eating while talking to Nik, who was putting jam or jelly or whatever on bread. Anyway...

LOVED Tracy/Alan. I know a lot of people are getting tired of it. Nice Tracy/Lulu comparison. Tracy: (not word for word): If this keeps happening, she is gonna give up on love. Alan: And then she is going to turn into you. Delivery was PERFECT by JE and especially SD.

Okay. I've never thrown out my back, and I know Tracy is overdramatic, but there is a lot of face scrunching and moans in her scenes today. Maybe that's normal. LOL.

Tracy SLAPPED Scott! I don't think I've ever seen Tracy slap anybody (though I've seen Tracy be slapped). But note to Tracy: Probably shouldn't slap someone if your back is messed up and then procede to throw a feather duster thing at them.

Had to chuckle at Tracy's response to Logan's "Wow, you really are twisted." It was a little evil smile and a "Thank you." Oh, and note to TIIC: Tracy's scheme wasn't twisted. Pretty mild if you ask me.

Big laugh out loud at Tracy's reaction to Alice about to loosen out her back. Gotta love JE's comedic ability.

Was it just me or did Tracy seem almost like she was gonna cry when she told Alan he was annoying her. Wasn't as noticeable as that summer "I'M SO SICK OF YOU" scene. But either Tracy was gonna cry or JE had a bug or something in her throat.

Now, onto the 2 seconds of LuNacy. First of all: I did like his entrance. Thought it was semi-creative not to show his actual face, and since I knew it was Luke, I was squeeing.

But then...WHO THE HELL IS RAMON? I think he was away (that's what Alice mentioned, I think), but then, he came back, and Tracy's missed him?! They definitely had something on the side, 'cause she was definitely enjoying those kisses on her back. And then "You didn't waste any time?!" Is our girl cheating on her husband? :o It kind of took the romance out of Luke's return.

Second of all: Someone on SoapDish said Tracy gave Luke (or, "Ramon" I guess) tongue. I'll have to watch again. 'Cause I can't see JE doing that, LOL.

Previews: I wasn't really comfortable with Tracy all over Luke like that. Okay, so it was just a face touch, and she was smiley and girly, girly (maybe), but Luke did not seem into it at all. Also, I think her hair and outfit was better today, LOL.

Not Tracy related, but I LOVED Scott's line to Mike: Go tend to your fries. (when Mike was interfering with Scott/Lulu)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Ah good for Tracy---you go girl---hope she was having a fling with her masseuse--she deserves it...four months with no luke around--ha ha! She needed a boy toy! Haven't watched yet, but can't wait to. Gotta deal with kids and homework first.

Be back with my hair and comments later...although I am sure Ms. Q and I are "like this" on it--ha ha.

BTW--Tracy did slap Ned once by the way in 1991 on the balcony on the gatehouse when the ELQ Tracy sunk and he was nasty to her.

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The slap was good, and a long time coming. It was one of the few things that wasn't spoiled or cliche in the episode, I thought.

About Ramon, didn't the earlier conversation between TQ and Alice refer to him being gone for awhile and was now back, so I'm thinking she got hinky with her masseur - but not necessarily of late.

Speaking of the ring, I was intending to look for it when Luke started his massage (my sons had other ideas). Was he wearing his wedding ring today?

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My take on today...

Hair, while not it's best, it was still pretty good, stellar compaired to last week. Her colorist gets a reprieve... but she/he's on temporary probation.

Outfit... I have to say that I loved the blouse, but I'll tell you why.

1) It was not that long, loose, flowing stuff that makes her looks humungous

2) It's red, which always looks good on her.

3) and last, when she stood up and turned to Alice when she came into the room she looked much thinner and very shapely, especially compaired to other days.

I just think, even if it was a mediocre shirt, that it was flattering on her.

Scenes, loved all but the last one and here's why... First of all, so psyched that Luke is back and I would have loved the whole thing, but my issue with it is that, of all the rotten things TRacy has done in her past, she has never been a philanderer. She's pretty damned against that. Now we are supposed to believe that she is getting it on with her massuere?! I don't think that it was supposed to be a long time ago thing b/c it would have been far too long ago for it to be relevent for her. She missed his hands and everything about him?! If it was not recent she would have forgotten it for Luke and so now do they have her being a big ol' cheater? That makes it a little harder to be on her side when she is hurt when Luke does the same (thoiugh I'm on her side anyway).

Just don't understand why they to rewrite years worth of history for something that isn't even important to the story. He could have just been a masseure and Luke surprised her and then kissed her. Instead she just makes out with some young guy and has no idea that she's actually with her husband! Come on!!

Other than that, I loved it....

Especially loved the slap, that was FABULOUS!! And I loved when Logan said she truly is twisted (or evil or something to that affect) and she smiled and said thank you

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knh and Ms.Q I have to agree with you on her hair it looks better than it did a few weeks ago, the style seemed a bit 'breezyer' (is that a word??) today. The jacket was much better today because it is form fitted instead of the usual oversized ones she usually wears and I liked the orange/red color with the brown slacks. (you were right Stace it was the same jacket she wore when Skye brought Lila Rae home)

What I don't get is how Alan is suppose to be Tracy's conscience and yet he notices that Alice has been cleaning the boat house more often, how is Tracy's conscience suppose to know that? :huh: Whatever! The last scene was the only thing that got me, why oh why did the writers make it seem like she is sleeping with the illegals (Sebastion was deported) who are massaging her? I don't like it! As Ms.Q pointed out it made the whole renuion less romantic! :angry:

Anyhoo, here are today's clips courtesy of Favorite-Moments.net, enjoy!


Clips provided by Izzy edited by me!

I don't know how I feel about the previews for tomorrow yet, I guess I will just have to wait and see.

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Nex, thanks for the clips! You're a doll.

Ms.Q, I like our style. I recap the basics and you do the detail. :lol: And I agree with your wonderful insight. I was also a little annoyed with the preview. Luke seemed totally out of the whole romance thing. Which is irritating. And when Logan said how she was twisted, I though it was great how she agreed, but I was thinking "What? She isn't even hurting anyone. This is very mellow for Tracy. Hardly the state of 'twisted.'"

Knh, I completely agree with pretty much everything you said. (well, typed) What a way with words! I thought it was completely out of the blue to make Tracy a cheater. It seemed like a last minute decision to make the scene seem "funny." Well, I wasn't laughing. At least Luke didn't seem at all affected that it was made pretty obious that his wife was cheating. Not like he hasn't done far worse things (such as leaving for 4 months) but he didn't even seem to notice. Hopefully this farce of a "fact" will not be elaborated on.

Okay, must be POSITIVE! I enjoyed the scenes except the last one. It was nice to see Tracy on the same amount of time as everyone else. And the lack of Lucky\Liz\Sam has been freaking AMAZING. I can't believe how much more I enjoy the show without them.

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Okay...so maybe I am the minority, but I liked the last scene...even though it is so stupid that she would be kissing her masseuse and it is not like Tracy to cheat on a husband, it would be like her to have a fling with her masseuse had she not been married...she said her patience had run out today to Alan. Anyway, didn't like that part, but thought it was a MUCH cuter reunion than what I thought they would do...for example...I thought it would be Luke walking back into the Q living room in the midst of some fighting like he did in Feb and be like "hello all" or whatever. Or he could have walked in on Tracy talking to Alan, but here is my positive spin---THEY CHOSE TO MAKE IT A SOMEWHAT SEXY REUNION!!! And he was certainly kissing her like he misesd her and like he had done that before ya know! And he looked happy to see her and happy that he got to shock her.

So anyway...loved Tracy slapping Scott...loved how she said "thank you " to logan when he said she was twisted. Love how she totally cares about lulu. Love how she looked in her outfit--she looked very thin today...especially when she was bending down over the couch at the end after she threw the feather duster...not a very flattering shot for anyone, but she looked good...the hair was pretty good--not the best ever, but good...liked her outfit..cause like you guys said...not long and flowy!

As far as the preview...I am just so damn happy to see Luke and Tracy with some face touching...that I am thrilled...maybe they had an offscreen love scene prior to that and that is why Tracy is so touchy feeling on his face????

I am just in a very happy mood that Luke is back...I know he is gonna yell at her tomorrow but I think she is going to yell back and then he will come back home to brainstorm with her or whatever...

So much for that BS spoiler about skye calling luke to come back and help her! So luke doesn't know the charges have been dropped and he came back anyway???? Where is EWCBO by the way??? Inquiring minds want to know! Ha ha.

Anyone around at about 8:30 central? Like in about 15 minutes to chat!

Edit...in the br now! 8:30pm

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OMG!!! Mama is SOOOOOO busted!! LMAO! LOVED IT ALL!

I have to say that when I watched it at work, I was so stuck on what she was saying that I kinda blanked out and didn't get the full affect of the scene. I think I litterally sat with my hand over my gaping mouth for like 10 minutes. When I recovered I was like WTMF! - Tracy's been gettin' some on the side! You go girl!!!! Hooked you are not in the minority. I LOVED IT! Hey he supposedly gets some on the side so.... I did rewatch and slo' mo' when I got home tonite and let me just say that I would have been here earlier to post but I had to take a cold shower! LOL!

I also loved her slapping/punching scott in the face, actually I thought it was sexy. LOL. Loved her saying 'thank you' when Logan said she was twisted too. Mama was sexy today! Even while writng out the check to Logan. heehee

And yes, I noticed Tracy touching his Luke's lips with her thumb in the preview for tomorrow! YOWZA!!

EDIT: On my way carrie :)


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You and me TL---Like this on our take--ha ha!

Ms. Q--BTW--I have hurt my back before and I think I moaned and whined louder than Tracy. WHen you throw out your back, everything is painful and it overshadows everything you do!!!!!

I think it was so hilarious that Luke even heard her saying how she missed Ramon's hands and he just kept on doing it and kissing her back, etc!!!

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