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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey guys, I just wanted to check in and see what everyone's been up to. I haven't been on in a few, I'm on bed rest. I know... I'm batting a thoughsand this year, aren't I? So I cut my leg, probably knicked it shaving or something b/c I didn't know I did it and it turned into a huge infection over night. I have cellulitus and am waiting to hear back what the infection actually is. I'm betting a staph inf. But I went to the er on friday, I left work early so I culd get there early enough, stayed for 4 hours waiting and then they said they are supposed to admit me for that but they wanted to check my white blood cell count first. My nurse was awesome b/c she talked them into letting me go home. White blood count was ok so I didn't need an IV, so they took a ton of blood and gave me some oral antibiotics and I went home. I am on bedrest and haven't been able to move... I'm going stircrazy at this point and it's only been a few days. At least I get a day off out of this b/c I am not allowed to go back to work (kids and germs) until my doctor gives me the ok. Only thing that really sucks is that I don't get to go shopping. I had to buy a dress for my uncle's wedding next Saturday, oh well!

I'll try to be on later but i don't know.

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Thanks for posting the pics, haha, Ms.Q!

knh, I hope SO MUCH that your leg gets better! That sounds kind fo scary.

So, about this funeral business, is this over Leslie? Is the rumour confirmed? If it is her, I am sure Tracy would be there because of Luke. The house-exploding thing still disturbs me, though.

If anyone is bored enough, I would love to fill my Tracy void with some emotional TraLu clips. lol. Does anyone have anything exciting besides the abortion? Thanks bunches.

EDIT: anyone in the breakroom?

Edited by Colette
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Hey, gang! Greetings from the TracyVoid! Long weekend here--went to an Anti-Protest Protest Saturday. Three members of Fred Phelps' nasty group, WBC (of G-DHatesFags fame) decided to show up at the funeral of a local soldier killed in Iraq. Well, there were three of them. There about 150 of us. Straight and gay, conservative and liberal, pro-war and anti-war, Christian and non-Christian--we all stood together and overwhelmed the family of the deceased with positive messages and thanks for their sacrifice. It was very cool. No violence, no nastiness (except for about four VERY offensive signs carried by the WBC crew), and lots of community and support. I also saw the Dr. Who episode where Sarah Jane Smith returns, and I have created a monster. Fey is madly in love with both Sarah Jane and Rose, so I think we can expect a lot of Dr. Who in my future. (Squee. I'm an old-guard fan -- Sarah Jane was one of my early crushes, back in the day.)

Back on topic--no fears about the Skye rumors. Everybody knows Luke has special Estrogen-Sniffing-Damsel-in-Distress Sensors. Skye won't need to call him. All she has to do is go out in a stiff wind and be Womanly and Terrified, and Luke's Supersenses will pick it up in no time.

Tracy, on the other hand, doesn't do Damsel in Distress, so she has no way of contacting her husband. Of course, once he gets back to Port Chuck, heh heh. She knows exactly how to get his attention.

Loved the black and white pictures, Ms. Q. Maybe they'll do something like the Black and White Ball. I can't see them going "formal" for a funeral...no, this is going to be some fund raiser thing, I bet.


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Yeah it is some sort of black and white ball I think or party. They have also been some spumors of a surprise wedding coming up. Someone on soapdish speculated that Nik and Emily plan this black and white ball, but who knows. I have also heard that alfred dies so maybe that happens during this party. Actually, the whole thing could be a rumor....

Here's hoping for at least Tracy Wednesday.

BTW--Mexico is a done deal...I used my inner Tracy to cement that one--ha ha! Sorry wasn't around last night...will be tonight.

Deb--That is so cool about the rally you went to. Who is that a pic of all dressed up in black and white? We are in desperate need of a new Tracy fic (hint hint) :)

I think Lainey gets back from Hawaii tomorrow. Her Tracy luck has run out I think with her travels. Only one day the whole time she was gone.

Remos--Hope you had fun on your guides weekend with no kids.

knh So scary about your leg. Hope you feel better soon. That happened to my mother in law when we were in Hawaii...she got some sort of bite that got infected like that. But she is SUCH a hypochondriac that nobody listened to her about getting some medical attention.

LadyA--Hope you enjoyed those last City tapes.

Ms Q--Hope you have a good week teaching your lessons! I might need a quick spanish refresher chat from you!

TL-Is this your birthday weekend for your daughter coming up this weekend? Watching the today show now thinking about coming to NY!

BSG--Hope you got home safely from Montana.


Okay there was a wardrobe thing posted on Soapdish that had what all the women were wearing at this black and white thing--the good news is that Tracy's name was on the list and if this is even true (could be someone just making stuff up (another *&%$ maker upper Staci--LOL) this is what Tracy is supposedly wearing: Tracy - Black w/ruffled skirt/Black shrug

Comment: A black shrug? Doesn't seem very Tracy-like. Unless it is like a wrap or something. At least another new outfit. Hope her hair is oomphy at least--ha ha.

Edit again

Also posted on soapdish is the amount of fan letters Gh gets broken down by characters and couples. Our girl is not on the list of women. NLG gets the most. I guess they keep count. We should start writing in for JE to GH. They also had someone post that casting call sheet when out for October and the only two actors who are taping every single day are SB and BH. But some good news...SB wont' be on October 2, 3, 4, 5 cause he is on vaction--yeah! Some jason free days.

Edited by hookedongh
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Hooked, cool about Mexico. The chick in black and white is Dana Ivey (I knew I had a picture of her at the NYC Black and White Ball somewhere on my old site.) It sounds like a very Windemere thing to do--hold a black and white ball.

As for fic, my brain is really trying--I read half a book on writing Saturday evening, and I'm really jonesing to write. Maybe I'll just pull out a notebook and scratch down whatever comes to my mind, plot be blasted.

Oh, btw, our supervisor is back, amidst many hugs and well wishes. She had 1842 emails in her in box. But she is smiling and happy to be back, and all is right with the world.

EDIT: Did any of you Noo Yawkers make it to the BC/EFA Flea Market yesterday? That is one of my goals in life--to make one of those some day. Dana Ivey was apparently at a table with Robin Strasser (Dorian) and the guy who plays Antonio on OLTL. Ilene Kristen (Roxy) and Bernadette Peters were scheduled right after her. Man. I wish I had been there.

Edited by MinervaFan
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Not sure what that stands for Deb, but TL did mention she was going to a Shubert Alley flea market yesterday if she had time. Wonder if that is the same thing?

I am totally sick right now...this girl convinced me to get a double green tea shot at this smoothie place after we worked out, but I had coffee already this morning and now I am totally shakey and wired. Blah...what a horrible feeling. I should try to turbo clean or do laundry or something to take advantage of this nervous energy. I am a wreck anyway because my dog is sick and something is wrong with her. She is hiding in the closet and won't come out. I am taking her to the vet at 2:30. She is making funny noises and was shaking and panting yesteday two separate times while we were walking. I LOVE MY DOG TO DEATH so I am a wreck.

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Hi all,

While I don't have any scoops or spoilers for you I do have this small tidbit for you, this is according to SOD. Apparently there was a section called Making The Grade, GH got a 3/5 stars, which if you ask me seems a bit high, but whatever, read this:

Heart Monitor: Revenge sex (Sam/Lucky), forced sex (Jax/Irina), drug-fueled sex (Skate) or wagered sex (Maxie/Logan) doesn't equate to love in the afternoon. Scrubs are imploding, but LL3 have the potential to be the next hot couple, with the decades of Baldwin/Spencer feuding behind them. Midlife squabblers Tracy and Luke remain the show's most endearing duo. 2/5 stars.

Hopefully this will remind TPTB that Luke and Tracy are a couple the viewers seem to like and they won't screw with them. Also I have noticed that there are no rumors for you know who returning anytime soon, and thats good news for me. :)

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I like that quote from SOD Nex! They are the most endearing duo--I am thinking no news is good news as I don't think they will be breaking up Lunacy anytime soon. They may not have a major storyline, but I don't think they will ruin them. And great news about GF and nothing on her. She is doing some lifetime movie I think and hopefully she will get any ideas of GH out of her mind!!!


I'm just a posting machine today. Saw this Q&A on daytimedish today in the insider's lounge...stace--you might get the scene you wanted.

Edited by hookedongh
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Oooh, that's EXACTLY the flea market I was talking about, Hooked. I'm sooooo jealous of the folks here who live in/near NYC. It's like my dream place, and I love to be there right freakin' now. :D

I hope your dog is okay--sick pets are just terrifying. I'm sure not as terrifying as sick kids, but still scary to me.

So Luke and Tracy are the Midlife It couple, huh? Man, I need to write some fic. I just need to. Come on, Brain, WORK ALREADY..... :(

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Maybe TL will post about it later Deb if she made it there yesterday.

This was on wubs blog today. Under her rumor section:

Can you tell I am stuck home today and am avoiding doing laundry and putting it away. Waiting on a repairman for my icemaker.

Hopefully my pup will be okay. She just came out from the closet under all the hanging clothes just now to see who was at the door. That was a good sign.

Waves to IluvaandM

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Tracy!! 3 scenes.

Lulu decided to stay with Jason. Then pops in Tracy (which I wan't expecting) in all her glory! With Edward behind. They argued about where she was going to stay, and how Tracy thought it wasn't safe. Edward said Lulu didn't have a say in it, because "this is a dictatorship" or something. It was pretty funny. Then, Lulu accused Tracy of just caring about her because she is worried that Luke won't come back if she doesn't. Yikes, that was a burn. Spinelli was defending Lulu, too, which was entertaining. Tracy and Edward finally gave up, and before they left Tracy said something like "If you want to come back, I promise you that no one will be saying 'I told you so.'" Aww I thought that was nice.

It was short, but at least it was something. I am just worried that this is the end of Tracy's current storyline. I mean, with Lulu finally offically moved out, what can Tracy do until Luke gets back?

EDIT: Ms.Q! Yes, for like millisecond she mentioned that she was married into the mob, and how it is dangerous. THANKSSS for the clips!!! And I like the Jason quote, haha!

Edited by Colette
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So did Tracy really bring up her mob past? :o (I read that on SZ).

Yay for Tracy!Monday - But can she please be on Wednesday too? But I also suspect this is the end of her "story" 'til Luke returns, and even then, we're not guaranteed a story.

Catching up (you all posted a ton while I was gone today - LOL)...

Colette, here are some TraLu almost bonding kind of scenes. Credit Shazzer.


Tracy is worried about Lulu and whatever investigation she, Spinelli, and Dillon are doing.


Brief, but Lulu realizes that Tracy cares about Luke (end of clip).


Even briefer, but Lulu realizes that Tracy loves Luke (beginning of clip).


Lulu is sympathetic towards Tracy after Luke takes off (end of clip).

hooked, glad you're able to go to Mexico. Podemos practicar español en el "breakroom." Speaking of, teaching went fine today. First couple minutes was rough; I got tongue tied and then went "blah, blah, blah, blah" (that thing with the tongue), and then there was a good 5 seconds in which I stood there without uttering a single word, 'cause nothing would come out. But, other than that, it went well. I surprised myself with my assertiveness.

I got to teach 2 classes today even though it was just supposed to be one. But since supervisor is coming tomorrow, my CT let me practice. Unfortunately, I decided I wanted my supervisor to come 3rd hour (the students are more eager in that class), but if I were thinking, I would've had him come 4th, so I could practice during 3rd. Haha.

BTW, I don't see Tracy in a shrug either. The ruffled skirt? Yeah. Though I wish they would burn that. I was thinking of other recycled outfits that she could wear. The hotel fire one was good. Oh, that white top someone was asking about - She wore it for Courtney's Charity Foundation Event (when Tracy had her awesome line about Jason writing anonymous checks because it saves him the monumental effort of remembering his own first name) and for Nik and Em's engagement party.

knh, hope your leg gets better. That sounds really scary.

MinervaFan, good to see you posting more. :)


Most endearing couple scan. Credit anon of SoapDish.

ILuvAndM, I got your email! Thanks so much.

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