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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Going back and reading everyone's posts, I have more to post. And there is too much stuff on the other one, lol.

TL: Thanks!!! I can't do clips or fics, but I am usually around to recap! Haha.

Nex: Muchas, muchas gracias for the clips!

Ms.Q: I thought that pic didn't look much liker her, either! She looks really pretty, of course, but it looks so different. Would you mind posting the pic from the second one from the right of the banner? I haven't seen it before. Thanks!!

Knh: So basically amen to everything you said about Alice. You thought waaayyyy into that and it makes complete sense. I love Alice a little more now. lol.

LaineyBev: I didn't notice the tie, but I did see how the suit was fitting a little different. Like it was a man's. The actress who plays her could totally pull it off, if thats where TIIC is going. I thought it was interesting way back how she had zero attraction to Sonny, especially when that other guy mentioned it. Thats a change, for female GH characters, haha! :P

EDIT: After analyzing Ms.Q's pic for a bit, because I'm like that, I believe it is the eyebrows that are misleading. They are longer, and a little thicker. I think I need a life, lol.

Edited by Colette
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*hands on hips* I posted clips too! :P Actually, though, neither one of us had to do anything except copy/paste the link. As nex pointed out, Trudy of HellaGood clipped the episode and edited it.

You're welcome. :)

BTW, I'm not really taking offense that people didn't notice I posted the clips. I'm sure the link got lost in my long-@$$ post. :lol:

It came from this article: Part 1 Part 2. Credit Tracey of Jane Elliot Online. BTW, site has been updated post November 13, 2006; well, the galleries have been updated, anyway.

Onto the episode...

Laura Wright needs to go on vacation more often. Love that there is NO CARLY. And the Q's get screentime!!! Imagine that!


Colette, you're right. 4 scenes.

Some comments, spoilered out…

Favorite scene?

Least favorite scene?

Scene that wasn't there but should've been:

I am hoping for tomorrow, but 3 days in a row seems too good to be true. The one bad thing about Lulu moving out is that the Q's will get like NO screen time now (actually, maybe not; seemed like the set up for Alan/Monica was today). Anyway, I'm so torn on the Lulu issue. Love seeing the Q's; hate that they prop Lulu. But still...I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!

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Thanks for the excellent recap, Collete!

PS: I would say that Tracy is only "teaming up" with Scott to get him to admit/realize that Logan is his son and then to get Scott to keep Logan away from Lulu.

Ms Q, we posted at the same time. Thanks for the extra info. The Susan Moore reference was hilarious. I wonder if it's a precursor to somebody telling Lulu & Logan (and most of the audience) that Scott & Tracy were once a couple, too. Of course, I am hoping that little bit of info comes out when Luke is back. I'm assuming he doesn't know, but maybe he does.

Edited by MagicHappens
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Oh my gosh Ms.Q I'm sooooooo sorryyyyy! I didn't see them!!! :o And thanks for the other clips you posted, by the way. Forgot that in the last post.

Ooooh thanks!

I totally thought that, too, and was deeply distressed. Because I looove TraLu. And I also noticed the prop for Alan\Monica, I thought that she was actually going to hear one of his "third drawer to the right"s.

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Haven't watched today yet, but here is my take and then I have to drive my son to art---maybe alan and monica will have their anniversary memories through tracy and she will relay his stuff to Monica...remember they spoiled alan and monica will hae a special anniversary but not in the way you would thinkg (like him appearing to her). Tracy maybe will convey what they each want to say to each other??? Could work and get Tracy some airtime! Hopeful thinking!

Ta ta for now!


So how is this for traditional Rosh Hashana TL/Lainey?---went to Mexican food for lunch, and my husband just made this huge pitcher of margaritas for us all for happy hour. So much for Manishevitz grape wine huh???

Hope to catch you guys tonight. If for some reason I miss you Lainey--have a fantastic trip to Hawaii! I will post the clips of TQ for you while you are gone at my savefile and email you the link.

Almost done with Middlesex lainey--really interesting book. I was reading it in the sweltering heat while my mom and i took Adam to the park that he was begging to go to. I felt so rude reading while my mom was there with me, but I looked over and she was dozing on the bench, and I was reading and adam was talking nonstop to both himself and us on the swing!

Colette--thanks for the recap

Ms. Q/Nex--Thanks for the clips from yesterday and in advance for them from today :)

I am assuming no new outfit today as no wardrobe comments or hair comments from the peanut gallery around here!! :)

Edited by hookedongh
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^^^ Interesting speculation, hooked. I'm not sure if that's the best way to honor Alan and Monica, even though I would LOVE to see Tracy involved.

So, I realized that the timing on GH is messed up. Yesterday, it was morning. The scenes continued right were they left off (which is why there was no change in hair/wardrobe, hooked), and suddenly, it was night. Yet, the final scene in the Q mansion, Monica had orange juice in her hand (granted I drink orange juice at night, but OJ on a soap means it's breakfast time, LOL). Then cut to Liz/Lucky when it's definitely night. I know. I know. I'm supposed to overlook these things.

*waves to inyron*

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hola chicas! I just got done studying for a spanish test with my son. My whole entire family has been outside tonight swimming and such. It is really nice cause when your family lives so far away and you only get to see them 5-6 times a year, it is fun to all be together.

Dying to watch GH, but don't have time yet. Still entrenched in homework out the wazoo--stinks when they kids have to miss school and still make up all the work.

Yeah Ms. Q--not the best way to honor alan and monica, but wishful thinking that tracy will be the "go between" I can see alan saying to her "If you do this for me, I will leave you and Luke alone for a few days when he comes home.

I am going to try to get on the computer around 9ish central. Hope to catch you guys.

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knh: Welcome back! Good luck with everything! I totally agree with you about Tracy/Scotty and Alice. Tracy is just trying to protect LUKE'S DAUGHTER. If he finds this a reason to feel betrayed, I hope she tells him how it's gonna be. (oh, snap!)

I've heard that the Weathersfield DMV has a good pass rate for the road test...not that anyone I know personally went there for that reason... ;)

Um, I like to pretend that the "his" is in front of Tracy's name as well as Lulu's. Um, and I hope that Tracy keeps him


I have so much to catch up on at the Lovefest. So many treats! Ms. Q and Hooked: I still need to read your new fics. Can't wait!

hooked: I LOVED the 1989 promo. That was too awesome. I wish I had vidding technology (maybe when the laptop gets better). Tracy needs a "Tracy. Is. Back." Promo for her escape from Shadybrook!

I haven't had a chance to watch yesterday's episode, but I'm so psyched for more Tracy. I was definitely in the category of fans that wanted Luke to spring Tracy from Shadybrook, not because she couldn't take care of herself like EWCBO, but as a gesture of his love and how important she is to him that he'd leave his angel (*pukes...whew, that's better*) to help her. Then I was in the group of fans who wanted anyone to spring Tracy...she was so sad and defeated when Edward sent her back there after Dillon left...where was her fight? Sooo...as much as I would have liked a romantic LuNacy reunion at the looney bin, I'm happy that Tracy sprung herself. That's our girl!! TRACY. IS. BACK.

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Ta ta todos

Don't have too much fun while I'm away .

Maybe my mojo is back, and you'll have LOTS of Tracy while I'm away (here's hoping! ;) )


Oh... clips.. save clips of any TQ appearances (or if Diane does anything especially cool..... hehehe).

My TIVO is still on the blink. I have been too lazy to deal with it (There's been no TQ, so there has been no motivation. Maybe now I'll get it fixed!)

Edited by LaineyBev714
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Are you in CT too?! Wow, if you are it's cool there's actually someone near me I guess. And thanks for the lucky thoughts

and PS... "oh snap!" doesn't begin to cover it if she tells Luke where he can put his feelings of betrayal. As much as I don't want anything to break them up couple's fight... I definately think that should be one of their's and she should re-establish some power in their relationship b/c he may not even think about who's got the power right now but she just gives it right up to him because she's crazy in love. I love every part of her personality but she needs to keep bringing back a bit more of the 'good ol' Tracy we all know and love. That's the one he initially fell for anyway (or at least I think so). If she was such a push over in the beginning he'd have had no interest. Not that she's much of one now, but certainly more than her usual self.

Anyhoo... see you all later

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Hmm, A TRACY IS BACK promo for the Shady Brook release?! I'd like to make one. LOL. Only thing is, she's not exactly doing anything interesting now that's she out. TRACY IS FREE...AND NOW, SHE'S SET ON DESTROYING HER STEPDAUGHTER'S RELATIONSHIP. CAN SHE DO IT?! Um, who cares? Love my girl, but no. Give Jane Elliot something worthy of her talents.

As far as clips go, we might be getting them from Something-More which might be called Favorite Moments now or something similar. Not sure. Basically, HellaGood doesn't have clips up yet, so we'll see what happens.

Lainey, have fun on your trip!!!

OT, but I won't be around for much of the day. :( Have a babysitting "job." Will be gone from noon 'til whenever she leaves the wedding reception tonight/early morning. Kids are 4 and 2, so this is going to be an adventure. Might bring back some of my working at the day care memories - Haha.

BTW, THE TRACY APPRECIATION at SOC continues to grow. Though, I have to say "I worship Tracy" was a much better title than the one I came up with. LOL.

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Assuming no such luck today with 3 days in a row since nobody posted anything. I know Staci is away today, but I see Colette (waves to Colette) online and she has not posted a recap! I didn't get to watch...still busy with my parents, who are leaving tomorrow night.

Hope to catch up with you guys later tonight. Hey at least we got two days this week--more than the whole month of August. Could it be that they would have yetserday's lulu annoucement have a follow up on a (dare I say it...MONDAY??) Could Tracy rate a Monday episode??? Only if it entails lulu propping I guess. So sad!!

Just posted in the SOC thread...love that the Tracy love is still going on over there.

I am at a loss for what to write about now due to the end of the Shadybrook era--ha ha!!

EditJust noticed we are on page 425!!! Doesn't it just seem like I won the prize for turning to page 400? Pretty good conisdering the lack of Tracy this past 6 weeks!!!

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Hello, all!

Yes, I saw today's episode, but I got home late and just watched it on my DVR. Tracy was in a teeny bit. Sorry I didn't post sooner. My virus protection trial ended yesterday, and all of the sudden, my laptop was like almost completely frozen. I was stuck in this page for SO LONG, without the access to click anything. Talk about torture. I was trying to download new protection, but everything was moving so slowly. The taskbar wouldn't work, so I couldn't restart it. I ended up just shutting it off. Once I turned it back on, it was perfect again. Go figure.

About today:

There was like a minute of continuation with the Q's from yesterday. It wasn't much at all. Tracy attempted to stop Lulu from leaving with Logan again, and said "If Luke finds out that you are living with, *nasty look and points finger at Logan because it disgusts her to say his name*, then he will divorce me!"

I am sorry, but I found that as the lamest freakin line possible. This was like showing that she did not care AT ALL about Lulu and was just trying to desperately hang onto Luke. So wimpy and un-Tracy-like. I found this very annoying. This was pretty much all she said; Tracy basically served as background dressing today. In slight consolation, Logan's room looked like a bomb hit it and he and Lulu were very awkward, though Logan insisted it was alright that she stayed. Stupid Lulu.

And Trevor drugged Kate's drink, so she got in a car crash. If they kill her off, I will be SO UPSET.

So yea, not much excitement from me. Though I shouldn't complain since she was on two days in a row, plus a little today, that line seemed so demoralizing. Now I don't know if she just made this up becuase she didn't want to reveal something to Lulu- I honestly didn't get it.

End of rant. :angry:

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