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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I just saw this on soapdish...posted by anonymous but I don't know the real poster if it comes from a reliable source. It says:

Thanks BSG for the holiday wishes. I had no challah cause I forgot to buy one. My briscuit did come out yummy. My once a quarter homecooked meal was good! :)

sneaking in some computer time cause I know my parents will go to bed early and my computer is in here. Maybe I can sneak on the kids tonight to "debrief" as BSG said. Too funny. We need a Tracy debriefing!!

Glad to see she is in some spoilers. I am choosing to believe this was JE's long summer vacation and she has just returned rested and ready to go! :)

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First of all, I'm so sorry I forgot... Happy Rosh Hashanah to all who celebrate!!!

Next, as for the hair, Mrs Q, I still think it's just that one piece that's bringing it all down. If they could fix that it' be great.

OK, now for what I forgot earlier... Alice and the Luke line. My response to that comes in 2 parts. The first is that she was trying to channel Tracy. She got a short haircut (not the same cut, but whatever) and did anywone else see the Tracy hair flip she did right as she said Mr Luke. I think she is trying to be like her onw b/c she still has a crush on Luke and she wants him to notice her. Part II: I think it is kind of a nice thing that she is doing that. Not nice for Tracy, but nice for the story and nice of the writer's. It's common knowledge now that Tracy is madly in love with Luke, though it took a long time before they let her admit it. There are still plenty of people on the show that say that he is only in love with Laura, so I think Alice was acknowledging their relationship and tipping her hat to the fact that Luke is now clearly in love with Tracy as well, otherwise why would she be imitating a woman he does not have feelings for in order to win his attention. Ok,. those are my thoughts on that. Plus it was just a little funny.

Ok, night all


*waves to Hooked* ... loved the new story by the way... actually loved all the new stories and the new Oh Baby chapters, but there is quite a lot for me to go back and comment on them all now.

Edited by knh
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Okay one more thing....This was funny...on Wubs blog page...called today, "Special Teams Day on GH" Too funny. They said, the Qs were all on, Diane was on, Kristina was one, Cameron and baby Jake, etc. So sad the Qs are lumped in with special teams. They used to BE GH!!!

Also in her blog she said this , "Tracy's hair looks nice. All "Spicy"...LOL. I can only hope the ELQ intrigue will be as "front burner" as the mob story (stop laughing!!)" Ms. Q--did you write this?

Thanks for the story comments knh. Looking forward to catching up with you.

TL--I am gonna try to get on later.

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Okay folks..

like the rest of you, I was THRILLED to see Tracy today. THRILLED THRILLED THRILLED

and I FLOVE that she got out of Shadybrook by manipulating Edward into near bankruptcy and didn't need Luke's Bravery or Scott's Treachery to get her out. She did it by herself, in her own special, manipulative Tracy way. LOVE THAT!!!!


(you knew a but was coming)

In my world Luke and Tracy are heartmates, soulmates, etc., etc., etc., and she would NEVER team up with Scotty like she did today. EVER! It's out of character, and it's disturbing... quite disturbing.... very disturbing. It just wouldn't happen. She is LOYAL to Luke. She may be pissed at him, but the "real" Tracy would never do this. EVER! (Don't they read the sh*t that they write??)

Oh.. Minerva.. you should watch something else.. one other itty, bitty, little thing:

Diane in a FREAKIN' man's grey suit, complete with a little hankie in the pocket and a TIE!!! Yes, a man's tie. Heck.. that woman has been giving out power 'bean vibes for months. So, either TIIC is going there, or they're playing with those of us who are sensitive to those sorts of things!




We got Tracy AND Diane in a freakin' tie.




Oh.. Ms. Q. The picture that is second to the left in your banner -- is that JANE ELLIOT?!?!?! Gasp! Really? Doesn't look like her. When was that taken?

And.. Hooked.. Your story is really good! I loved it. So original. I love how you think. LOVE IT!

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Happy 5768 to all my Yid Tracy/LuNacy buds :) L'Shanah Tovah!

It was great to see our girl on today. She was GOOOOOOOORGEOUUUSS!

Hooked, I haven't had a chance to read your story yet, but I wll. So your brisket came out like butta :) ? Had my apples and honey but I forgot about the round challah - darn!

Colette, Thanks for the re-cap! LOVE LOVE LOVE your new avie - GOOOOOORGEEEEEOUS!

Nex, thanks for the edited clip :)

Lainey, I know what you mean about Tracy and Scott, BUT it is in her character to do what she has to do to get what she wants, and considering she wants Lulu away from Logan... Heck, it beats me as to why, but she'd do anything for that little ingrate.

knh, magic happens, tracyluvr, good to see you guys!

Ms. Q, Love Love Love Your new avatar and banner :)

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Yaaaaay! Tracy!

I have to admit, I was a little disappointed during the first scene where Edward was talking about springing Tracy. She's already been there so long, and Luke *has* to be coming back sometime soon (I mean, right?) so I was hoping he'd come back and be involved in her release story.

Of course, as soon as Tracy revealed that it was her manipulation, I was more than okay with it. That's my girl.

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Lainey, dahlin, if they put Diane and her tie in a serious lip-lock with Tracy, I will definitely take note. But I have too hard a time stomaching the mob crap to have seen much of Diane...sorry.

As far as Luke being pissed that Tracy is teaming up with Scotty, I'd love to say that, wow, it's to protect Lulu, she's only doing it for the greater good, blah blah blah. But this is Luke. I'm absolutely sure that, no matter how valid her reasons, he's going to see it as a betrayal. F-idiot.

Haven't seen the clip yet, but I will definitely check in after with my feedback on the important things--Hair Oomphiness, Wardrobe, and responses to Alice's Single White Female act.

ETA: SKUH-WEE! Just saw the clips from yesterday. Yum and OH! She looked totally beyond gorgeous (I love happy!victorious!Tracy. Soooo shiny!), and I floved the outfit. Couldn't care less about the Lulu/Logan propping--who cares? She looked FABOO, she was high on victory, and she's BAAAACK. *small tear of joy* Thanks so much, MsQ and Nex for posting the clips. Did I mention she looked SHINY? Like, mmmmmm, SHINY......

Edited by MinervaFan
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Just to put a different spin on this... as much as I agree with you on the fact that Tracy is and will be loyal to Luke, I don't think that she thought of this as betraying Luke. I think, like most other things in her life, she is doing what she can and teaming with whoever she needs to in order to get the result she wants. I also think that she is doing it, in part (a large part) for Luke, to save him the headache when he returns and to take care of his daughter, no matter how holy a b-tch she's been lately. That being said, I do, in general, agree with what you said, though, so I am kinda pissed she is working with Scotty. I think she could have found someone else or some other way to get what she wants.

Have a good day all!!!!

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Wednesday’s seem to be THE DAY to feature the vets. After reading this spoiler for next Wednesday, the 19th, I have some hope that Tracy will be on:

She could be on, right?

ANONYMOUS SPOILERS (grain of salt):

Answered that last night in the breakroom, but for anyone else who might be wondering, it was taken circa April 2003 around the time of GH's 40th Anniversary Party. Original article here. Credit Tracey.



I worship Tracy (SOC thread; not by one of us either - Haha).

Lila and Monica tell Tracy about Robert and Anna's wedding (2:57).

Brief Tracy/Paul scene at Robert and Anna's wedding (6:28).

Lucy and Tracy fight over the bouquet at Robert and Anna's wedding (4:27).

Brief/cut scene of the Q's preparing for Robert and Anna's memorial (2:36).

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I will post details once the show is over. :D


Okay. I think it was 4 scenes, correct me Ms.Q if I'm wrong, I kind of lost track. It picked up from yesterday in the Q Mansion. It was nothing new; Monica couldn't find some book and Alan kept yelling that it was in the third drawer to the right, (he said it so many times I remembered) but Tracy wouldn't tell her. BUT, they got onto the subject of adobted Q's, such as Dawn and Jason, and Monica mentioned how if it hadn't been for Skye, Alan would be alive. Alan said "don't think that, there's no point" and Tracy did tell Monica. Like she meant it. Aww props for Tracy! Everyone was like "what?" but she moved on like she never said it.

Tracy went with Scotty, Lulu, and Logan to the hospital (which you guys totally called) and she told Epiphany how she should not have to wait because she is Tracy Q. Epiphany gave this whole speech on how she didn't care, and she would have to wait like everyone else. Tracy had a rare subdued look on her face. No one talks to Tracy like that! But it seemed more aimed for humor.

Then they were back to the mansion. They have to wait a bit for the results to come back. Talking again, Tracy was being accused of seeing Alan (which she was, obviously). But, she denied it because the Q's were threatening to send her back to SB. Tracy said that she "wanted to save her step-daughter" or something. I actually don't remember, I probably made the "save" part up, lol, but it was something endearing like that. Tracy tried to shove out Logan and make Lulu stay, but she announced that she was moving in with Logan. Ha ha and Logan had this "WTF... you are?" look on his face. Which Lulu deserves.

It was much more than I expected today! We got some good Q action, and it is SO nice to see Tracy out of SB. I was worried she really would be sent back for a moment there.

Also, it was left hanging at Lulu's remark, and that scene ended at 3:51. Which is a REALLY GOOD sign for tomorrow because it was in the little section after the last commercial break. She wasn't in the previews, but neither was Carly, and we seem to have luck when she isn't on.

Hope that was accurate! Enjoy :)

Edited by Colette
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