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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Yeah I hear you on the subtracting age thing Deb! I just told my husband who is in San Antonio...that is his biggest fear..ever since he found out he had all this plaque build up in a ventricle of his heart and is on cholesterol meds. He is a big time runner too. He is the healthiest eater, runs marathons, works out, etc but it is genetics--high cholesterol.

Kids due home in 15 minutes from the first day...my god it is quiet around here...I am loving the silence...didn't turn on the radio/tv/etc...just enjoying the "sounds of slience"

Tonight is when I have homework...all those forms to fill out and emergency contact sheets and policy procedure stuff...yuck.

Assuming no TQ today of course...

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Wow, Carrie. I'm so sorry to hear that news. So scary and sad. :(

On a lighter note (I hope it's appropriate that I use the same post for this), I am helping my brother with his geometry homework, and he has to solve for the segment TQ. It says TQ = 7x - 9. Here's a bit of our conversation:

Staci: TQ equals... Oh! TQ! Those are Tracy Quartermaine's initials!

Brother: Oh my gosh...You are sooo weird.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I could not solve that equation if you paid me $100! I have no earthly idea what that means. Boy am I in trouble for high school math huh???

Well I just finished my "homework" for the night, filling out forms and am off to soccer practice. I would complain, but I am so happy to be back in some semblance of a routine....

Already made lunches for tomorrow so I can chat uniterrupted tonight--ha ha.

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The Geek must ask: Ms.Q, was your brother solving for T, Q, or TQ? I mean, was TQ one entity, or was it actually T times Q? So basically, what you'd be asking for is T times Q equals 7 times x minus 9? I'm assuming he needs to solve for T, Q, and x, then?

Oh, dear, gawd, it's too early in the morning to even admit I know that.

When the hell is Tracy coming back? We've devolved into discussing freakin' ALGEBRA on this thread?

I can see Tracy--"Algebra? You're discussing algebra on my thread? Business math at least, perhaps finance or statistics, but ALGEBRA?" I've been asked to return my Official Long Floaty Jacket for the rest of the day; I don't deserve to call myself a Tracy Fan at the moment.

ETA: Geometry. You're solving a geometry problem, not an algebra problem, which makes it all different. (I haven't worked a geometry problem since 1982, so your brother's on his own as far as I'm concerned.) Now Tracy wants me to fork over my Official Big Bulky Necklace along with my Official Long Floaty Jacket, because I didn't read the post clearly enough. Pretty soon, I'm going to permanently lose my Official ELQ Parking Permit, if I'm not careful.

ETA2: Help me, please. Help me, because I think I just remembered how to work that geometry problem. *handing over Official Martini Shaker in shame.*

Edited by MinervaFan
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You are cracking me up way to early this morning MinervaFan...you might have to turn in you clutch purse next! And your panty hose and high heels. Gotta go get my kiddos up for school...

have a good day everyone!


SPoiler from Wubs...Tracy better be on Luke's side, joining in on the fight! Comment...at least no mention of Laura! Maybe he leaves her somewhere safe where Scotty can't find her.

Edited by hookedongh
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About the math problem...I left out some information, so I could just get to the TQ part. But, since we're discussing it, there was a number line with points P, T, and Q. T was the midpoint. PT = 5x + 3 and TQ = 7x - 9.

So, first you solve for x by setting the segments equal to one another.

5x + 3 = 7x - 9 (subtract 5x from each side)

3 = 2x - 9 (add 9 to each side)

12 = 2x (divide each side by 2)

6 = x

Since TQ = 7x - 9, you plug in 6 to get TQ = 7(6) - 9, which comes out to 33, final answer.

If you want to check, you can plug 6 into PT, and you get 5(6) + 3 which also comes out to 33, as it should since the segments are equal.

Should've been a math teacher...I did consider it, but an additional 3 years of calculus steered me away.


Dare we hope for Tracy!Tuesday?

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WTH...Next time I need a root canal, I am just getting the tooth removed. So much easier. And it's not like I have much tooth left, anyway. hooked, you didn't tell me the compression would require them shaving even more of my tooth off!!! :oBSG, thanks for the happy thoughts.



She wasn't on. Surprise. Surprise.



Tracy and Edward confront Lulu about her pregnancy. Tracy tells Lulu she will regret aborting her baby.


She wasn't on. Again, are we surprised? BTW, she was in Europe.

So, we go to the next closest date: AUGUST 17, 2005


Tracy and Skye get summoned to Lorenzo's house. Tracy refuses to let Lorenzo use ELQ to front his illegal activities. But when Lorenzo indirectly threatens to make her disappear, Tracy lets him have his way. (Then, she went to Europe, not appearing on GH 'til October, when she got herself kidnapped in Miami, Florida, looking for Luke).


Again, she wasn't on, but it's all good, 'cause it was a Saturday.

So, we continue with TRACY QUARTERMAINE - THREE YEARS AGO FROM YESTERDAY - August 27, 2004


With a mass murderer on the loose, the Quartermaines arm themselves. Later, they believe they caught the murderer in the boathouse...

And with that, I conclude my post.

Oh, wait. There's a possible spoiler floating around (not Tracy, exactly), but...

. Now, that ends my post. :)

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Boy has it been a boring couple of weeks without Tracy! The show seems to be getting dumber every episode, at least thats what I think from what I read over at Hella Good. I have to say without Tracy on I don't even attempt to watch and its been kinda nice.....they say ignorance is bliss, then I am living in bliss.

As for all these vague Luke spoilers, I will believe them when it gets closer to October. Do we know when in October he is suppose to return??

Sorta OT, but I had the craziest LuNacy dream last night. Luke was trying to win Tracy back, not knowing what to do, while at a charity function at the Metro Court in front of the entire town, he got on stage whispered to the DJ said, "this is for you spanky" and began to lip sing the song (La La La La La) Means I Love You! Tracy was completely embarassed with her head down covering her face. Luke jumped off stage and began to really sing (badly) walking toward her bending down to see her face as she began to look up Luke asked her to marry him for real this time. Sadly after that I woke up, but it was a nice dream. :)

ETA: Page 414!

Edited by nex4evr
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Sorry Ms. Q about your tooth today...honestly I had no idea of what compression was, so I said it didn't hurt so as not to psyche you out! See what a good friend I am? Ha ha! I have to go tomorrow to get my maryland bonded bridge rebonded...before it falls out and I look like the wicked witch of the southwest!!!

TL--hope your Tuesday classes were good.

There was a good diane/max scene today that was really funny.. cause I know some of us like Diane...she and Max were playing gin rummy in Sonny's office. They are having a conversation but both sides are completely one-sided and not listening to the other...Diane is yapping about her couture dress she is getting and Max is yapping about sonny being too busy to question him about Carly. Then Sonny comes in next scene and spoils it all all pissy about Treavor and kate, etc. He yells at Diane to stop about the dress and it is a good thing she is the best damn lawyer he has ever had blah blah blah...she sort of tells him off too.

Now i like Diane, but am wondering WTH are Diane and Max getting airtime and TQ is nowhere to be found?????/

Ms. Q--Love the flashback photos! Is that Skye/Tracy/Lo clip in your skye tracy savefile? The one from the house?

Please tell me she will be on sometimes this week....so...so...so...bored of GH without her!

I had a hugely productive day today...did a zillion errands while my friend was at her chemo treatment. Forced me to get stuff done I had been putting off. She is down to 7 treatments (weeks) left and she is finished. So happy for her.

I'll be around tonight. Nex...you haven't joined us in SOOOO long in the breakroom...try to pop in. We miss you!


There is a whole page about TQ (not JE, but Tracy) in a whose who Bio in soap opera digest fall preview issue. Nothing major, but a photo and she was given a character description of her marriages, kids, job, schemes, etc

Oh and last night I was looking at article scans on JE Online and there was one article that said she, her daughter, her son and her step-son were swimming in the pool, etc...did you guys know she had a stepson???

Edited by hookedongh
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Poor Ms. Q! I hope you're not in too much pain! I loved your Tracy in August through the years. Maybe we can hope that the pattern is that she's mostly on vacation in August and will be back on our screens asap. Positivity!!!!

PS. I like the banner! I actually really like Georgie and Alexis. And I grew up with Robin, even though she gets on my nerves now. I've never been a huge Skye fan...(I only really, really liked her when she and Erica and Janet were being all evil Witches of Eastwick with David on AMC, but she was played by a different actress back then...that said I think RC is better than the old actress anyway). But I digress...all this is to say the banner is cool with me. :)

hooked: your recap makes me want to watch today's show. lol. Wait...I thought Alexis was the best damn lawyer Sonny ever had...

Glad to hear that your friend is nearing the end of her treatment. I hope she is doing well. Stepson?!?!? Who knew? Not me! Maybe he's her ex-husband's kid and she pretty much raised him during the time that they were married? I have a cousin who's been married three times and never had any kids of her own, but raised all of her ex-husband's kids.

I just finished making dinner. Some sauce, TL, and I stepped it up tonight (a little bit). I did all the steps for my homemade sauce but I didn't have any crushed tomatoes so I added a jar of Trader Joe's (what else?!) marinara and some organic peeled plum tomatoes. It smells really good. We'll see how it turns out.

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