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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Yeah, and the previews were Sonny/Jason and the Eli Love concert. Doesn't look good for the rest of the week.

I'm just going to envision JE somewhere, relaxing in cotton scrubs, with a very cold, very dry martini. If she's not on, I hope she's enjoying her time off.

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Re: Luke/Tracy/Scott spoiler: When I read the spoiler above about Luke/Tracy/Scotty and Lukes involvement with the "you know who's" I was like WTMF!!!! But hey, he needs to have adventure in his life, we know that about him already. That adventure will keep him busy during the day and his exciting wife can keep him busy at night ;). When TG leaves on his next vacay, I would rather Luke leave for an adventure like this, rather than the one he's been going on for the last 3 go-rounds.

Re SOC: I think it's fab that so far, 27 out of the 30 posts for the thread "Who should Luke Be With Right Now", have been in favor of LuNacy. I guess more people have been bitten by the LuNacy bug than I thought. As for the other thread "I Hope Luke...", it has mysteriously disappeared. hmmmmm.

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I noticed that too. Actually, it seems like anything that is pro-LuNacy gets taken down pretty quickly. Is that the case, or has it just happened with the few threads I've read over the months? That one about LuNacy having sex was gone in no time.

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Hey guys, just checking in, not much to say now. Well actually, not true, I have a ton to say but not enough space on this post to sufficiently tell you all about my royal b-tch of a day so for now let me just say that it was, in all seriousness, one of the worst days of my life so far. I realize that people usually reserve that for when people die or something, but I am pretty good about accepting things that happen in my life, especially when they are big things. I do, however, have a huge problem when it is an exorbitant amount of little things all strung together.

Sucks that TQ isn't on, though no big surprise. As for the Luke/Skye spoiler, I don't know, I may think that it can work for us. I don't really believe it, but I'm kicking it around a bit. It will, first of all, give plenty of screen time when it causes a big problem with him and tracy. It can also bring them together after all the tension. In the most liekly case it is going to be used to break them apart. She will leave him, leaving him open to Laura's big triumphant return. Anyway, talk to you all later. Can't wait for a vacation.

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Woah. I am more tired than I thought. I lied down on the couch and 20 minutes later, I woke up in drool. Eww. LOL.

Hey, knh, sorry about your day. :( Your vacation is coming up soon, isn't it? *sends hugs*

remos, was the "I hope" one the LuNacy sex one? There's been threads about LuNacy sex in the past (I remember 'cause we always directed Lainey towards them, LOL), and those threads have been fine.

Colette, strange dream. :lol: I think the best dream someone had (related to Tracy, anyway) was tracyluver...I think it was her. Anyway, she dreamt we were all going to be on plane together on the way to meet Jane Elliot. Sounds fun, doesn't it? Of course, in RL, if you put all of us in a room with JE, she'd probably run! LOL. Okay, well, maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, but I think if I started talking about her oomphy hair, that would scare her a bit. :lol:

Anyone know what hooked is up to today? It's not like her to be so quiet.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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wow...everyone is online right now! Thanks for worrying about me Ms. Q!!! I have been out all day long...home for like five minutes in between--yeah...it is not like me to be so quiet!! :)

TL--Hope your appt. went well today. Didn't get a chance to look at the story but promise I will.

Ms. Q--glad your observing went well. Your welcome for the paragraph help. Finally got on soapdish forum and figured out how that works...just running commentary stuff huh? I was up so late last night again.. Couldn't sleep--guess it is going around huh? I ended up somehow on a Lila Q website from Wubs and it was making me so sad reading of how she was fired and how she really needed the money at that stage of her life. And how she was so devastated. Stinking show!!!

Knh--I didn't forget about your story--I am so sorry it has taken so long. I have been playing catch up this week and planning this part for Sunday at my house for my son for his Bar Mitzvah celebration which is now up to 90 people coming. Yikes. THey go back to school on Monday, so if you can hang on til then I will read it I promise.

I am around for a few if anyone wants to pop in the breakroom.??? 5:20pm central time

From soapdish-- some Q&As posted there tonight (not sure of the source of this so grain of salt (gosh I feel like Staci)

Edited by hookedongh
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Hooked, I hope those spoilers are true! I have been rooting for Georgie\Spinelli lately. I gave up on Lulu. She slept with Logan today, *gag*. But he called off the bet with Maxie. Darn, I enjoy more reasons to hate him.

Nothing went very well today. It seems as though my Grandfather had a heart attack last night while in the hospital. (He is still recovering from surgery). Not good. I went to see him, and he was unconscious but was responding to my voice. Now my weekend trip is cancelled, too. :( I need some Tracy to brighten my week.

Loving the SON topics. I wish TIIC reads these, LOL. They could use a hint.

EDIT: Sleeping at my grandma's, she's a little stressed, talk to you all tomorrow

Edited by Colette
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Ms Q--I like posting after you so I can stare at your banner while I write!!! That is my fav banner of all time I think....I know you are obessed with it too--ha ha! :)

Colette...so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Thinking of you. Seems like a lot of us have had a rough summer with parents/grandparents health issues.

LadyA--have you watched the tapes yet? Hope your grandma is doing okay too.

Tomorrow is Wed...any hope for the "others" day to happen again? Doesn't look promising huh?

Edited by hookedongh
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OT: Oh, wow. To those who were in the breakroom: Remember when I said I would the hard way about not getting to be early? I'm definitely learning the hard way. When I do this everyday come September, I'm really going to have to get some kind of schedule and stick to it.

So, anonymous person on SoapDish said 3 characters who've had minimal screentime were about to get a boost. A poster and I were hoping for Monica/Alan/Tracy, but if the insider is really an insider, the characters are Alexis/Nikolas/Emily. Yay for Alexis screentime, but GAH to the rest.

Here's hoping for a Tracy!Wednesday. Ok, that just does not sound as cool as Tracy!Tuesday or Tracy!Thursday. :lol:

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