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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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That would be kind of weird since you are just meeting your cousin for the first time. Wouldn't it be better for you (and for him, if he needs to work that connection) for you to be able to spend time with your cousin one-on-one and bond, rather than bring some third party? And then once you are on good terms with your cousin you can give him the nephew his info? Bringing him along kind of sets the tone for meeting your cousin as "great to meet you, um I'm more interested in what you can do for this other guy than spend time with you." Plus if your cousin is in the entertainment business (which I'm guessing he is), he probably gets hit up for this sort of thing all the time, and from personal experience it can be kind of awkward. Just my two cents. :)

Edit: PS. I hope everything works out. I wouldn't want the nephew to spoil your visit to your family and meeting your cousin!

Edited by brownstonegirl
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Ok thanks, that's what I thought too. And yeah, my cousin is, oddly enough, a soap actor. Not currently working, but he has written a pilot and this nephew wants to get into acting. That was what i thought, too, about him thinking I'm just hitting him up for this other kid's work. Plus when I wrote him last year I tols him that I was interested in it as well, but I assured him that I was only saying it as some kind of a jumping off point of something we have in common and I am not looking to use it in anyway

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I know this may be a weird plot bunny and not really work out, but since I was thinking of my psychic last year (I really want to go get a reading now) I was thinking of it as a story. Maybe I'll save it for when I'm done with my classes, but I thought I'd put it up here just in case. Anyway, I was out at my sister's birthday party last year. We had her 16th at a hall with a dj and all that. I went into the bathroom to see what was going on. Some psychic from the bar nextdoor was giving reading. She had pulled some girl from the party over warn her about something and everyone wanted her to do the same. I just went in to start clearing some of them out b/c she kept trying to leave and they were bugging her. She was on her way out and she came back over to me and said "I just want to talk to you before I go" and gave me a whoel reading. She gave the girl she had to warm her phone number at work in case she wanted to talk about what happens so I totally want to go get a reading now!

Anyway, that was my story that got me to the plot. I think something like that should happen to Tracy. I don't think she would really believe in this stuff too much, but I think if someone pulled her over out of nowhere and said this is going to happen so watch out, it would be a different kind of thing. I think Luke would still be gone and she can warn about... well I don't know yet, maybe I do but I'll save that for my story... but something. I gues I haven't got it all worked out yet, but I still think it would be a good one. Don't know what you all think, but that's me

*waves to Remos and Kenna (it's been a while!)*

Edited by knh
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I can understand your concern that here it is you are meeting your cousin and you are bringing someone who wants to get into the businss. If I were in your cousin's place I might be just a little put off by that. But that's just me. And I DON"T think you are being selfish. I would go the route of having giving him his number, if that, especially if you are meeting this cousin for the first time, or are not close to them yet. Second, I don't think you should do anything you are not comfortable with.

Edited by TracyLuv
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I third that knh--you shouldn't do it if it makes you uncomfortable and you should get to know your cousin first!!!

I am staying home today doing laundry and trying to start packing...I just voted on hellagood.

TL/LA/knh--you guys around for a quick chat? It is noon central time....

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Hey everyone! Try to be in the breakroom if you can around 10pm eastern time/9pm central tomorrow night (Monday)...I am leaving Tuesday for like 9 days...need to get my chat "fix" in before I go...

Please someone tell me TQ will be on at least one day this week...although with the Jason trial..who knows...

Catch you guys tomorrow...

Deb--I want to read your fic! Hurry and post it!!!

Ms. Q if I don't catch you....hope you have a safe trip home (if you check the thread) and will catch you on the 2nd at night!!!

LadyAshton/BSG found the whole sinking ship stuff clip..to save you time from reposting LA! It is called "ELQ TRACY sinks at : http://www.savefile.com/projects/808500264

Also, Remos...I uploaded a few clipsa few clips there from before the vow renewal..I can't find the part for some reason of her in the white ugly dress and Luke jumping out of the window....I can't imagine where it could be...does someone have those clips when Luke is supposedly writing his vows and everyone is getting impatient, etc...

I know I had it...if only I were more organized....

Edited by hookedongh
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Hey, guys. It was a crazy weekend, and I didn't get any more work done on the story. (It's almost done--I just need to finish it.) Never did get to the theater to see Order of the Phoenix, but I did have the pleasure of spending the afternoon with a house full of Rednecks on Sunday. Yee-haw.

Tracy should be on this week--she was in the GH Scoops email I got this morning. Of course, she'll be propping Lulu and Logan, so don't expect Shakespeare. But at least she's supposed to be on.

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Well that is a bit of Monday morning cheer Deb that TQ is going to be on! How do you get that GH scoops email?

So in typical fashion...we leave tomorrow for Hawaii and last night my son has a sore throat and wakes up this morning with it really hurting. So it is off the pediatrician we go....NEVER FAILS! IT is like clockwork...we always are there the day before a vacation. I hope it is strep and he can get drugs and be done in a day. This doctor prescribes antibiotics at the drop of a hat (which is not a good thing in most cases, but in this case it is a very good thing cause I don't want to deal with a kid not feeling good for 8 hours on a plane).

Okay...still haven't started to pack so going to do that right now....since today is the only day I can watch GH this week, I am hoping she is on today. MY tivo better work while I am gone.

If not....Nex...will you post clips for me--pretty please??? At least until Staci gets back...cause she said she would do it from there!

I will be around this afternoon hopefully and this eveing!

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*peeks head in*

Hello de lovelies. Everyone having a good summer?

Ugh, I leave Jersey on wednesday. And then its watching my brother until school starts (august 20th blah). Its funny, my mother is actually being really nice to me since i've been gone lol. Go figure.

So when is Tracy's next airdate? Anyone know?? ::sighs::

Oh and I still haven't been able to write at all. Its really starting to bother me.

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Well the Gods were smiling on me this morning...my son has strep--yippee...24 hours of antibiotics and he will be good to go tomorrow! Plus he put the other two on antibiotics to prevent them from getting it since it is highly contagious! I am happy that at least it wasn't tomorrow morning he woke up sick!

So it is now 1pm and I have yet to pack. Going to do that right now!

Maybe the TQ gods are smiling on us today too and she will be on? I can hope huh?

Check you guys later....I can't get on the computer again til I pack!!!!


Okay..so I lied...I'm still on the computer searching for spoilers...not much luck except this which hopefully could be Tracy-relate?

Comment: If it is Tracy, and I hope it is...why would Lulu listen to her? I am sure she won't!

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Not only do I not think she's going to be on today (judging from the SZ Live Post), but I believe watching today's episode might actually cause my skull to explode.

Oh, and someone on SZ called my girl a witch. As a pagan, I don't use that word as a derogatory term, but this person did--insulting both my favorite character AND my faith simultaneously. Nice Job, Beautona!

Edited by MinervaFan
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The episode was hard on the head. No real story, just moving stuff along. Kinda like watching someone else play checkers. Boring.

As for SZ, don't worry about it too much, Deb, that has got to be one of the most hateful, insulting boards I have ever seen. I'm amazed how worked up people get over fictional characters. I figure if Tracy's getting negative attention, someone ain't getting their "angel" back - and realizes it.

BTW, have any idea when we will be seeing JE this week?

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