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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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No TQ today! :( But tomorrow is Tuesday, so we can hope for Tracy Tuesday! Ha ha. I know she is on wed. for sure. So it will likely be Wed/thursday unless we are lucky and get more than two days this week.

I don't know about the rest of you, but as much as I love seeing Tracy scenes, I do miss Luke (when he is not spouting off about the catatonic Blonde One.) I mean I totally look forward to them, but then I am sort of like, I miss Lunacy!!!

Oh, BTW...I watched a few classic Tracy episodes today from 1979 and from 1980 with the heart meds, etc. It is so funny cause all the nurses at GH wore these silly little nurse hat things. Richard Simmons was having exercise class at the campus disco...Tracy woke up in bed with Mitch and tried to kiss him and he pushed her away...then tried to back peddle and say he was under stress, etc when he was just having an affair with Susan Moore. Poor Tracy...they always have her loving the man and him not loving her back...she is always married or involved with someone who does not want to be with her. It is so sad. Luke is probably her most dedicated husband and look how much that says! :(

Also, it was so strange but when Lulu was on on Friday, they had her hair up in like a loose bun thing with pieces hanging down around her face. In the episode I was watching with Laura in it from 1979, Laura had the exact same hair style. They looked very similar.

I am going to try to go to art tonight to get back into doing something normal...I am still kind of in a daze. But I will be online later tonight around 9pm central if anyone is around to chat.

TL.. It was funny last night cause I went to bed and he was almost asleep and then I said well I will just read this one page of my book and I fell asleep too!

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Since there is no JE on lately I have nothing to talk about at all, so I thought I'd give the update for my writing class. This is the last response I got. It is the last one until I get something from the professor which I am supposed to be getting tonight. It is easily the best and also the nastiest one of the bunch. Everything he complimented he was great about, but when he didn't like it he was nasty. He really probably wasn't, but since it's mine I am more sensative to it. It thinks it's because he called me lazy that I am annoyed with him, but I don't think he meant it in a areally mean way, more that it didn't live up to the rest of the story, but who knows

This is a story about a romantic disconnect and about the background of an angst-riddled

woman and the innerworkings of her mind.

The story cleverly encompasses a meaningful arc within the main character's life through

the use of flashback. During the present, the character sits on a dock and ponders about

her inability to woo a man with whom she has become friends. In the past, through

flashback and memory, we learn more not just about their relationship, but about the

woman's life as well.

Kristin is what I would call a lyrical writer. Her word seletion is often appropriate and

deliberate. Morever, she wastes no time in creating an interesting scenario and drawing

the reader into her world of fiction. This is done in the first sentence, where we see the

story has already begun and a key event in the story's timeline has transpired two weeks


My feelings toward Kristin's decision to omit names for the two main characters are

ambivalent. Generally, I think it's a clever technique. She clearly had to go out of her

way to not use any names. Moreover, the lack of character naming introduces some

nice themes - by omitting names, she's saying these characters could be anyone,

allowing the reader to fill his or her own persona into the shoes of the characters. Yet,

this technique works better in theory than in practice. At points during the story, I was

terribly confused distinguishing descriptions of the main character from those of the other

woman the unnamed male planned to take out on a date. Furthermore, this story is

designed to invoke empathy for the main character - leaving her nameless creates

something of a barrier between her and the reader that prevents the reader from making

a true connection with her. Personally, more intimate details, like her name and more of

her background, would have helped invoke sympathy from me.

In regards to the story itself, I thought it was intelligent and well planned. This is what I

would call a "sloppy" story - I use this description in the sense that there was no clean,

neat beginning and end. In this way, Kristin mirrors real life, where clear cut chapters,

introductions, and conclusions rarely exist. She really did a great job with creating a

small piece in the life of her main character. She provided just enough to get us

interested, and then left us wanting more. Also, I found the concluding sentences to be

incredibly strong.

As previously stated, Kristin is lyrical in her writing. I cite the following sentence to

support this claim: "She'd had st age fright since her beauty pageant when she was

four. It was all she could do to stop her heart from racing and her face from turning ten

shades of red." Not only is this sentence vividly descriptive, but it's also a effective in

building the main character's background. Another great example of her wonderful

writing can be found on page 8: "Just as surely as if it had never faltered in the first

place, her practically inaudible voice returned to its usual luster and tone." Truly, Kristin

knows how to paint a picture with words.

Yet, for all Kristin's beautiful writing, she often resorts to the use of idioms. Throughout

her story exist such expressions as "on the money," "for all intents and purposes," and

so on. I think this was lazy on Kristin's part - for someone who has a command over the

English language like she does, using such commonly used expressions is just too easy

of a way out.

The mention of the main character's sons on page 5 came as a true shock. If this was

the intended effect, Kristin did it masterfully. If not, I think she should give more

attention to physical details to the main character earlier on in the story. Exactly how old

is she? Is she weathered and world-weary? Young and exuberant? I believe these

details would have helped.

Some other minor issues: Pages 4 and 5 focus far too much on the main character's

inner thoughts. Moving between the action taking place in the real world and the

thoughts occuring in her mind is a good way to keep us rooted in the action of the story.

Focusing for too long on the present or the past takes away a much needed balance for

this kind of story. Another issue I had with the story is the oscillating objectivity of the

narrative voice. For most of the story, the narrative is objected and removed from the

action at hand. Yet, in rare instances, the narrator will present a viewpoint, as seen

when Kristin writes "if you are going to take a person dancing, it would probably be a

good idea to know how yourself," on page 2.

All in all, this is a good story. It creates tension, is well written, introduces important

themes, and delivers solid emotional impact. I believe Kristin has done exceedingly well

with this effort.

For those who asked I'll let you know what I hear from teach.

Lady A, thanks so much for posting those ST clips. Just downloaded them and I can't wait to watch.

Later guys!!

Edited by knh
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Happy Monday everybody!!! I guess i'm just happy because I played hookey from work and got a bunch of things accomplished. One of which was finally, finally, FINALLY finishing my Tracy vid. After months of working on it then putting it off its finally done, so enjoy:


It started out being just a Tracy vid and ended up being a kinda/sorta Lacy vid.

Lady Ashton, I am so happy you posted that episode of SoapTalk. I had every other episode that she was on except that one so thank you so much for posting it. :D

Edited by nex4evr
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Hi guys!

I'm back from my conference. So much for my planned downtime! I was going, going, going from 10am 'til 1:00am yesterday/today. I did get to watch the episode of Soap Opera Week on Family Feud Naughty vs. Nice on the way back. Thanks, TL!

Good luck waiting for your response from your prof, Kristin! I get the feeling from the review you just posted that your classmate is rather self-impressed. I'm all for constructive criticism and peer critiquing, but reading through his response it felt like he was trying a little too hard to show how intelligent he is. It seemed like he was stringing together comments that at first glance show off his supposed intellectual prowess, but that don't actually make sense on further reflection. Sorry to rant, but I just can't stand people like that! I hope his piece for the class was more readable than his critique. lol. :rolleyes:


Ooooh! Page 365! What do I win? :)

Edited by brownstonegirl
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WooooHoooo!! Wow! Two great gifts in one day!!

LadyAshton, Thanks soooo much for posting that soaptalk interview. Jane looked so cute with that clip in her hair! She looked so natural (less make-up) than the other times she was on. Thanks again!

Nex, Nex, Nex, What can I say I MFn LOVE this vid!! It is awesome!! I think you captured the entire essense of Tracy in all her love, joy, pain, anger, and beauty!! LOVE all the expressions you captured, LOVE LOVE LOVE, that you have like every hug and kiss in there. I can tell you spent alot of time on it. You must have had to use a ton of clips for that vid. Love the effects. Everything!! Thanks again.

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]LadyAshton...you are the goddess of all things GH clips!! Thanks for posting that lost interview...so many people had wanted to see it!

Nex...can't wait to watch the video in the morning...I have a sleeing child in here or I would blast it on right now. IT is downloaded and ready to go for the morning!

This comes from ABC message board spoilers on Hellagood


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angel2devil, thank you for the link to your fic. I can't wait to read it.

Wow, nex, that vid was great. Especially that lineup of Lacy scenes near the end. They've really got me jonesing. How long before TG's vacation is over again? September? Because if he comes back sans Laura, I'm looking forward to their reunion scenes already.

And thank you for your help, MinervaFan. I'm going to try to look at it with a fresh eye tonight.

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Ok, thanks. I thought if I said that it would be sounding a bit too pissed about the insults and like I thought I was too good for critisism or whatever, but that's pretty much what I thoguht. I liked all the nice things he said, however he was trying to build himself up, but there was no need to call me lazy.

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Regency has been a busy little fanfictress. Not a lot of Tracy (grrr...), but she did post this one little gem to FF.net: Wrong on So Many Levels: The real reason Lulu doesn't want to stay at the Q mansion. I laughed out loud when I read it. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3617520/1/

Rege, you need to come back to the fold and write more Tracy stuff--we miss you!

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Oh my...that was hilarious...thanks for posting that Deb! Too bad we never get to see those type of scenes--ha ha! From Dillon asking Edward the other day if lulu was back, I guess it means that she did move back in there. But who knows...

Hoping today that she is on!!

Edit WOW!!!! NEX--That video was AWESOME!!!!!! Your best ever...love how many shots you had in there...love all the hugs/kisses...love the quick editing....I am just bowled over...so terrific! Thanks so much!! Wish I could figure out how to do this....

Okay...how do you take a vhs tape and covert it to DVD? Are there places that will do it for you? Does anyone know? I have located someone who has all those Tracy episodes of the City...but they are on VHS tape. Do you think I can find someplace to do it for me? I guess I can google it....if i can find someone who can do it, I will make copies for whoever wants them...

Edit again...just found out Ritz Camera Stores will do that..convert VHS to DVDs...yeah!

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They may give you trouble because if the stuff you want converted is copyrighted. I have this VHS of Heartbreak House from the 80s that I would LOVE to convert to DVD, but because it's a professional tape, nobody will touch it. I know a few people who have private machines that can do the conversion, but I spent $40 on this tape and have never seen it since, so I'm not exactly willing to part with my tape without some guarantees......

I loved Regency's fic. Wasn't that a hoot? I'm not sure why she's not writing Tracy anymore--she seems to have moved on to Alexis/Craig, Spinelli/Georgie, and Laura/Stefan. Makes me all weepy and sad. Really. I want more Regency!fic! I've been spoiled.

Speaking of which, what is this malarkey of no Tracy for days at a time? Don't they know the woman has a following? What is wrong with them?

*sigh* I guess I'll just watch my little X-Files DVDs until Tracy gives me a reason to watch my GH tape again.....

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