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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey, guys, Maggie at the LC/SD Yahoo Group has created a Quartermaine Fan Fiction list. Edit: BTW, this is Monica/Alan specific, but I think we can nudge. I joined, and I thought it might be nice to have some of the Tracy fans represented.

To join, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/QuartermaineFanFic and follow the instructions.

Edited by MinervaFan
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::sighs:: This is gonna be an interesting hour......

kind nonTQ but... Spinelli called Diane "mob lawyer" and she's like "excuse me". hee. but now onto Tracy.....

1st- Edward tells Tracy to let them take her and both Lainey and Alan tell her she should. Tracy is looking like she's ready to kill Alan, lucky for him he's already dead. Monica says something. I forget what it was. Tracy starts talking about how this is like a movie and she's like Blanche in it but that she, Tracy, has "never depended on the kindness of strangers." Love the way she says it too haha. I swear Dillon is rubbing off on her lol. Then Alan says "Steeelllllaaaa." To which Tracy starts screaming at him and yeah the guys put her in the straight jacket while she tries to pull away, well kinda.

NonTQ, Diane just slipped and called Jake, "the innocent one" haha. Then Sonny starts talking and Diane covers her ears and says, "I can't hear it, I can't hear it." in this high-pitched voice. Oh and yeah Sonny told her that Jake is Jason's. ANd yes I know this is a TQ thread but hey I can't help it, she's too good to ignore.

2nd-Tracy is gone and everyopne is sitting around. Dillon walks in and asks is Lulu is there they say no and he sits down. He asks where Tracy is and Alice says that she's resting. Dillon: "Where? Upstairs? Cuz she doesn't sleep this late." He again asks where she is and Monica tell him that Edward had her committed. Dillon has this are-you-freaking-kidding-me look on his face. Actually it was pretty sweet, he seemed really worried, well kinda.

It then goes to Tracy in the jacket at ShadyBrook and Lainey walks in and I think asks why the jacket is still on. Tracy says something like, "oh I thought I'd keep it on in case I start foaming at the mouth like a dog and start talking like Tenesse Williams because I'm so insane." I think that's what she said, not sure, she said it kinda fast lol. Lainey says something. Again I forget, I'm sorry, don't hate me.

3rd-"You had my mother committed." Dillon is ticked! He asks why Monica and Alice didn't do anything, both give lame excuses. Dillon goes on to say that Tracy has helped ELQ and she's fixed everything, etc. Honestly there was a lot more but my brother had to come and bother me. Bad Ducky!!

Goes to Tracy, Lainey takes off the jacket and Tracy asks how much it'll take to get her out and Edward in to take her place. Alan says something, Tracy looks at him and Lainey asks if she is seeing Alan on the bed. Tracy laughs and says no and that she's not staying here. She again asks how much Lainey wants. Lainey asks if Tracy is mourning her brother and she says that it is none of her business. Tracy then says that she pretended to talk to Alan to drive her family nuts. Or w/e it was she said. And Alan says that she used to be good at this. Lainey tells Tracy to rest a bit and leaves. Tracy turns around towards Alan. They go back and forth and Tracy tells him that, "you never got me when you were alive and you're not gonna get me now."

4th-Alan is now sitting in a chair and Tracy is sitting on the bed. Lan tells her to think of this as a time to think, he mentions her forging his will and helping Luke kidnap Laura, "now that was really nuts." They go back and forth and Dillon comes in, kinda rushing in a way. He goes up to Tracy and hugs her. She doesn't move to hug him back and he says asks how she is. She asks what he thinks. He says that he wants to help her. She asks, "really?" in a soft hopeful voice and he says yes. She asks if he talked to her lawyer and he says yes. It seems the lawyer is working w/ Edward. ::coughs*hireDiane*coughs:: Dillon says that he will do anything to help her get out of there. Tracy says, "even blackmail your grandfather." or something like that and she has her devious i've-got-an-idea-ur-not-gonna-like smile on.

5th-Tracy hits her head against the door. It looks like Dillon left. and Alan says that Dillon is a good kid despite her and that he means well wehn he's not following Lulu around like a puppy. Alan then says that Dillon can't go head to head w/ a shark like Edward. Tracy mentions that he helped Luke on "a few cappers' and that she guesses the larceny rubbed off. Alan again brings up that she admit she forged the will and Tracy screams at him. Seriously it is getting a tad annoying, all of his winning about it. And tells him that he left his estate to imaginary kids and hopefully Jason will never reproduce. Tracy says that once she gets out of ShadyBrook she is gonna get rid of him, Alan. Edward is watching her from the window on the door and goes and talks to Lainey. I didn't pay much attention to them cuz I'd get mad and throw something at the tv.

She's not in the previews.

Edited by angel2devil
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Haven't been able to watch yet this week (:(), but I really, really want to!!! I hope she's on tomorrow.

Thanks angel for the recaps. The Dillon/Tracy bit sounds sweet. Their goodbye scenes are so going to make me cry.

Regency, long time, no post!!! :D

BREAKROOM? Yes, no, maybe? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

EDIT: Everyone has a life today except me. I'm all alone in the breakroom still. I had way better timing when I was in America. Haha.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Congrats on the great feedback from your prof! You totally deserve it. I think you did a great job with the piece. You're going to rock the class.

hooked: I'm so glad to hear that the ceremony for your grandmother went well and that the rabbi was compassionate and comforting. I hope that you and your family are doing well during this difficult time. My thoughts are with you.

angel: Thanks for the recaps. I can't wait to catch up this week!

TL: Thanks again for the SoapTalk interviews and the Feud. So, so awesome. This week has been crazy at work, and I'm looking forward to hopefully have some downtime at the conference I'm going to this weekend to watch the rest of the feud. JE is too funny!

PS. Thanks for those medianet pics. No one does angry eyebrows like JI. lol.

Ms. Q: Hope you're enjoying Mexico! Have you gotten used to their keyboards yet? How are the teeth? I hope they're treating you well!


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Thanks for the recaps. I am looking forward to watching yesterday and today when I get home on sat. night. All I have done today is sit around and eat ALL DAY LONG!! I have never seen so much food, deli trays, desserts, etc.

I am glad at least it sounds like Tracy isn't desperate, but has a plan. Hope she is on tomorrow too!!!

So I guess if dillon asked where lulu was or if she was there, it means she is living at the Qs.

Sorry I missed you in the breakroom Ms. Q Can't believe you have already been gone for almost a month! At least time is going by quick for us til you get back! :)

Nobody mentioned how TQ looked today (I am guessing the same as yesterday).

Tomorrow should be just a normal day around here. On sat. we are going up to the house for me to see if there is anything I want of my grandmother's. I am just going to put some stuff aside and get it later on. Then I leave to go home. Should be home Sat. evening.

Check in tomorrow.

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Tracy looked fabulous today too hooked!

I watched today peeking through my hands that were covering my eyes in fear of ... I don't know. I just didn't want to see our girl with the straight jacket on or sad, or desperate (like you mentioned hooked). But she was grinning at tmes and smirking and comical. I know alot of people didn't want to see it played for laughs but I might have had to seek therapy myself if I had to see her in a straight jacket and desperate. I am assuming something happens between her Shadybrook stay and the medianet pic of her talking with Dillon because she looks downright exhausted in that pic.

Tracy still looked classy with her staightjacket on, oomphie hair, and jewelry!

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Jet Blue sucks the big one! Never flew them? Lucky you. Keep it up! God, I hate them.

Clips, anyone? Clips for Thursday? (Thanks for Wednesday Clips!! Yes, I will get my Tivo fixed or replaced.. eventually!!)

Oh. Lainey hates Lainey. Really!

That chick is not as cool as the "original."

And oh... Diane... luv that babe.. A lot! I so want her to be Tracy's lawyer!!!

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Hi everyone.

I've been lurking here for a while, but I've never really got up the nerve to post. But just reading has been so much fun, because I absolutely love Tracy, and since my beloved GQ is now no more, I've been getting more and more invested in LuNacy as my favorite ship. It doesn't hurt that they gave us some great scenes before TG went on vacation. It's one of the increasingly few things that's keeping me from completely ff-ing through the Sason show. I often visit here before watching my DVR of the show, just so I won't falsely get my hopes up when she isn't going to be on that day.

Anyway, the reason that I finally got up the nerve to post today is that I wrote a story and I was wondering if someone would be willing to beta it. I got so excited seeing oldDillon onscreen today, that I got inspired to write up something I've been wanting to since the whole Rape Reveal Redux started; namely, Dillon finding out about it, and his reaction. The whole thing is from his POV, and concentrates a lot on Luke, but Tracy is at the heart of it, and I think she's in it enough so that I can post it to the Ficathon when it's done, though I suppose I can just put it on ff.n. Would anyone be willing to help me with this?

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Welcome, inyron. Just to clarify about the Ficathon--lots of the stories there are from POVs other than Tracy's. As long as she's a major player, it's perfectly okay to post it to the Ficathon. If you PM me, I'll be happy to talk to you about the story and maybe help you out.

About yesterday's show--Lainey Winters is still the biggest dumbf^ck quack of a lousy psychiatrist in the history of all time. She is so being played by Edward, and is too naive/stupid/braindamaged from the tequila shots to notice. The fact that she was able to given a court order without any prior psychiatric evaluations -- from a judge who was a "family friend" of the Quartermaines -- should have had alarms going off in her head immediately. Either way, she shouldn't have been so blase about it, and she sure as hell should be more concerned that this all transpired in less than a week--with NO PRIOR PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS -- and Alan's been dead for four months. Involuntary committment is a huge thing, and can ruin a person's life. It can have an affect on whether you can purchase a handgun, hold certain jobs, etc. You DON'T involuntarily commit somebody without just cause and much documentation.

That rant aside, I have to admit our girl played it FABULOUSLY. Jane had the perfect element of outrage, cynical amusement, fear, scheming and actual "crazy" to make it totally believable. Her efforts to ignore Alan were perfect--she is just so damned good an actress. Honestly, if I weren't so outraged about the piss-poor writing and the insult to the psychiatric profession they're turning Lainey Winters into, I'd be thrilled with this storyline. Tracy's line about "I m afraid I'll start foaming at the mouth, barking like a dog, and quoting Tennessee Williams" had me ROFL. I always knew there was a connection between insanity and a working knowledge of the text of Tennessee Williams' plays....

Speaking of insanity, just an OT update on yesterday. Around 1 pm, I started to have what I can only imagine was an anxiety attack at work. I had a combination of physical discomfort and emotional distress just escalate out of control. I couldn't focus, I couldn't concentrate, and I couldn't sit still. I did my work as best as I could, took frequent bathroom breaks, walked around the building (our call center is in a remodeled Wal-Mart, so that's no small task), and then finally went home at 3:30 because I couldn't take it any more. Four Aleves and a four hour nap later, I was feeling a little better. I'm hoping my boss doesn't think I'm crazy, or worse--faking it. Sometimes my depression will cause me to have these panic attacks--there is no cause, no link to anything I can fix (my caffeine intake yesterday was about normal, btw), and nothing to do except ride them out. (Believe me, I've done the Emergency Room, EKG thing. It doesn't help.)

So, wish me luck that today is better.....

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I just came on thlis morning and realized I was logged in all nite. I guess being in the BR 2 nites in a row 'til 3am has fried my brain.

Welcome Inyron!! Yes, Dillon was very much "old" Dillon yesterday, instead of a stooge. It was very refreshing.

Deb, I agree Jane was so fabulous and I loved her attempts to ignore Alan as well.

I hope you are doing better today and am sending you some calming vibes. Believe me I know what you are going through. I had been having panic attacks coupled with extrememe anxiety every day on and off for almost a month until this week. These days it has added the symtoms of having the feeling of wanting to jump out of my skin and irrational thoughts at times.

Lainey, glad to see you back!

Ms. Q, sorry I missed you yesterday.

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That's EXACTLY how I felt. Of course, today, I'm feeling stupid and melodramatic. PSA, ya'll. Depression is real. Can't state that enough. No matter what Tom Freakin' Cruise says, depression is real.

Inyron, I agree with you that Dillon seemed very much back IC yesterday--although I thought his hug with Tracy in Shadybrook was very telling. She doesn't trust him anymore. It shows. She sees the change. Maybe that will play a part in his exit storyline--that he's changed and he wants to find the "Real" Dillon again--outside of PC. After Tracy, Dillon was always my favorite character until the stupid Lulu-Diego storyline. Then he just spiraled out of control and TIIC ruined him. (I still love real!Dillon, and wish he'd come back.....really. I love him.) I hope he and Tracy get some serious screen time together before he goes. He brings out such wonderfulness in her, and she brings out such wonderfulness in him. I wish to death the stupid writers understood that, and kept Dillon as Dillon, instead of trying to make him a "Teen Character" in the worst sense of the words.

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