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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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^^^What she said.

Oh, and I caught the "sweetheart" too. You know, she only calls Dillon "sweetheart." And sometimes, Ned. She's really starting to think of Lulu as sort of a daughter. I flove that.

I called in today to help Fey with her school stuff--I hope to god that TQ is on today.....Ooomphy pelo!

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YAY!! This site is back up and running, I was going crazy yesterday!

Here is the link to yesterdays show, Geena from Hella Good edited the clips and she combined the Spencers and the teens together. Unfortunately last night I edited out all of the teen clips but I wasn't sure when this site would be up and running, so I didn't download them to megaupload. :( If anybody wants to wait until tonight for just the Spencers I can post them later, (lainey)just let me know.

Anyhoo, here is the link:


Credit goes to Hella Good edited by Geena.

Hooked I have to agree with MinervaFan and knh about what Tracy said to Lulu about Scott looking sympathetic to the judge. She meant if everybody ganged up Scott to defend Lulu then that would look bad in the judges eyes for giving custody to Nikolas. I also noticed that Tracy called Lulu 'sweetheart' something that she only calls Dillon, and she said it with such ease. :)

I agree with hooked if you buy a blow dryer first buy an ionic one and buy a diffuser attachment, it will definately help with body.

**pops back in with spoilers**

According to SOW

Can't Miss - Weds June 13 - Scott has Tracy arrested.

Week of June 18

Tracy seals her own fate

and according to SON, the week of the 1th, I'm sure we all know this but...

After hearing the judge's ruling regarding Laura's guardianship, Luke and Tracy come up with a plan to keep Laura from Scott. Scott has an unexpected surprise waiting for him when he arrives at Shadybrook to see Laura. Lulu, Lucky, and Nikolas share their goodbyes with their mother before Luke whisks her away to parts unknown. Since Luke has left town, Tracy insists Lulu return to live at the Quartermaine Mansion. The Q's put their animosity aside and defend Tracy when Scott comes looking for answers about Laura's disappearance. Alan warns Tracy that Edward is up to something. Scott brings kidnapping charges against Tracy. Tracy confronts the Q family after they don't help to bail her out of jail. Lulu comes to Tracy's rescue and posts her bail. Alan warns Tracy again to keep her eye on Edward.

Edited by nex4evr
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Ah...Ok..thanks knh and Deb and Nex and anyone else who made that make sense for me...totally see what she was saying now! Guess I was overanalyzing again...or my usual ditz self

Loved those spoilers...do you guys think Lulu will agree and come back to live with the Qs? Sure hope so! Loved that she is thinking of her as a daughter too!

I would love it if you posted the edited clips from yesterday tonight Nex--if you don't mind! Since you already edited them. I appreciate it mucho!

Sounds like we have a good couple of tracy weeks ahead. Just hope she doens't vanish after the 18th week til September!

Nex...I was this close to coming to Balboa Island in August...but we couldn't find a house for the week we needed to go cause i wanted too long...maybe next summer!

Edit BTW...Lainey/Deb...I'm with Tracyluv...slow mo'd the opening like five times...I don't see lip licking! It looks like she has her lips maybe slightly open for the first shot and then closes them for the close up!

Edited by hookedongh
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Comments on spoilers below - Sorry, I didn't use the black/white out thingy, I don't know how. And frankly even if I did, I am feeling a bit lazy today.

I noticed the "sweetheart" right away. I commented on it at JEonline. I like when Tracy shows Lulu some love and am glad that Lulu is the one who bails her out of jail. Next best thing to Tracy/Luke is Tracy/Lulu. I hope that Lulu moves back into the Q mansion. Dillon wont be there, so at least she wont have to worry about the "stooge" putting the moves on her.

I liked Tracy giving Scott a clue yesterday about Laura and the permanancy of her condition. But considering that Scott had scenes with Robin and Patrick where he is inquiring about the drug used to bring her back, makes me believe there will be a future attempt and possible success of a future drug that WILL bring her back. Maybe if GF wins the Emmy? Did anyone notice that the picture on the mantle at the webber house of Luke and Laura looks like a different one, than the one we've seen? Maybe it was there before but I didn't notice. At any rate, unless Laura is coming back, I am waaaaay so tired of hearing about her from everybody.

About the shadybrook spoiler, I don't mind too much since if Tracy's still there by the time Luke comes back, I know he will come for her. In the past, I had had my doubts about it. But now I know Luke WOULD come to her rescue. And I HOPE if Tracy is assisting Luke with the the kidnapping, that they show her doing it on screen.

Deb, about the Rosie 'do or any other 'do, if you like it, go for it! Rosie's hair seems to be thicker than yours so only you know if you could get the height you need on top for that style. You would need to put rollers in especially on top to get some volume. If you don't want to blow dry your hair, you could let it dry naturally and use hot rollers to add volume. Also when you get your cut ask the stylist to cut it as to ensure you get the most out of it. Meaning that it can look good whether you style it or not. Your hair seems to have a bit of a wave to it which is why I suggested long layers or a long shag so even if you let it dry naturally it can still look good. If you are still not sure about the cut when you go to the stylist here are some tips about the 'in' looks: bobs are very popular now - you can talk to your stylist about the length and angle that would look best with your face shape also - the other 'in' look is hair that looks natural, natral looking wave, or messy wave is in right now. The hair at the crown would be straigher to about mid to below the ear and then the curls start, but natural looking curls.

Is our girl on today? I need a fix BIG TIME!! Yesterday's epi didn't cut it for me, even with the "sweetheart". Yes, btw, the jacket from yesterday looked like the one where Tracy was telling Luke that Lulu needed him "The MISSION didn't end when she had her abortion, it BEGAN"... I think those were the words she used anyway.

Edited by TracyLuv
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From what I can gather at Hella Good, Tracy was on today and today was the day the Luke promised to always come home to her!!!!!!!!!! I also read that she offered to help Luke get Laura away and they kissed! Sorry I can't give more info but thats all I have for now!

Edited by nex4evr
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OKay so I watched.......oh and forgive me if I got a few things wrong, its all based on memory




1st TQ scene:Alright they had the whole hearing scene and Lucky was shouting something at or about Scott and Tracy grabbed onto his wrist (I guess to get him to chill)

2nd: They are now outside in the hallway and Luke and Tracy are sitting on a bench and the family (Spencers) comes out and start talking (Tracy really doesn't) and then Tracy tells Luke that she'll be at home if he needs her and his response "okay baby" and she walks off

3rd (and maybe 4th i don't rememver) : Tracy is talking w/ Alan and she says something like that she thinks a part of Luke's great love of Laura is a lot to do w/ guilt and Alan says that at least she has refrained from telling Luke that and she says that "That isn't a hill I care to die on" or something like that and Luke walks in. and she asks, "When do you leave?" he is like what? and she says that she knows what he has planned for Laura. Luke thought she was agreed to help him, Alan's response, "maybe she's come to her senses" and Tracy gives him a look and tells Luke that she hasn't changed her mind. ( i think he thanks her, idk) she says she's not gonna ask where he's going and Luke says good cuz he doesn't even know. she asks when he's going to be back and he says he doesn't know. she mentions something about him giving her some kinda sad cliche and he asks if he ever has been one to do that to her and she playfully thinks for a second and says no. he says something like (and bare w/ me here), "you are my wife and i can't imagine a more perfect partner. I will always come back to you." and she smiles (I think) and they kiss. It was all really sweet and it seemed very sincere ( for Luke anyways lol).

Edited by angel2devil
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Watched the show too... so if you haven't watched and don't want it spoiled scroll down fast

fave parts:

Tracy placing her hand on Luke's shoulder to pull him back in his seat when he went to get up, and then moving her hand down his arm to rest on top of his when he settled back down. Tracy holding Lucky by the wrist/arm when he got up to yell in court (there was a guard approaching from the side) and that he didn't pull away. Loved in the hall outside when she told Luke she would be home if Luke needed her, she touched him again and slid her hand down his arm when she got up. LOVE LOVE LOVE that Luke said "thanks babe". After Tracy walked away, Luke put his head down, to me, considering his demeanor prior, it seemed that he felt bad about having to leave her - but that's my take on it. Loved that Tracy told Alan that she felt Luke's love for Laura was more about guilt. I wanted to hug Tracy when she asked Luke when he was coming back. Love that Luke said "You are my wife. I am married to you because i can't imagine a better partner in this life." Loved that Luke said he would always come back to her and that when he kissed her it was a view of their profiles (and not the back of either of their heads). Loved that when he kissed her, she put her hands on his face (love the face touching ALWAYS!) and that she moved her fingers close to their mouths. HOT HOT HOT! Thank god for slo mo!!!

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Tracyluv & Angel2Devil (thanks for the details..have'nt had a chance to watch yet) was too busy watching the movie sliding doors with Gwenyth Paltrow from a while back (which was pretty good by the way) Have to return it tomorrow.

Can't watch GH til later cause I am going out for Sushi and to a wine bar wtih my friends tonight. I am getting very accustomed to these girls nights out! :) I told my husband I didn't have time to go grocery shopping today cause I was too busy, so he said he would take the kids and go tonight--works for me! Him and his coupon organizer-loving self can go have fun! Ha ha. I will try to be online later tonight when I get home to chat..sounds like today was a good one!!

You know TL I will be in slow mo heaven! So is this Luke's last day you think? Was that their last scene together? Or does she help him get Laura out next week? I know the kids are supposed to go say bye to her right?

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Hey guys I just I would let you know that Hella Good has posted ALL of the bigger Media Net pics!!! You can find them if you click on to General Hospital Discussion, then click on GH Spoilers and Speculation. Tracy is wearing a new jacket, I believe, and her hair has good color (it looks a little redder) and "oomph". Also in one of the pics she looks like she is about to cry. :(

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Hola. OT: I am pissed because I found out that I have to pay rent. WTH? Was the initial bill not huge enough? Now, I need to have my parents wire money into my account. BTW, I tried watching the clips from yesterday, but all the ports available for MegaUpload in Mexico are unavailable. Then, I tried SendSpace, but all the servers in my area are too busy. :rolleyes: Bright side, bright side...I will have SO MUCH to watch when I get home.

Thanks for the information about the pics, Julie.

And WAAAAAH! I missed the oomphy hair. :(

I'm here for about 35 minutes: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

EDIT: Breakroom difficulties. Hold on...

EDIT AGAIN: It's working... :)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Oh Man!! I loved today's episode. First- the hair was incredible, incroyable, and increíble! That's right, she warranted all three languages today. Really, that didn't justgo for the hair, but the whole picture... the hair, the rest of the look, the scenes, the expressions, the teary eyes, the whoe shebang! As much as it was all great with me, and I do understand loving the hand on his armand holding Lucky back (especially since we barely saw her with him, now she's like his actual stepmother), I still loved the last scene best. Predictable yes, but it deserves my love and loyalty. He loves her and he said he will always come back to her. "You are my wife. I am married to you because i can't imagine a better partner in this life."-- take that Laura (and Laura fans, let go and let some of us have a story that the writers aren't afraid to actually write just to keep from pissing you off) damn WOS!!

Wow, I can't believe there are so few of us on here today. I've checked in a million times b/c I'm on for my classes and i haven't seen anything new or anyone on in the longest time.

Ohyeah, and thanks to all who are reading my story for me. I know I've thanked you when I put it here, but it's a HUGE help, so you need to be thanked plenty more than this!

edit: hey lainey!! breakroom?

Edited by knh
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Thank you, Nex!!!! I just FF through the teen stuff. I appreciate it!!!

Loved yesterday!!!!!!

Loved today!!!!

I love how they have made them a "real" couple.

How she speaks for him now (and he lets her!!!!).

And how he intuits her feelings.


God, I love that TIIC has done this. LOVE IT!

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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Hooked, here is yesterday's clips with all the teen stuff edited out.


I was downloading today's show but the last two minutes of Lacy (you know the best part) had a delay in the sound, and it was way to annoying so I am going to wait until GHVT has posted their clips and downloand and edit them. That means that everyone is going to have to wait. :( Sorry!

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