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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Things Lainey ABSOLUTELY LOVED about today:

  1. Her hand on his back (At one point she was rubbing it. Yum-oh!)
  2. Her statement about caring for Lulu
  3. The way he played with her hair
  4. The way he kissed her (it was the closest to "passionate" I've seen from them two)
  5. The way she said "'kay" when he told her he had thinking to do. It was so casual and playful, not normal Tracy

    Quartermaine speak. It was Tracy with her guard down. He lowers her guard, folks! He lowers her guard!!!

I do think Jane was less than 100% today. Some of the dialogue was "off." Still, she rocked my world!!

I am still hoping for anniversary sex.. or at least anniversary MENTION. Are we going straight into court hearing cr@p tomorrow? If not, there is still time for Luke to stop by Tracy's room after he's done "thinking," and rip her "pajamas" off. HA! Can't you hear it now: "As a general rule, you need to wear less clothes, wife." (Hmmm... sounds familiar?!? Maybe that's cause Deb already wrote the line! HA)

Oh.. for those of you who pay attention to these things: There was an edit between Luke/Tracy's third scene and the Carjax scene that came right out of it. The music atop Carjax is not quite right. Either they cut something from the top of it, or it was supposed to come out of a break, and they moved it to after a LuNacy scene instead. Not sure-- but something is "off" there in the transition and it's on the CarJax side, not the LuNacy side (More than you wanted to know, I'm sure).

ta ta,


Edit: Where the heck is everyone!??! Brief breakroom anybody?


I need to talk LuNacy love, and then I need to crash hard. I'm tired, and I have to be up early tomorrow. ugh.

Edited by LaineyBev714
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hooked, the story about your 6 year old's tantrum with the food/pantry is too cute. I hope everything's good now.

Lady A, glad you liked it. If you want, I can add text (of your choice) to it, and you can put it in your signature. But if not, that's okay too.

Lainey, thanks for mentioning the back rub. Meant to mention that before, but I didn't. And maybe the anniversary will be mentioned tomorrow? You know how the birthday was a few days off...Maybe this will be too?


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Who said they would love me forever if today's scenes were posted??? Knh, was it you?!??! Just kidding, anyhoo here is today's clips. There is a minute of Jax and Sonny but I wanted that scene so, tuff. hehe!



Clips provided by Shazzer edited by me.

Ms.Q, thanks for posting Friday's clips, its funny I was up really really late downloading the show and I edited it, but I must have been so tired that I forgot to post it, because I would have bet my life that I did. Oh well, thanks for doing it.

Hooked, I really enjoyed your short story, keep up the great writing!!!

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Thanks for the edited clips Nex! The pressure is on you now cause Ms Q is leaving us for the summer :(

TL and the rest of you who are in school...good luck with your finals.

I think today is going to be another good Lunacy day (I hope). Although we seem to get one good, one bad. Maybe today is the anniversary mention day??!!

Lainey...I agree...loved the back rubbing part (especially cause she was doing it in front of Alexis--they don't ususally show them being affectionate when others are around), loved him playing with her hair (although he was probably thinking "gosh your hair lacks some oomph Jane" Ha ha.

It is thundering and lightening and raining...I love these kind of mornings. Although today stinks...have to go work at school from 10-12:30 and then the older one gets out at 12:45 due to finals. Then I have to go back to the other school for the first grade awards ceremony. I am sure my child will win the "Whiniest Kid" award! :) He has my vote for sure! LOL

BTW..at least I got a good end of the year goodbye gift last night from my PTO board and I am officially done!!! Yeah!! Our former treasurer goes on trial June 18th for her theft from the middle school. I so badly want to go and sit in the peanut gallery to freak her out. I want to get a big group of parents together to go! She requested a trial by jury cause she thinks she cany get sympathy from a jury as to her situation why she embezzled all that money from a school. The bottom line for me is...it just doens't matter what your reasons were....you are still guilty and you committed a crime.

Edit I just found out from the police officer on the case that I may be called as a witness in the trial even though she is being tried for another case. Yikes. I didn't sign on for that.

OK...I will shut up now. Have a good day! :)

Edited by hookedongh
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Will she be on? Will she, will she, will she? I won't have a clue 'til after the show is over. Going out to lunch with the sister AND some friends, so thank goodness there will be no GH talk.

Thanks for Monday's clips, nex. In the event that she's on today, do you want me to edit? Because I can. :)

"Whinest Kid?" Haha. Those award things are nice, hooked. Let us know what he brings home. I got one in 6th grade for "Most courteous." :) LOL.

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Damned right it was me!!! Thanks so much. I'm not that picky about my scenes, as long as I have my Tracy I don't care who else gets any screen time, even if they aren't the same scenes, so you can put in whatever you want.

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Ok...So he didn't get whiniest kid. He got the most artistic award from the art teacher, and the writer award because he hated writing in the beginning of the year and now he loves it and wants to write in his little journal all the time. And from the class he got voted best soccer player--woo woo!!

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Neat story Deb.. I knew Paul would realize Jenny was not right for him. Too little too late though.

I liked the Lacy interaction in yesterday's show.

Very nice. :)

And I think the spoiler is just because Tracy knows Luke is about to skip town again. Nothing to worry bout ya'll.

And the SID poll is sitting at 57/42 in favor of Lacy.

BTW.....you all, even though you might not want to pay to post at SoapZone, you can create a "free" account, it won't allow you to post messages on the board (you have to pay for that part) but you can PM posters, and you can post your own poll questions and vote on poll questions others have posted. You just go to the site and click on registration. It's easy.

There are usually some Tracy questions up, and right now, there are two, and our girl could use ya'll's support.

Hows about it?

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