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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I agree. I don't care who she takes it from if she's with Luke, but i would have prefered it if it wasn't Emily. Especially after yesterday was she was so nice an understanding toward Monica and knowing that she is Alan's pride and joy. I don't think she needs to be made out to be SUCH a horrible witch. I love when she is evil Tracy, but i like it when it is directed at a nonrelative. She is supposed to protect the family, whether or not she likes them. They are family. To hell with the rest... and since Skye is now one of "the rest" I say have at it, tracy!!! Maybe they'll change their minds and have her go after her anyway, instead of Em

sidenote: I came back from the doctor today and I lost 15 lbs when I was sick (actually more than that b/c I've gained some back and I'm down 15 right now). Not a good way to do it, but yeah me! Ok, I'm done now

Edited by knh
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about the spoilers:

I think it's a big debate about those, or at least it is on SD, and I have my doubts too.

I can't see the Q's having a TOTAL crap fit if Alan left everything to Emily.

Skye, yes. Jason, yes. But everything to Emily, I think the Q's would be a little upset but more relieved Alan didn't leave it all to one of the others.

Of course, I trust Wizard...and Wizard said that Tracy/Luke schemed to steal Alan's estate. Wizard also said it all hits the fan when the will is read. But why wouldn't Wizard know it was left to Emily?

GotInfo posted that on their board.

GI has been right, sometimes wrong. Ms.Q said GI was the one who posted that Dillon is comforted by Tracy, but I looked back at it all on SD and no post by GI in the past month says that....so maybe that one was anonymous?

I don't know.

I didn't mind the Luke/Tracy thing when I thought it was Skye.

I don't even mind Tracy being greedy. That's part of who she is.

But I liked that there was a reason OTHER than greed, when it was Skye. Now, Tracy just looks...eh. I guess they can't have Tracy looking better than Skye.

Skye's a mob moll now and she has to act the part.


Ohhhhh Tracey said WK said he has some GOOD stuff coming up with Jane. Yay !!!

spoiler talk over.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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I'll catch up later, hopefully, but I did some research...The "Tracy comforts Dillon" came from ABC.com. It was a sneak peek for the Week of Feb. 12th. Looks like it did get cut. :angry: Anyway, I do trust GI, and if GI says Emily gets the money, I'm willing to bet that she does. And I bet Tracy's going to look evil for going after it. It'd be better if it was Skye and or Jason. *shrugs* I have a meeting tonight, and I have to be up in 11 hours, so I'm not sure I'll be in the breakroom. Plus, it's been a crazy day all around. I should have known that a day that starts off with a horrible TQ rumor wasn't going to be a good one. :(

Edit: Okay...Catching up now. I think after the meeting, I'm going to call it a night (so I'm posting now instead of later).

TracyLuv, glad you liked "Listen to Your Heart." The other ones were changed up a bit, but not too much, I don't think.

knh, I hear ya about the bright clip in the video. I think the fact that Tracy was wearing all white didn't help, LOL. Thanks for the feedback.

MinervaFan, LOL at all the Sesame stuff. Poor Elmo and Grover. And good point about JE looking so tired lately. These short scenes are getting ridiculous. Maybe tomorrow with Monica/Tracy will be better? Sometimes the best stuff isn't in the previews. *crosses fingers*

nex, thanks for the video feedback! I'm thinking about posting them on YouTube...but I don't know. It would be an extra thing for me to check online, you know? LOL.

hooked, as I mentioned earlier, I really don't think I'll be in the breakroom tonight. And probably not tomorrow either. I got to finish putting together a unit plan, and I have to be up at 5:30 on Thursday. Maybe Thursday or Friday night?

ILoveTracyQ, I see your point, and JE would rock it, no doubt, but no, I still don't want it happening. No, no, no. Thanks for the heads up about WK/JE scene. I can't wait. I just hope they're on longer than 30 seconds. Sure, it's great stuff according to WK, 'cause he hardly ever works (*sniff*), but I really do hope we get more than what we have been getting.

Heads up SOC Posters...Go post in the LuNacy spoiler thread. It's funny. We know the spoiler, but someone was like, "Oh man, I was hoping this spoiler was going to be about them having sex." :lol: (and none of us posted that, LOL)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Spoiler blah blah blah






Umm excuse me if I missed something, but WTF ARE SONNY AND CARLY DOING AT THE FUNERAL!!!!????? I can understand maybe having Michael come but I mean he can come with Jason or Bobbie or even Emily. Oh and regards to the spoiler about 'Edward preventing Tracy from lashing out at Sonny and Carly' ....Are the writers on crack!? It just doesn't make much sense to me that *Edward* of all people would try to stop *anyone* from ripping into Dumb and Dumber. ::sighs:: Yeah I'm just getting sick of these two lately.

Oh and the whole 'Tracy killed Rick' thing...yeah that sooooo isn't gonna happen.

I can't wait to see Ned again!!!

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hey guys, i know it's early but I was thinking about chillin' in the breakroom for a bit. I'll be writing while i wait around, so sorry if I take a minute to answer.


got kicked off, but had a pretty nice chat with TL already and it's only 9:30!! she's gone cuz she had work to do, but come on in guys... the water's fine!

edit: had agreat chat with TL and then with HOOKed, you guys missed out!! talk to you soon

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Hi all!! Just posted a little poll about this topic at JEonline. Go check it out.

Should be working on my paper. Almost half done. Hard to believe considering I keep taking breaks to read other boards, post polls, and download clips from Hella Good - LOL! I am now, at this point, resisting the temptation to watch a LuNacy vid before I go back to my paper - heehee.

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so I was watching one of my epis last night... the one where she freaks out about the age difference between her and Paul, who let me say, even if he is as big a jerk as they come, was really cute with her and they had a lot of chemistry. It was kinda funny. She stared at herself in the mirror, obviously thinking she wasn't good enough and came out the next scene in spndex leggings, a florescent pink jcket and some strange skirt and sequined top. She looked a bit like Barbie and the Rockers!!

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Would you believe that the day I go to post my new fic my comp comes down with the virus to end all viruses? Yeah, it did. So, I'm getting online from school right now. I'll have to try again tonight.

*waves at Everyone* I've missed you guys.

ETA: Regarding how Jane's been looking, I actually did that little gasp that girls do when they see other pretty girls when I've seen her the past few days.

ETA2: Guess who bit the bullet? Moi. Upwards & Onwards.

Edited by Regency
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*headtodesk* I've been up since 5:30. I need a nap.

Fanfiction...hooked, I read Chapter 1 and posted a review at FF.net. I had to post a review, 'cause a) You deserved one and B) I love getting reviews myself, so I thought you'd like to get them too. Anyway, what you wrote...IT'S WONDERFUL!!!! I cannot wait for the next part. Regency, I'm going to read yours later, if that's all right. I'm sure it is also wonderful. Same with yours MinervaFan.

knh, that is an amusing scene. I'm not sure if you have the next part or not, but Tracy shows up at the PC grill later in her regular clothes and asks Ned something like, "Is this old enough looking for you, or would you prefer a cane and shawl?" Aww, LOL. Poor Tracy. Also, are these DVDs/tapes from Eldon or Jen? And if they're from Eldon, do you have a way of making clips for us? *thinks about videos*

Edit: MinervaFan, loved the short little story. The way you word things is so good. Thanks.







angel, I know, right? Why is EDWARD stopping her? Stupid. I want to see Tracy rip into Carson, and rip into them good. Unfortunately, when it comes to them, Tracy is always wrong and or evil. Carly's viewed as the "cool" b-tch on GH from Guza's point of view, even though she's also so brave, so strong, and loves with her whole heart :rolleyes: (Thanks TWoP! :D).

Per Got Info: Alan appears to Tracy after the reading of his will.

Per SoapKing: TODAY...Luke knows it is time for him to step up and be a real parent. Tracy will hold Luke to his promise to be the father Lulu needs. Monica and Tracy form a rare alliance when they join forces against Skye. There are also Alan/Emily and Alan/Monica bedside spoilers. When is Tracy going to get more than 2 seconds with her CONSCIOUS brother? She got more screentime with him when he was unconscious. *pouts*

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I saw that too on one of these edits and it was hilarious. Ned told her it was a good look for her...if she was madonna! Too funny. I watched the whole dillon labor/birth/premie thing today. Paul was very loving to Tracy then and they seemed to be very close and bonded. I forgot what happened after that...will have to keep on watching these dvd edits. It takes forever

Regency...loved you story. MinervaFan loved yours. Today is a banner day. Now if only we get the scenes that last more than two seconds with tracy/luke/lulu today I will be a very happy camper.

Love all this posting/writing.

Mrs. Q hope you get to take a break today. I am wiped too from staying up til 2am two days in a row. I am getting too old for that.

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