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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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nex! I did the SAME thing, LOL! I asked Regency in the breakroom last night what I was missing. I was all, "Tracy's words believe...eh, uh... I. Don't. Get. It." And then she told me and I went, "Ohhhhh." *embarrassed*

hookedongh, that "settling" line might have come from the Tracy/Ned fanfic I wrote. That's not the first line of mine that Guza stole either, LOL. About our girl heading to MetroCourt...I guess Alan is there early. Edward, Monica, and Tracy haven't arrived yet, which is odd, since the Q's almost ALWAYS travel as a herd. And it's also strange that Dillon (who needs to be disowned, that JERK) was at MC one scene and not the next.

The Scotty/Tracy scenes that were spoiled don't happen 'til next week, but I hope she's on tomorrow anyway. And one of these days, we might even get to see Tracy's perspective of the explosion. We've seen Patrick's, Lucky's, and Sam's so far. Someone else's too, but since I'm not exactly watching everything, I don't know whose.

Hmm, what else? Oh, Luke!!! You are SO lucky that Tracy is going to bail you out of jail. If you were my husband, I would leave you there...at least for a little while. Oh, and everyone! Someone on another board basically mentioned that LuNacy isn't FUN anymore, and *gasp* I agree. I don't know why I didn't think of it before, but that's gotta be one of the reasons, I've been on/off the bus lately. I mean, I'm technically always on the bus, but sometimes I'm sitting comfortably and happily, and other times I'm about to fall off. OK. Enough with the analogies...

Bottom line is LuNacy needs FUN. They need their snarkiness back. Now, it's almost too "wimpy." Is that the right word? See, this is what happens when couples admit to loving each other GH...the "L" word is NEVER good!!! And yet, we waited forever for Luke to tell Tracy that, so it's not right to complain about it now, but I don't know. I guess there won't be too much LuNacy fun happening in the near future, and considering the circumstances, I'm not surprised, but I want some NEW drama...

I'm tired of the whole "Luke settling for Tracy" thing. Hey, Tracy! Don't settle for him. Or, make him PAY!!! Make him BEG!!! When he proves that he is worthy, welcome him back into your life because this is getting ridiculous. I'm getting tired of "Desperate!Tracy wants Luke to love her like he loves Laura." And I know it's not the first time that Tracy stayed with a man who didn't love her like she loved him, but seriously. Things are getting too complicated now, and Luke could say he loves her a million times in a row, but he needs to SHOW it. Whew. Maybe the fun and games with LuNacy were better after all??? (Remember when I used to ask for real drama and something meaty??? I guess we got it, and yet, here I am...complaining again). AGH! I don't know. And I am officially rambling now, and probably contradicted myself more than once. Oy. Hopefully, the rest of Sweeps proves to be good for LuNacy.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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OK, so I watched it again on TIVO and maybe in his own pathetic luke sort of way, he was basically saying, "I like being married to you and I want to stay married to you and if anyone is leaving it is going to be if you decide to bail" They are just so lame both of them....maybe if they would just come clean!!! Maybe the whole death thing/hostage will make them admit their true feelings, but I am not holding my breath"

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Chiming in to say, I agree about the fun aspect.

I haven't watched yet, but I totally already know what you mean.

Question is, what do we do to fix this?

I think I'm going to do a first: write Mr.Geary and tell him first of all, stop allowing the writers to make light of his relationship with Laura.

Their fans don't like it, and it makes Lacy look bad. (that's the only reason I care.)

They need to stop the comparisons altogether IMO, because Tracy and Laura can't be compared.

They need a fun little adventure, not a stupid one, one that will bring out the snarkiness and one-upmanship again. But that at the end of the day, they will be able to be intimate with each other.

It's too bad that TIIC refuse to see them as viable sexual people because of their age.

I can't think of what pair on daytime or primetime to compare them to that I would like to see:

I can tell you I'd like to see no more comparisons to Laura in any way. I would like to see a return to the humor, and snark, because that's them and that's what they're good at, while still being able to be affectionate with each other.

The scenes on the HS when he was teaching her to be a hostess, and later on that first night, with the face touchage? Perfect example of how to be witty, charming, sexy, funny, flirty, serious, hot, and FUN, all at once.

So maybe if we all wrote Geary and Elliot, they'd listen?

I think the writers would take it better coming from them than us.

Whaddya think?

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Jumping back in to say, why not focus more on them at the HS, away from the Q mansion and Lulu and her drama?

Or even *gasp* at ELQ?

Soemthing like that is what I have in mind right now. Soemthing that emphasizes their wit and charm, and yet doesn't make Luke and Laura fans feel destroyed.

As to whether or not they can do that and be romantic/sexual/partners/husband and wife, why NOT???

It's one of the things GH is sorely lacking: a husband and wife who sometimes are on opposite sides but who will defend each other to the death, a husband and wife who LIKE each other, a husband and wife who LIKE to BEST each other, a husband and wife who can hang out and be friends, flirt and be cuddly, or give each other space when needed.

Why NOT??

Lord. If anyone could pull it off, Geary and Elliot can.

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I think writing to the writers would be more effective, only because I have read stuff that JE said that writers hate suggested story lines from actors, and it is a sure fire way to get them to write the opposite and that is why she does what is asked of her and keeps her mouth shut.

But we could write both the writers and them too!! :)

Maybe today was just the shock of seeing each other again. When going back to view it again, look did look like he was intently wanting to finish his conversation with Tracy after lulu was hugging him and saying bye. Maybe after sweeps they will get snarky again!! After poor Alan dies and maybe Monica will try to kick Tracy/Luke/Lulu and Dillon out of her house. Wouldn't it be funny if the four of them had to go find a house to live in or move to the Haunted Star like one big happy family--ha ha.

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FYI--the clips from today are up at Hellagood. The segments Tracy was in were 1, 2 and 3. They were on megaload or I would put the links here (I probably could somehow but am too stupid to know how to--ha ha)

The only line I did like today was when Luke said, "For the first time in my life I am with a woman who pushes me to the edge of my experience and challenges me". Sort of admitting that she is like no other woman and he had no experience with someone as smart and edgy as Tracy. Of course, probably the millions of people watching GH don't sit here and analyze this stuff like we do!

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I liked Jane's scenes yesterday....the only real reason I felt underwhelmed was the fact that they were too short and that like Stace said, once Luke walked out, that was the end of Tracy for the day.

I do NOT like the whiny clingy aspect of Tracy towards Luke, and I don't want her turning into Skye. I do miss the fun aspect of Lacy, and I don't see why we can't have fun sexy flirty Lacy, who show obvious love and affection, without being whiny and clingy.

I'd love that.

I in fact, would rather see scheming caper Lacy, than serious Lacy.....no matter how "fluffy" they might be. Kind of like a more grown up, snarkier Scott and Lucy.

I'll stop rambling now. LOL

spoiler talk

I wonder why Alan's "ghost" appears to Tracy and only Tracy.......

anyone wanna spec why?

My thoughts:

1. Alan can "go" where Tracy can't, and will know something Tracy doesn't. Like the identity of Rick Webber's killer.

2. Tracy has a breakdown and needs moral support. She may push Luke away and Alan appears to guide her about that, or maybe Tracy and Dillon have a falling out.

3. Tracy tells Ed she sees Alan and Edward uses it as a plot point to have Tracy ousted as CEO of ELQ.

several other things come to mind, but those are the main ones.

Is it wrong that even though I feel SICK about Stuart, I am kinda excited about JE playing out these scenes?

I think ya'll....that as hard as it is, we should be thankful for any Tracy/Jane we get, in light of how Stuart has been fired for apparently no reason other than "just because."

I feel Jane as long as Tracy is married to Luke is safe....but God knows that could end "whenever."

I do think we should not give up hope, and not stop asking for more of her, but I think treating her appearances like water in the desert would not be unwise.

spoiler talk over

I hope she's on today.

Oh yeah...and even though she was only on the first half of the show, she was the best part of it.

OUr couple, and our girl, sooooo sparkles.


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Gosh, I guess I am the only one here to actually *liked* yesterday's scenes. Yeah, I thought the whole "I like being Mr. Luke" speech was a retread, but come on. This is GH. They only give the characters one speech every six months, and then have them repeat it to every person they see. (Elizabeth: I am just doing what's best for my baby. Maxie: Lucky and I deserve to be together. Lulu: But I had an abortion, so...)

As for the peformance, they were spot on. Luke was being Luke, ya'll. This is Luke. Remember, the guy we think is perfect for Tracy? The guy all the fans just lurvvvee? Yes, he's funny, sexy, snarky, adventurous, and a hero. He is also self-involved, incapable of taking responsibility in his daily life, dismissive of his loved one's feelings (except for Laura), and glib when dealing with dealing with human emotion.

Luke acted exactly like I expected him to ask. I did not expect groveling or apologies. That would have been 100% OOC. And IMHO, Tracy acted exactly in character. She was guarded, but curious. She held her emotions (except for the bitterness) very close to her vest (until the end, when he was already out of the room and couldn't see her face). She didn't let him off the hook, and didn't fling herself into his arms when he made his "I like being Mr. Tracy" speech.

This may have hurt her, because she knows he's jerking her around. She knows he loves her in his own way, but she's not sure he loves her in the way she needs to be loved. And I know Tracy enough to know that underneath it all there is a voice saying, "You've settled for so much less so many times before. At least he loves you in his own way. Why can't you just accept it and be happy?"

This time, it's Tracy who is determined not to settle. Luke would love to just come back into their cozy little relationship, where she gives everything, and he gives nothing. And Tracy is not going to let him. It's hurting her, but she's going to make him earn it.

At least she would, if her brother's death weren't looming around the corner. I think after that, it could go one of two ways: She'll be much more malleable, and turn to Luke in her grief. OR She'll lock up and cut everyone off, and Luke will finally come to his senses and realize that if he wants to help her, he can't just tell her he loves her. He's going to have to show it, in a way that will break through the wall she's built around her.

I'm thinking the second option will be the one that happens, but that's just the fanfic writer in me talking.

EDIT: I clipped together all the Q/LuNacy scenes from 1/31/07 from Hella Good. Credit to Geena at HellaGood. http://files.to/get/352838/34806/01-31-07LunacyReunited.wmv

Edited by MinervaFan
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I think the writers have to walk a fine line when it comes to Tracy & Luke's relationship. Many L&L fans are unbending and will accept nobody who would take Laura's place. I would rather have this complicated (and real) relationship than see Tracy hated and dragged through the mud by the diehards.

BTW, she was stunning yesterday, when she came close to losing it as Luke left, but swallowed her tears back. I actually felt my heart skip.

Shirley at GHH2 has some interesting quotes from JI and LC on SD's departure:


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Aaaaand we're back !!!

Missed you all !

I hope everyone is feeling well...I wish I was at home in bed. LOL

Heads up !

WOOT !!!

Tracy Q is ON today. *crosses fingers and toes it's for more than two seconds.

ETA thanks Magic for the quotes, I think they are from SOW or SOD as reported on SZ too......and I LOVED JE's performance on Wednesday. The woman can do so much with so little. :)


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