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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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TOTALLY OT: Moving Tales, Part One: Yes, Fey and I are moving to our own apartment this weekend, so I will be pretty scarce. I did get one good surprise--Brandenberg Telephone Company told us that they couldn't install until Monday AM, so I thought I'd be without Internet Access all weekend. We brought some boxes to the townhouse last night, and there was a sign from Brandenburg saying, We were here, your phone works, thanks for the $60.

Of course, there was another note from the water company saying, Wow, you weren't here and we couldn't turn on your water. Call us, dudes, and we'll get ya flushing. Of course, this is 4:45 on a Friday afternoon. Several frantic calls to several City offices (including the after hours emergency police dispatch unit--don't ask), and Kevin the Water Guy shows up and turns on our water (without entering the apartment, I might add....grr...)

Anyway, that's the story now. We're moving today--we'll never get everything done, but hopefully we'll have our stuff totally cleaned out of Fey's mom's house by the end of the week. Oh, and did I mention it's supposed to snow? *rolleyes*

Back OT: MsQ, I love the Tracy spoiler about pursuing the Angela Monroe thing. Maybe KMo will leave the show for primetime, and Tracy will be the cause. Naaah, Edward would just banish her. I finally saw all the episodes from this week. Dillon, I once loved you. I once thought you were the hope of the Quartermaines. And while I am glad you're going back to film, because it's where you belong, I (a) hate that you failed to acknowlege how supportive your mother has been through this, (B) hate that you lump her in with the likes of Edward, when she has been really good to you this year, and © only made your "stunning" revelation to cover for Lulu, who is trying to IMPLICATE YOUR AUNT in a murder in order to take the blame off her mother. (Go, Girls to Tracy, who is just calling every single thing these days--she really is the Kassandra of the Quartermaines. She's right, almost all the time, but nobody listens to her.)

Thanks for the feedback on the the Change of Habit story, btw. I've been having so much fun with this one. The first story I tried to write hit a roadblock, but I so wanted to ship them. I'll keep adding to it--yeah, it's going to be smutty at some point, but in a cutesy, 60s Elvis movie kind of way. Oh, and ILTQ? Don't feel bad. I thought Elvis was cute in that movie, and I'm not even attracted to men!

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I was watching the scenes from Wed. when Monica was saying to Tracy, "at least both your sons are alive" when they were on the couch. She did her eye close thing when someone was talking to her and then interrupted with, "and now he's obessed with Jason....you all are!" I thought it was pretty funny. I was wondering if she added "you all are" in there meaning the writers, etc that the whole show is about Jason and the mob, etc. Maybe it was a dig!!

I downloaded all those old clips finally and hope to watch them today in between a million activities going on in my house. Has anyone seen any old tracy/scott clips? I sure hope that Tracy and Scotty get to share some scenes coming up. Only another week of GH or so til Luke and scotty come back!

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Someone needs to tell me these aren't real...






From Take It Or Leave It of SoapDish

(SD trusts him/her for the most part; I guess he/she's been accurate about other backstage happenings)...

My commments in italics.


I'm messing this up. If you read the bold stuff from earlier, ignore it.

Two actors have been let go.

So, it could be ANYONE, right?

Another vet will be leaving - she has asked to be released.

It's gotta be Leslie Charleson.

Sad times for one backstage has brought an unwanted spotlight on some.

Has to be about Stuart Damon's firing.

A recent scuffle backstage has resulted in another possible firing.

Please not anyone I like!

A fav actress is on her way back to the studios.

And this is where she (Ms. Q) flips out...Genie Francis? Which is fine as long as Jane Elliot gets to remain, but then, there's that "2 actors have been let go" possible spoiler. Unless, Kristina Wagner is returning for Georgie's funeral, IF Georgie is dying.

So, um, anyway, HAPPY THOUGHTS!!!

Possible Spoiler (variation of what we've seen): Luke lends Tracy a shoulder. All together now: Awww. :)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Deep Breath, Ms. Q. Breathe!!!

My first reaction to this was: "Ah that's B.S., Jane Elliot isn't going anywhere." Then I reread it, and I have a different perspective. IF - and it's a very big if - she's leaving, it's because she's asked to go. And hey, if she wants to go it's because she's fed up with the way they're treating the vets, and she thinks it's time to move on... AND I WOULD TOTALLY SUPPORT IT!!! I'd be sad, but I'd support it. And, actually, it's sort of in keeping with the way I think of Jane Elliot - a strong, free-minded soul, someone who has her own opinions and isn't afraid to act on them. I love the idea of her saying, "enough!" and giving the big finger to the studio. HA!

That said --- JE has been floating all over soap world for the last 30 years. We all love her as Tracy, but she's done other stuff, (DOOL, GL, AMC, CITY...) and acted with lots of talented folks. Her ties likely aren't as deep to Stuart Damon as....... LESLIE CHARLESON!!! LC has been Monica to SD's Alan for 30 years!!!! They must be close. She has to be the one most affected. 20 bucks says that: a] Monica decides to leave town after Alan dies or b] She's implicated in the Rick Webber thing (which would link her departure to Genie Francis' return).

And I have to tell you guys... I'm NOT opposed to a "REAL" Genie return... one where the writers don't have to rush her reunion with Luke. I would love to see Tracy and Luke "REALLY" get together, and then have to deal with Laura's return together. It would be great acting for JE. And I have to tell you -- if the writers do this right -- the ONLY way Tracy will accept Luke into her life as a "REAL" husband is if he can convince her SHE'S his NUMBER ONE. TIIC set it up that way when he left. So, if they are "REALLY" together when Genie comes back, it would be interesting to see how the whole LuNacy thing unfolds. I gotta tell you, once Luke got over the guilt with Laura.. my money would be on LuNacy. Tracy is SUCH a better match for Luke. SOOO MUCH better.

Ta Ta,

Lainey's going shopping!

More later,


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OH...it is so GH to have tracy and luke finally get together for real and then laura show up. It would be for great scenes though for Jane!

I could see Leslie Charleston wanting to leave maybe...but not JE. She still has a kid at home and one in college and is single mother, etc. I am sure she has money, but as she has even said, she is luck as there is not much for for 60 year old actresses in the soap world. I don't think she would just up and quit when she finally has her dream of working with Tony Geary in a love story.

But that is just my hopeful thinking. The Qs would be so strange without Alan and Monica. It would be Tracy and Edward.

Do we know from a reliable rumor/info that genie is for sure coming back? I hope not, but if she did and Luke and Tracy got together first for real, then it would be good to see her as she would have to be angry when she found out about all the lies, etc. OK...I am just rambling so I better shut up now--ha ha.

I am putting off writing a poem I need to write for a friend's 50th birthday party this afternoon!!

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I'm going to be optimistic (or naive, whatever works) and say that it was not JE leaving and thatthe 2 actors coming back are Kristina Wagner and Kin Shriner. I know they've said he's coming back, but he hasn't yet, so maybe they were talking about his official return, and I know SID or SOD said that KW was asked or asking to come back. I don't think that JE would be leaving b/c, as much as I'm all for acting on principle, it's still her bread and butter. You can't leave something b/c of how they treated someone else. Well, hopefully not, especially with her 2 kids in school.

Oh, and MF... thanks for posting #3!!! I am 1/2 through your AU and it's fantastic! I'll be taking a break in a bit to read your part # and then go back to this, cuz I can't wait too long to see what happens for the roomies!!!

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My thoughts: Pinkpopsicle, , again...what a cute pic. :)

hooked good luck on the poem.

Ms.Q, grain of salt, remember.

I agree, Jane is outspoken and likely says pretty much what comes to mind, but I think she's less outspoken at work than she used to be, mainly because back in the day she was probably the leading lady of her age group on GH, but now....she's a lot more expendable in the eyes of TIIC, and she knows this, I'm sure.

She's still got a kid at home, true...and Adrian in college, and I doubt she'd up and quit.

She loves working with TG and he LOVES working with her. :wub:

So I doubt she'd up and quit.

I also agree I'm so over fretting if GF comes back. I think actually it's inevitable. I wish it weren't. It may happen next month or next year, or it may be never while Lacy is paired, but who knows? I'm not gonna sweat it anymore.

I'm just going to enjoy the spark that TG/JE bring.

Deb congrats on your new place. A new place is always fun and exciting I think. And a townhouse....fun !

I am enjoying the COH fic quite a bit........and your updates to the AU. YOU did the impossible Deb. You actually made me like Laura, or rather, your version of Laura.

The teen Laura I remember was quite a brat, not unlike her daughter is now.....

Have fun shopping Lainey. And I have to go in to work today but I am putting it off.

Shopping sounds like so much more fun.

Come and pick me up Lainey and I'll go with you. LOL

*waves to Deb and knh*

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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OK...I finally figured out the whole hellagood site and how to sign up for it and it was finally validated, so I put a clip request in there so I could stop annoying all of you guys who are so generous to help me. Of course, I did notice that Ms. Q and Nex were filling others requests. The dates I wanted were there but they were all expired from sendsapce. I think they were 6/1/05, 10/11/05/ 11/30/05, 3/21/06, 6/23/05, 6/24/05 and 5/20/05. Hope someone else on that forum can help me !!! Thanks for the suggestion to go there.

I wrote a letter instead of a poem because I am way too busy looking up old clips to be creative for my friend. How bad is that?????

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Ugh, anyone else having trouble with logging in and posting besides me?

Re.A Female Vet Asked To Be Released- If anyone on the show has reason to want to leave because of SD being fired its Leslie Charleson. I can't even begin to imagine how she must feel, I mean her and Stuart Damon have been a team for soooo long and they just decide to kill him off! God knows what they would or are going to do to her.

This whole firing a vet for 30 odd years just really pisses me off.

That's all I've got to say.... at least until I find something else to b!tch about which shouldn't be too hard.

Edited by angel2devil
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OT-Woo! Ms. Q went out last night AND today AND enjoyed herself!

Just clearing some things up…

Assuming the backstage information IS true, I don't see Jane Elliot being the one that ASKED to leave. I agree with hookedongh. She's got children that she needs to put through college. She's aware that there aren't a lot of places that are going to hire 60+ actresses. That's why I guessed Leslie Charleson. As for the 2 other actors being let go…Could be a lot of people. Scott Clifton. Eddie Matos. Dirk Cheetwood. Lindze Letherman. Jacklyn Zeman.

About Genie Francis: I don't mind her returning that much as long as I still get to see Jane Elliot on GH. In fact, her last return gave our girl a chance to REALLY shine. That aside, what happens to LuNacy? GH isn't stupid enough to have Luke/Laura/Tracy all on contract and NOT have Luke/Laura paired. And does NO LuNacy mean NO Tracy?!? I could see GH keeping JE around for the fall-out of what happens when Laura finds out the truth, but after that, then what?

Just a reminder: These came from "Take It Or Leave It (TIOLI)" who DID spill that a vet got his walking papers over the weekend (not this weekend), and then a couple days later, Darcy came out with the scoop that Stuart Damon had been fired. And SoapDish said TIOLI has been accurate about other things. So, I guess that sort of answers whether or not this insider is reliable.

But enough about that. Behold the PRETTINESS!



Aaaaaaaah! The FLYAWAYS! MinervaFan, this is what Regency and I were talking about that one night in the breakroom:


Oh, this was also discussed in the breakroom briefly, but the previews that GH showed at the end of Monday's episode of Tracy/Sam never made it into Tuesday's show. (This also the same scene shown in the SoapScoop). If you re-watch the first scene on Tuesday, you'll notice that the conversation seems to start mid-sentence. Stupid GH.

Finally, been meaning to mention this, but for those who don't know, GH got pretty high ratings (2.9) last week. Actually, the ratings still aren't good, but they're much better than usual. I'd love to think TRACY was responsible, LOL, but I'm assuming it's either the Sonny/Carly marriage that brought them up (GAH; sorry Lainey!), or the overall balance in general. BALANCE is KEY. Come on, Guza. It's not that hard.

It's kind of late. Almost midnight central. But I'll be in the breakroom for a little: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

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