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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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To those on this board who are Luke&Laura fans, let me just say I truly hope today's episode is a wonderful, wonderful reaffirmation of a relationship that has made the history books. While I don't (and never did) understand the allure of L&L, I cannot deny that their pairing MADE General Hospital. I respect its place in our cultural history, and don't deny that many, many people will always think of L&L as THE soap couple for all time.

OTOH, to my fellow LuNacy fans. *deep breath* Be brave, campers. Just keep thinking--this is screen time for JE. No matter how much they humiliate Tracy today, JE's going to rock it. She's going to bring so much depth and pathos and tragedy to the scenes she has that nobody is going to hate her. Even if they play it strictly for laughs, I trust in Jane and her ability to show more than the script ever thought of giving us. She knows her character (putting on an old pair of slippers, is how she described playing Tracy), knows her history, and she won't disappoint us. That's my story, and I'm sticking with it.

Also, just for safety's sake, we might want to steer clear of Soapzone today. That place can be brutal.

*sigh* You know what REALLY irks me? I was really hoping for more Laura/Tracy interaction. I didn't want Tracy tormenting her, or spilling the beans, or anything like that. I just wanted them to interact. I wanted Tracy to talk to the woman she's feared for a year and a half, the woman she will probably fear on some level for as long as she's with Luke.

But no. Not gonna happen.

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Ms. Q, It means that things are gonna get VERY SUCKY for Tracy!!! She DOESN'T get her cake or eat it EITHER meanwhile Luke GETs to have his cake AND EAT it too!

I am sooooo hating on Luke right now. I can not begin to tell you.

We were so happy that Luke finally admitted and told Tracy that he loved her. We thought it would make Tracy happy (and of course give Jane more airtime). But it's probably worse for Tracy now BECAUSE he loves her.

Before he admitted he loved her, though we all suspected he did, we felt sorry for Tracy because after all eveyone knows that Luke married her to get his 15 million back. Since the marriage was a sham, did Tracy really have the right to fight to keep Luke, if Luke is not emotionally responsible to her?

BUT now that Luke admitted he loves her-"I LOVE YOU TRACY" , he IS emotionally responsible to her.

So now Tracy is humiliated since she is the only one who knows they are still married, the whole town thinks he dropped her for Laura. How can she save face now? He is leaving town and leaving Tracy in pieces.

And running out on his kids who will be grieving for losing Laura again. Who is going to fix all this since he is not going to be around for the fallout?

When he comes back, Is he going to tell everyone he was married to Tracy all along, admitting that he lied? Or is he going to say he and Tracy are getting married again? Or none of the above?

Yes, I understand that Jane has definately gotten more air time out of this. Just the plain fact that luke has not let Tracy in on his "laura plan" from the beginning and she has had to hunt him down every step of the way through his trail of lies and deceit for it, definately gives Jane more air time. But how much more will she have when Luke goes away? It is spoiled somewhere that Lulu will look to others for comfort so I doubt Lulu will necessarily be moving back into the Q mansion having Tracy play babysitter like she used to.

So now, as I often am, am torn between Tracy's feelings and Jane's airtime. If this is going to continue to give Jane a 3 show a week airtime, I guess I could deal with it, BUT, if we ended up going from 3 shows a week of Tracy being humiliated and emotionally torn apart only for it to go back to having Tray once every other week. I'm not so sure it's worth the trade off.

I'm tellin' ya if he wasn't Luke-more-airtime-than-any-vet=Spencer, I'd want Tracy to kick his butt to the curb!!

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You know what....

I come with much love but...

...just....don't watch today.

I have seen it.

It doesn't matter who you're a fan of. Even Luke and Laura fans. We all lose. But especially Tracy fans.

What a farce. I'm disgusted. Appalled. Disappointed. Not surprised, but....*sigh* it was humiliating to me as a GH fan.

When people look back at GH, today will be known as shark-jumping day.

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Breakroom? It's 5:45 central. nex and I are there.


smirks, you came out of lurkdom!!! :D

My thoughts on today?


The LuNacy scenes in the beginning were fine. Nothing bad. Nothing good. IMO, anyway.

Drunk!Tracy and Edward amused me. So did Dillon, Tracy, and the camera.

But the interruption? The closet?



Tracy should have saved her dignity and not showed up at all. B!tch Tracy would have better than Foolish!Tracy. But, Jane Elliot still gave it her all, and I love her for it. :)

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I obviously had a better day than all of you guys. Why? I didn't watch it. I just watched the LuNacy scenes at the beginning, then said pish to it. Spent quality time with my baby, had a nice dinner, and fast-forwarded to the end of the tape to do tomorrow's shows. Not watching, not listening, not thinking LALALALALAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

Actually, I will watch the show this weekend when I have more time, but all the things I've read have encouraged me not to hurry.

I'm still mad at Monica and Alan for having no compassion at all for Tracy.

And Dillon Hornsby is no longer on Santa's Nice list. He's getting coal till he's 90.

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Where is everybody?

Has shell-shock set in? I know I'm pretty depressed, because wow--we got Luke telling Tracy he loved her and Tracy admitting she has feelings for him all in the space of one week. We should be jumping from the rooftops.

Instead, we feel beaten.

I don't even feel like writing fanfic.

Well, I do, but I don't think it's the kind you guys would want to read.

Thoughts? Are we okay here?

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Breaking my silence to say that I enjoyed last night's chat in the BR, so thank you to smirks,Ms.Q,Regency, nex and anyone else I am forgetting.


Um. GH wise. There's more than one reason I've been staying offline, and to tell the truth, the more time I spend offline, the more I just don't miss it.

I miss talking to ya'll, but that's about it. I could and can and will do without the pettiness I've seen towards Tracy and Lacy as a couple on other boards. So until all this crap dies down a little, I just won't post there. I don't have anything to say really. I think GH has shellshocked me to the point of not even being able to SQUEE when Jane gets a good amount of airtime and good material.


It's not Jane, or Tracy's fault, that TG put in the "ILY" or that Guza wrote the whole mishmash the way he did.

Go figure. I knew it'd be written this way. BLAH.

Tracy's the main one taking the brunt of it, her...and Lacy as a couple. It seems irrational to me and it kinda irks me, so lurking or not being online at all is best for me right now.

As far as yesterday....my cable has been messed up since sometime Wednesday, so I may not even get a chance to watch if it's not fixed this weekend.

If it is fixed, I may not watch anyway. I would like to see the Tracy only stuff, but have no desire to see the rest.

Anybody got clips? :)

Seriously. Because I can watch the Tracy stuff in less than ten minutes and spare myself the rest.

smirks and I were talking about GF last night and whether or not she may come back.

I think Guza's already writing her return, smirks was not as hopeful, and I guess IF TIIC really only brought GF back because of the 25th Anniversary and the chance to make money by selling merchandise, they may NOT ask her back anytime soon.

I don't know.

I DO know that the spectre of Laura and the chance of Genie coming back will always be hanging over "Lacy," so we better find a way to make peace with it (not telling anyone they HAVE to, but it would be wise to accept that Laura will always be "first", even catatonic, and TIIC aren't ever going to put Tracy first, not with Luke).

That in theory doesn't bother me.

I don't care that Lacy aren't like LnL.

Matter of fact that's one of the biggest selling points with me.

NOthing about them is LnL'ish.

WONDERFUL. Because in it's own way, Lacy is much deeper, not in terms of love, but in terms of how the two of them understand each other.

How one really can't put something over on the other.

How the two actors can communicate without words (JE/TG already said this in a mag), and it shows in their portrayals, because I believe the characters can, too.

I love the "best friendship" vibe of Lacy. I love that if they are allowed to be EVER, Lacy could show how "hawt" they could be as well.

I love that type of relationship, because to me it's one of the strongest you can have.

I do think they love each other, and yes it's the BF kind of love but that's not a bad thing to me at all.

I don't need them to be a SUPERCOUPLE. :)

I don't need them to be soulmates, even.

Because they're kindred spirits, which is infinitely more interesting to me, and deeper for the characters and actors as well.

Oh there are days I wish Luke would die, and that Tracy would get some self esteem, and dump him, and all that.

But for the most part I still enjoy them. :)

It has its ups and downs, but Tony and Jane make those moments worth hanging in there.

I *hope* Tracy is not completely forgotten when Luke leaves next month, and I can't wait for next week.

A Q Thanksgiving. :)

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Alright Deb, alright. :P

Watched the show live which I don't usually do but I wanted to get it over with already. I kept myself busy in the room during the non-Tracy scenes so I wouldn't have to pay attention.

Tracy's first trip (in the foyer of the Q mansion) which I believe was an accident. I gasped and then laughed hysterically.

The rest of the drunken stuff I did not really like at all.

I didn't like what she was wearing though the hat was cool.

She had way too much make-up on as did Luke.

The scene in the closet was not funny at all, especially when Alice handed her the piece of cake (I guess that's what could have been meant by "Tracy doesn't get her cake (her way) or eat it either (her cake from Alice - pretty clever).".

Later last night....

A friend came over and wanted to watch the LnL wedding. WTF!! NOOO!!!

So I ended up watching Tracy and the LnL wedding this time. - The ceremony was really quick, no biggie, I didn't think it was great, though the scenery was nice. Tony was more into it than Genie. Overall I thought the LnL scenes were just eh. Luke did seem sincere in his vows but not intense love type of thing. Maybe I am biased because I don't want to see any connection. But there are some LnL admirers who have said that they have not seen chemistry between them this time around at all. Luke seems to me to be the protector type more than anything.

I saw them get married 25 years ago. And though I don't remember many details, this one didn't even come close to that. There was a little magic back then which I did not see yesterday. I was more of a Luke, robert, and Tracy fan back then, but I did like Luke and Laura as a couple.

I have read some of the boards where they have spoken about the wedding and Tracy. But the ones I've read haven't been that awful (maybe I'm reading the wrong boards? or are those the right ones :). Many people thought Tracy was hilarious and/or they felt sorry for her and thought she was GREAT even though they are not necessarily Tracy fans.

So even though I did not like that Tracy was humiliated and made to look like a fool once again, I'll "accept" it this time because it kind of took the heat off of her a little in terms of the LnL thing.

For some reason I get the feeling that the age of the fan plays a big part here in terms of their perception of Luke loving Tracy and/or Laura and questioning which is REAL. As one grows in years so does their capacity for the understanding of what love is. I don't believe anyone really ever understands it totally. it may take lifetimes but I feel it becomes more inclusive than just the idea that one feels of "magic". And as some of you youngin's move up there in years you will know what I'm talking about.

One thing we've all posted about and discussed in the break-room is true... we knew the s/l would tear our girls heart out, make her look like a fool, drunken her up, silly her up, biatchy her up...and we were all unanimous in saying that no matter what - TRACY/JANE would ROCK IT!! And we were right! Yeah, Spanky buns ROCKED IT OUT!!!!!! I Love that woman, I truly do!!!!

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Stupid me had to watch the show today. - 15 mins left.

DO NOT READ below if you want to avoid agravation and depression.

No Tracy. Not that I thought there would be but the show began where it left off yesterday. Since all the guests are gone from the Q mansion I hope Tracy is not still in the closet. Watched LnL scenes. And from what Luke says to Laura, I don't see how LuNacy can go on. Why is it our girl always has to lose. I have to tell you I almost feel as though I am done with this all already! I can't separate my feelings for the character from Jane getting airtime and rocking it, not right now anyway.

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