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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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So, I watched the scenes again, and yes, Jane rocks, but I wish we could've gotten more. Maybe tomorrow?

Breakroom anyone? It's about 10pm central.

Edit: Still in the breakroom for a little while longer. (It's 10:30 central) And *waves wildly to coolkid* coolkid, post something, please. Even if it's just to say hello. We've missed you so much!!!

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OH!!!!!!! MY!!!!!!! GOD!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe there isn't more excitement on this board!!!!!!!!

I finally got home from work, and was able to watch the bulk of the show on SoapNet (Thank God for SoapNet because my TIVO !*%#&$?#-up today of all days!!!). I am DYING PEOPLE!!! DYING!!!!!!!

FINALLY - Jane got to strut her stuff!!!!!!!!!!!! She was MARVELOUS!!!!!!

AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!

Her facial expressions were amazing!! In the hospital she looked destroyed!! And in the bar, you could tell she cared so much about him -- still. Amazing!!!!!!

Didn't she though?!?!?!?!? SOOOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub::wub:

Her hair looked great. Her makeup looked great! She looked better than she has in months!!! The make-up/wardrobe people actually spent TIME on her for today's episode -- imagine that!

I'm so happy. SOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!


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Dear Pod!Dillon:

Do you not have a cell phone? Do you not know where your mother's room is? You found out about Laura on TUESDAY NIGHT! It is now Thursday. Did it not ONCE occur to you, you weasly, pathetic, self-centered little sack of refuse, to WARN your mother that her husband's first wife was back from her rutabaga state?

Real!Dillon would have known how much his mother cared for Luke. Real!Dillon would have understood how vulnerable his mother is underneath that tough shell. Real!Dillon would not have ever, ever wanted to see Tracy the way she was today at GH.

But Real!Dillon is dead, lost in a maze of hair product, absurd glasses and bad argyle sweaters. Real!Dillon, who admired his mom, who defended her, who loved her even after he realized that she had a dark side, has gone away, possibly forever.

I miss you, Real!Dillon.

Pod!Dillon? Don't even consider crossing me in a dark ally, loser.


Tracy's Avenger

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Watched Tracy's (and Luke's) scenes again tonite.

I didn't realize if the first time, but when laura turned to face her, Tracy like tipped back a little like she couldn't fallen by the weight of the shock!! Geez, I love Jane she's just freakin' great!!

And Luke was a little darn cold wasn't he? eek!! I'm sure he's feelin' the pressure, but jeez!

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Dear TracyQ:

I know you are stunned and wounded and saddened by what happened to you yesterday in General Hospital. I know that finding out about Laura's recovery that way was painful and inexusable.

I want you to know I'm proud of you. I'm proud of your grace, and your strength, and your dignity. You pulled yourself together and showed kindness and generosity to that poor woman, even though everyone around you doubted you would...or could.

You managed to find your inner calm in a situation that would have had lesser women crumbling. I know you think the world is against you now, that you will be lost in all the celebrating and reunions and happiness that Laura is back.

But there is one person here who will not forget you, who never takes her eyes off of you. I have not abandoned you. I see your tears, and your victories. I am with you on the lonely nights when you think no one at all cares if you live or die. In life, I may have let you down, but in death, I am your guardian, your guide.

There is a light at the end of this tunnel, my darling Tracy. Be brave. Hold on to that light inside of you, and keep moving forward. I will be with you every step of the way.

With all the love in the universe,


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ok, now I know we're just supposed to accept everything the writers do and be happy with it.... (I am not missing the irony here, but I'm going with that as the general plan for a moment at least). I know the we know more than the characters do in that GF is clearly not staying on and that will solve Lukes ploblem with marrying Laura, but they aren't supposed to know that she will slip back into her "place", so even if Tracy does allow him to marry Laura, it won't be legal, what with bigomy laws and all, so why would she allow that and not spill the beans about her marriage? These are the things that make me mad. I guess I have a really simple life if it's tv that upsets me, but there it is... I've learned to accept it, but it pisses me off! This is what makes me thinka divorce is more likely that not, but I am still a true and firm believer that they will stay together, so help me out here guys. I'm sure we can all will it to happen. If kids can clap Tinkerbell back to life, we can will a good story for JE.

Good to be back, by the way. I've missed checking in here. Too damned busy lately!

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Until he learns to at least *respect* her and her feelings? *me, stepping off the Lacy train* .....although truthfully I have only had one foot on it for some time now.

Seriously. Cause ya'll thought yesterday was bad?

read this: spoilers

Luke and Laura decide to remarry so LUke calls the family conference aboard the HS and announces to the family that he and Laura are getting remarried...and of course Tracy doesn't know until GUESS WHAT??

She walks into the HS and overhears this. Man...I mean really...I get that when Laura farts, gold glitter flies out her butt. But it's a little thing called common courtesy. Luke SHOULD have told Tracy beforehand.

AND having the wedding at the Q's is apparently his idea.

Oh.....I just really really want him to DIE. The worst part is, I fear Tracy will be waiting for him when Laura leaves. I don't mind her being willing to forgive him, but HE should grovel. I mean really really grovel.

BEcause nothing else will be acceptable to me for me to like them as a couple again. It's one thing to screw up a little and be a *little* mean, but this is so far past that, it's ridiculous.

OTOH....I LURVED JE's performance yesterday. She blows every other performer, including TG, right out of the water for me. I love her all the time, I even love her hollering and scenery chewing sometimes. But I especially love when she's subtle.

And in my opinion, she brings out the best work TG has done in YEARS.

Today may be the day Tracy is drunk at the HS after Luke and Laura leave to go to Beecher's Corners, but I fear it won't be that way, I fear we'll get no Tracy after Luke and Laura leave.

The drunk scene *might* be when the engagement is announced.

Guess we'll see today.

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Little action on this board today....

I think it's all because we're all rather sad today.

Yesterday was great -- it was Wounded Tracy, followed by POWER Tracy on the WARPATH...

Today, I felt sorry for her. And apparently she felt it too, which is why she crawled into the bottle. Poor thing. That bastard is just trouncing all over her heart.

There are some things I don't get:

-We know our girl has NO problems standing up for herself, so why did she keep quiet today? We all know she loves him, but we also know she can be pretty destructive (both to herself and others) when she is angry (she is broken that way). So why didn't she spill the beans to Laura? Why'd she stay quiet? I gotta tell you it's NOT entirely in character. Maybe a little in character, but not entirely.

-Leslie asked Luke yesterday what he is hiding. Ummm. What is he hiding? Does he ALREADY know she's going to be a ruttabega again? If so, how does he know? If not, what is he hiding? Is it his feelings for Tracy? Sorry, I'm not buying it. Especially after today. Any thoughts on what he's hiding? (Aside from the obvious from Laura. The writers - and Leslie- seem to be pointing to something else. Hmmm).

I do like the new Haunted Star set. If they spent money on it it means they're going to be using it more in the future. Hmmmmm.. I did have that 'monkey sex on the craps table' premonition.. maybe.. maybe..

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Apparently, people do start gathering on the Haunted Star today. Tracy's obviously not going be following Luke/Laura to Beechers Corners, so I hope this means she is around after they go there. *shrugs* I have no idea. And poor Tracy. Finding out about Luke's plan to remarry Laura that way. Actually, this might be when she gets drunk as ILoveTracyQ mentioned. Eh, whatever. She's going to be on today regardless. :)

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I just got abc.com's Hotsheet and here is what is planned for next week:

Luke accepts Laura's marriage proposal, but Tracy throws a wrench into Luke's plans. Luke wants Tracy to keep their marriage a secret so that he can go through with the ceremony with Laura. But will Tracy go along with it?

I guess the good news is that she will, for sure, be on next week! :P

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