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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I did not see the brief "You'll regret it" Tracy said to Lulu at the end of Tuesday's show. I set the VCR to tape the very end and for some reason it cut off right before that moment.

I did however watch yesterday....and knowing my girl it's possible she IS making up a story.

I don't think it's entirely out of character...that's not my problem with it. It's just that we never see her and when they do trot her out it's to play wallpaper.(sometimes EVIL wallpaper). Which Jane hates.

I'd like to see some diversity in the storytelling besides Tracy being brought on to be everyone's foil.

That said....if she is lying I don't fault her even though I don't agree with it. Because I understand her motives. She believes Dillon wants this child and Tracy wants to give Dillon that.

I also don't fault her because after the lies and manipulations Lulu perpetrated..she sort of has it coming for someone to lie to her.

I mean Dillon and Georgie are waayyy too understanding of her for my taste.

So if Tracy lies...yes it's bad...but Lulu sort of deserves it IMO after the things she did and of course they'll write it with Lulu being the injured party and Tracy the evil witch.

Par for the course.

Poor, Poor Edward. *snicker* can't wait MinervaFan.

If they don't have Tracy lying *squees* right along with Keith.

LaineyBev I like your scenario.

Let's hope though that Tracy ISN'T lying.


*waves to everyone lurking*

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Okay so based on recaps it sounds like a good day.

They wrote it as Tracy had an abortion between Dillon and Ned. It sounds like a good day for our girl but it seems like she was only on the first half of the show.

And since I'm at work can't give too many details, sorry. :(

*waves* to nex.

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OK I don't have any details other than: (if you don't want to know, don't read)











Tracy admitted to Lulu that she had an abortion sometime after Ned and before Dillion. I'm sorry I don't have more information other than that but stupid SoapZone posters didn't say too much. :angry: As far as I can tell the scenes were good and people like JE in them. :)

Sorry for the short post but i'm at work!

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So. We called it--right down to the time frame. If I wasn't having such a lousy day, I'd be dancing the Sacred Squee Dance right now.

As it is, I just want to get through this last 45 minutes of the day without bursting into tears--or hysterics--and go home.

And The Redneck will be home tonight. :mellow: Great. Just...frackin'...great...

Please tell me they were at least good scenes....

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Today was kinda sweet (don't continuing reading if you don't wanna know)







recap- Lulu says Tracy doesn't understand and Tracy says "What about my 3 pregnancies" and Lulu's confused, Tracy says, "Ned, Dillon, and the child I aborted" next scene---- Lulu is basically shocked and Tracy goes on to tell her that she had Ned at a very young age and when she left both her husband and child she left town and started a thing with this italian dude and again the relationship failed and she ended up pregnant. Tracy went on to say that she didn't want yet another child she wasn't ready to take care of besides Ned and so she had an abortion. She says that she knew what she was doing and it was the easiest way out. "But then I began to think about it." (after it was done) and Tracy says that she started to wonder what her child would have looked like or acted like and when she pased children of a certain age "especially little girls" she wondered what it'd be like and wondered about "the daughter she never had" mentions that she even had dreams about it. Lulu is again shocked and kinda touched and says, "so you do understand what i'm going through" then Tracy kinda cuts her off and tries to get her to understand what she's doing before its too late to realize the mistake she's made. next scene kinda-- Lulu says she would be touched (?) if she actually believed a word she was saying. and says she doesn't believe Tracy had done that and Tracy replies, "I wish I hadn't" ...[some back and forth]..... Tracy says she never was or will be the mothering type she doesn't like being called "granny", she doesn't bake cookies, she doesn't like holding babies, etc (i'm sure there's a lot that i'm not remembering right now) next---- Edward comes in (lulu has left) askes if she talked to Lulu, Tracy says yes, Edwrad starts saying that anyone who has an abortion is selfish, Tracy kinda has this sad/hurt look on her face which Edward can't see cuz she's got her back towards him. Tracy says Lulu needs her father [insert disagreement between Edward and Tracy] Tracy says she is going to find Luke.

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I was over at SoapZone and I was reading the "Thursday night !@#$%^&*] post" and someone over there saying that while the abourtion storyline is good Lulu just needs to stop with the pity party and just do it already. But they later said that it seems as if she is waiting for somebody to tell its ok to have the procedure. At the moment no one is saying that to her that is why she is dragging her heels on the subject. Her family is telling her that it is her decision. I will be honest, I never thought of it that way, but it seems to make sense that Lulu is looking for permission.

I don't know its just my thought. ;)

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*waves to everyone* I can't wait to watch....:)

Was it really THAT good?

Cause sometimes you know you hear about it and get all pumped...and then you watch and you're kinda Hmm...well....LOL

Know what I mean??

I'm going home to watch and it may be tomorrow before I weigh in with my opinion but I will. :)

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Whew! Hectic day. Where do I begin? angel's recap is perfect. So, without spoiling anything...JE rocks. We all know it. I'm kind of "eh" about this being a one-time mention, but I didn't expect otherwise. Other comments? Bring back the curls (I shall repeat that until the Hair/Make-Up department listens to me). Stop dressing her like that. Did I say that JE rocks? :P

Oh, and MinervaFan, they were good scenes. All 5 of them. 5 out of 7 is pretty decent for our girl. Yay! And I'm still getting the feeling Tracy's going to be MIA when Luke returns. ILoveTracyQ, don't get too pumped. It's good stuff, very good stuff, but GH could've done more with it.

One more thing...For those who watched, didn't the Tracy/Edward scene end rather abruptly? Like someone fell alseep in the editing room?

Edit: I'll be in the breakroom for a bit.

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I LOVED today.. and I almost never even like the show anymore....

Here's why:

1) Tracy had an abortion and she regrets it.... see she's "real." She struggles.. she's not the one-dimensional, evil Q TIIC often writes her to be. She has layers and feelings... go Tracy!!

2) In the end, she essentially said Lulu is hurting, and she needs her dad and I'm going to go find him, and I don't care if he tells her to abort. And that's AMAZING! TIIC is allowing her to really love and really care and act like a person with principals and emotions.. and I think that bodes really well for Luke/Tracy. It gives me hope that there will be several weeks of really good Luke/Tracy before they get busted up for laura or for this lawsuit that I think Luke may file (Edward has already made reference to how litigious luke spencer is).

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Bumping because I can. Heh.

Had a lot of fun in the breakroom tonight. Quite a party with MinervaFan, LaineyBev, Keith, angel, nex, ILoveTracyQ, and me. One day, we'll have to get everyone in there at the same time! I'll bring the popcorn.

Mercedes, I saw you lurking earlier. I hope you're able to post soon. :D

Edit: ILoveTracyQ, remember when I mentioned I had been in the breakroom for 4 hours? I was um, "off" a bit. LOL. 4 hours would have been CRAZY, even though I do love talking with you all.






Feeling a bit "eh" about TQ possibly being MIA when Luke returns. WTH is that? For those confused, it comes from the ABC.com spoilers this week. Sonny tells Luke that Lulu is pregnant. Later, while Edward is forcing Lulu to sign the papers to give Dillon custody of the unborn child, Luke bursts in.

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