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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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LOL I don't trust TIIC as far as I can throw em.

I hope they actually go the "unpredictable" route this time and:

Show Luke having feelings for Tracy EVEN with Laura around. I want several "Tracy and Luke stuck in an elevator alone" scenarios....I don't care how contrived or corny they are.

I want them to FACE whatever their feelings are...and then I want them to say goodbye.

And Jane and Tony will rock it..and it will be the only reason to watch that day(well any day for me).

And then when Genie goes....and she WILL go...:):

I want Tracy to move on with the mysterious new stranger in town.....who turns out to be someone ShadowyandMysterious.

And I want Luke to fight to get her back.

But this is GaP. They'll do whatever they can to put the screws to the Q's.

Hey that rhymed. LOL

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This thread has so many posts lately, and that's a good thing, but...Why? LOL. Are we getting antsy? Is the one episode of TQ every 2 weeks making us crazy? Are we afraid that if JE leaves, this thread will be no more and we'll never post with each other again...therefore giving us extra incentive to post with everyone now? (whew...that was a long sentence, LOL). Anyway, just wondering. I do love seeing all the new comments, and I hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining. :)

Tracy actually told Edward to shut up today, didn't she? Gosh, I love her, LOL. Edit: Never mind. She did tell him that (missed reading it in angel's post).

ILoveTracyQ, you need to come up with the ideas for GH, and MinervaFan and Keith should be in charge of carrying them out. It'd be such a good writing team. :D

MinervaFan, I never even thought about that in regards to Lulu/Dillon/no marriage. Oh, please...GH, give us lots of LuNacy before Laura returns!

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Wow the board is crazy. Well, LOL.....I agree with Keith and MinervaFAn but I wish we could SEE all this stuff unfolding instead of being told.

But at least we're being told....so I agree that there will be SOME kind of emotional something or other.

And since I don't think ANY of us are *quite* ready to say goodbye to our girl...*wow* I just got teary typing that....let's hope she stays for another year at least.

GOsh I seriously do have a lump in my throat...big wimp that I am.


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We are so starved for Tracy, aren't we? One decent episode every three or so weeks is not really enough? Maybe we need to do a spin-off. I mean, <i>The City</i> should have happened. (Hey, MsQ, did your friend ever get back to you about those tapes, btw?) <i>The City</i>, from what I saw, should have been big. Even with the lame transcripts I read, I know I would have loved the show.

Jane Elliot is strong enough to anchor a show, and she really deserves it. Maybe we should go and start pitching TQ spin-offs to the network?

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Tossing out a question: On another board, posters are choosing each character's greatest love. Does Tracy have one?

Oh, and for statistical purposes, LOL, I've counted the number of posts here since 12:00am...We began on Page 128 and at this point are on Page 131.

46 total posts

ILoveTracyQ: 14

Keith: 11

Ms. Q: 10

MinervaFan: 7

nex: 2

tracyluver: 1

angel: 1

We are on a roll! :D

MinervaFan, I'll PM ya. Edit: Sent. Not sure if you got it, though. The site's being wonky.

BTW, SoapEscape has a new banner up on its front page. It includes Luke/Tracy and Robert/Anna/Robin. Yay for Lacy!

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Oh, the trauma of RL--I'm not even second-place! ;)

Sat down and watched three days' worth of GH last night--with only a leeetle bit of ff-ing.

I have this to say to young Dillon.

My son, today you are a Quartermaine...

...heartless, self-centered, arrogant prick that you are.....

I know your mama didn't raise you to be such a jerk. She raised you to be sweet, and innocent, and pliable to her wishes. NOT to get girls pregnant out of wedlock then blame everybody (INCLUDING THE FREAKING CONDOM YOU WORE) for your own lack of judgement. (Oh, Georgie had the best line EVA at Kelly's. Something to the effect of "Yeah, the defective condom made you sleep with Lulu." Score.)

I loved Tracy in this episode. I didn't think she had ANYTHING to apologize for, and STILL she apologized to her son. I would love for Ned to see this, and see how Dillon responds, and smack his brother upside the head. It's like, do you KNOW how lucky you are? Do you KNOW how much she's mellowed? Do you KNOW what it cost her to just bite her tongue, apologize, and try to let you make your own choices?

Hit him again for me, Ned.

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Hello, all!! Wow, you guys have been busy with the posting activities, haven't you? Just popping in to say how much i LLLLLLLLUUUUUUUURRRRRFVVVVVVVVEDDDDDDDDDD tracy yesterday!!! Still not as bad as i thought it would be but only time will tell, right? anyway, just wanted to say that!

BTW, Thanx Keith for help with my sig banner! :D

Hello, all!! Wow, you guys have been busy with the posting activities, haven't you? Just popping in to say how much i LLLLLLLLUUUUUUUURRRRRFVVVVVVVVEDDDDDDDDDD tracy yesterday!!! Still not as bad as i thought it would be but only time will tell, right? anyway, just wanted to say that!

BTW, Thanx Keith for help with my sig banner! :D

Hello, all!! Wow, you guys have been busy with the posting activities, haven't you? Just popping in to say how much i LLLLLLLLUUUUUUUURRRRRFVVVVVVVVEDDDDDDDDDD tracy yesterday!!! Still not as bad as i thought it would be but only time will tell, right? anyway, just wanted to say that!

BTW, Thanx Keith for help with my sig banner! :D

ETA: How weird was it that everybody just kept wavin around condoms and throwing them at parent/granparents, etc.?! It was just so random that every time they had to talk about one they had to be hlding it up and waving it around? lol

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Wow I post the most here?

Never woulda thunk it.

Yesterday I actually watched the whole show LIVE.

I'll comment here just on Dillon/Tracy....

Where's my quirky sensitive funny Dillon?

I hate how he's dumbed down by TIIC apparently just for this stupid plot.

Hate it. I want old Dillon back. The one who was a mama's boy at heart.

Give him to me.


And I was surprised at Tracy standing up to Edward...but there was no build up to it and it rang kinda false to me.

Also....why couldn't we get a reaction shot of Tracy when Edward threw the "love has turned your brain to mush" line at her?

I don't know if I'm as optimistic as you all about the Luke related lines yesterday.

For instance Tracy's line about the pregnancy giving her and Luke common ground.


They're two peas in a pod and down deep they know it. There's your common ground.

IS that statement the writers way of hinting they DON'T have common ground yet...therefore making a breakup make more sense?

As if the baby is their only connection??

I don't get that. At all. I don't like the implications of the statement. At all.

Especially after reading the fall previews from yesterday. Is this pregnancy the reason they're going to break up?

How LAME. Seriously. Why not just have them find out they were never really married? Easy Peasy.

I don't know....I smelled Desperate!Tracy yesterday....hints of it anyway. I don't like it.

Desperate!Tracy does stupid stupid things to hang onto her men.

I'm scared.

But I know Jane'll rock it. Cause based on the fall previews...her heart is going to get dashed into a million tiny pieces.


I just hope she gets a POV that lasts more than a minute....and I hope we get to see it.

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This wonky board(what is UP with it?) wouldn't let me edit but will let me make a new reply: I wanted to add:

that I hope TQ is on today or tomorrow....


spoiler talk

the adventure for Dillon Lulu and Georgie/Diego....do we think it'll be Luke/Laura based or Q/ELQ based or something off the wall...I can't see Lulu taking off if her mom is awake and coherent...makes no sense that she would just take off.

Unless Lulu is kidnapped by Helena while staying at Windermere or something.

Can I get Tracy out of it too? Cause that's all the interest I have in it. :)

spoiler talk over

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*waves to everyone*

About the condoms...Someone on another board read recaps before watching and had an image of Edward waving/tossing condoms at the entire family. Now that would've had me laughing out loud. I could see him doing that, and if I could've gotten all the Q's (speaking of, where has Monica gone? Can't even remember when she last appeared) in the same room, and Eddie Q. going on his rant, I would've been soooooooo happy. :lol:

Whoa, whoa, whoa. ILoveTracyQ, you're scaring me, LOL. Be optimisic! :D I didn't get the common ground statement either, but perhaps it's just TIIC way (stupid way) of telling us that Tracy loves Luke. As for the breakup, I'd rather have it be Tracy lets Luke go, so he can be with Laura, but I guess GH wants Lacy torn to shreds before Laura even returns. Agree about standing up to Edward as well. I LOVED it, but when it happened, I was all, "Eh. That's kind of strange." Oh, and this is for you: Dillon loves his mama.






I don't trust Guza with the word "adventure." Need I remind us? "This fall, Skye and Lorenzo join Luke and Tracy on a HUGE adventure." And then? Nothing? Oh wait. In the span of 4 days, Tracy goes to Miami (offscreen) to track down Luke. Skye goes to Miami to track down Luke. Tracy is kidnapped. Skye is kidnapped. No one rescues Tracy (except herself). Lorenzo rescues Skye. The end. Oh, and in the meantime, we found out that Luke can't forge Lorenzo's handwriting.

Fall Previews from SID: Under the section titled "Baby Talk": And the whole faulty condom story claims more "victims" than first led to believe! Whoever wrote this is getting much too excited.

And Luke is back September 7th and has words of wisdom (for Lulu?) on the 8th. *hopes for good Luke/Tracy stuff* Hey, anyone else confused how TQ is concerned about Lulu, but then in the next spoiler sentence, she is going to force her to have the baby? Kind of sounds like the spoilers are contradicting themselves.

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THIS JUST IN FROM SID: :):(:angry:;)


I stole this article from SoapZone








Thanks to faulty condoms manufactured by the Q's, Lulu's got a bun in the oven. But this week, she seriously considers abortion and cutting ties to the Q's.

Dillon says, "No Way!"

As word spreads, Lulu finds herself facing a barrage of opinions as to what she should - and shouldn't - do. But the young woman won't be swayed. "She doesn't believe she's ready to be a mother," says JMB. "She doesn't believe it's right to have a child that's not wanted by both parents. Dillon however disagrees and makes it clear that he wants her to have the baby. "It's causing a rift in their relationship, " continues JMB. "She sees him as narrow-minded and is disappointed that he doesn't see where she's coming from."

Luke returns!

Having been tracked down by Sonny's men, Luke returns and is shocked to learn about Lulu. And just when it seems Lulu has caved and is going to sign over custody of her unborn child to Dillon, her dad intervenes and makes it clear that this decision is hers alone to make!

WTF!!! I thought Tracy was going to find Luke why oh why is Sonny involved!

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