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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Do u people post things from other boards over and over? Is there also a bunch of GH and Tracy fanfics or something? I try to follow some of the stuff posted here..but it is all confusing with so much of this stuff!! Why are spoilers and such posted on here when u can read them somewhere else? Just some questions about this thread.

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Ummm... I'm seriously going in the twilight zone here... Aren't I writing something similar to this in 'Beautiful Disaster'?? If this is done right, Tracy isn't left at the altar, and it isn't all about Skye... then I *luv* you GH!!

End spoiler****

Okay I really really really HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE soily! Sonny, you dirty rat you ruined everything! :angry: I hope you die a slow and painful death and take Emily with you! Ugggghhhhh I want him to pay!

Anyways... my friend made me smile yesterday(she watches GH too), we were talking and I don't remember what I said or did but all of a sudden she got this shocked look on her face and was like, "OMG you look and sound just like Tracy!!" Needless to say I love her for it lol!

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Okay, I know this is a Tracy love thread, but I'm going indulge in some non-love, the opposite of love, the absolute ANTI-LOVE......

People I Don't Love Right Now:

Sonny Corinthos and Emily Quartermaine: These are evil incarnate, the scum of the earth, and ickiness to the Nth degree. They ruined my girl's birthday party, the SWEETEST birthday party in the history of birthday parties, and they must die a horrible, drawn-out, gruesome soap opera death. Okay, a QUICK horrible gruesome soap opera death so we don't have to put up with it---two seconds, boom, BUH-BYE SOILY! No drawn out funerals, just sweep the ashes into the gutter and be done with it.

Luke Spencer: You are a dog, Luke Spencer. You are a dog. I totally have lost my girlish crush on you. It's degenerated into a cynical midlife grudging affection that could easily turn bitter and resentful. Tracy asked you for help, and YOU LEFT! You LEFT, you mangy mongrel! How could you do that? How could you set up this sweet, heart-warming event for your Spanky Buns, and just sit around and let the soon-to-be BLOWN UP Sonny and Emily destroy it? And then, when Tracy confronts you, how could you TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER AND LEAVE? Just abandon the woman who is too good for you--yeah, the woman with the fancy Italian pumps you don't deserve to shine, you bum. You should be so lucky--you should WISH she'd let you shine her shoes, loser.

Um, okay...can ya tell I'm annoyed with today's episode?

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LOL You guys all crack me up.

But I love the outrage in Tracy's honor.


It WAS a sweet B-Day party,wasn't it,until Sonny showed up.

When Luke was passing out all the presents,I was like, awwww...I wonder if they were just things wrapped up,that he picked up around the house,or if he really bought things.


About Luke leaving,he rarely "helps" when Tracy asks for it,so that didn't surprise me. Thought it was funny actually that he took Lulu outside.

I didn't even mind Lulu today,but Skye still annoyed me.

39. Hee. I loved that scene.

And yeah angel I thought the same thing,this is kinda similiar to your story. Hmmmm.....

spoiler talk

Okay about getting left at the altar,that wasn't in SOW,in fact I think that's just a rumor at SD so far.

It IS in SOW however that Luke falls out a window when he's trying to make his "quick getaway" ( I guess after getting the phone call from Holly?)

Although if he's at the chapel and this is before his wedding to Tracy,I don't know.

I don't think she'll get left at the altar,I think him falling out the window and possibly hurting himself(or else why have him fall out,unless he does get hurt?) is what postpones the wedding. Just guessing here.

And he leaves the hospital without telling Tracy,would be my guess.

I don't know.

I think that the falling out of the window part is significant,or else I don't think SOW would mention it.

I DO think part of the reason Luke asks Tracy in front of Skye is to get under her skin,otherwise why not do it privately?

So yeah not too happy about that.

If he DOES leave her at the altar,for whatever reason,or just skips town without telling her even,I want her to make him grovel,LOL.

Although the supposed "triangle" with Robert and HOlly,and how Luke decides he wants HOlly...right after proposing again to Tracy...I don't know what to think about that. I'm curious to see what Luke says when Holly reminds him he's married,and even more curious to see Lulu's reaction to Luke/Holly(if we're allowed to see it),since Lulu is supposed to realize Tracy really cares for Luke.

Whose side will Lulu take?

I don't know if I necessarily want her to take Tracy's,because I still don't like her.

But it would be nice to see them have a civil conversation or two.

spoiler talk over

OneLifeFan,we post spoilers here out of courtesy,so that people who like to read them but don't always visit spoiler sites,can get the scoops if they want to.

Almost all of us have written and/or are writing Tracy Q fan fics.

We have a fan ficathon going on,and of course fics that were written way before that.

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I'm doing the download thing now, and wondered if anybody had these clips available.

Vid Request:

  1. The Vegas Episodes (Tracy/Luke Wedding)
  2. The Coleman Scenes (Tracy demands sex, Luke dupes Tracy, Tracy makes Coleman-flavored lemonade.)
  3. Lila's death.
Can anybody help me out?
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I have all of those episodes on tape.

But as I said previously I am sooo computer illiterate.

How DO you make clips?

I have no idea how to even make them.

Even if I knew how,I don't have a home computer,work is where I am when I usually post,or on someone else's PC.

If anyone wants a copy of the actual tapes,I can do THAT. LOL

But I am hopelessly lost at the other stuff.

*crosses fingers for Tracy today*

edited to *wave* to Ms.Q. Nice to see ya !

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This post took me forever. I'm trying to do too many things at once, LOL. *waves back to ILoveTracyQ*

I'm not going to quote it all, but I LOVE the mentions of Jane and Luke/Tracy. I just wish he had more control. It just doesn't seem that TIIC want JE/Tracy romantically paired with TG/Luke. <_<Oops. Good point. Although...Ned could've said, "This coming from the woman who let Luke Spencer trick her into marriage." Or something, LOL.

OneLifeFan, while other sites post spoilers, we just post the TQ ones here, so we can discuss them. The fanfiction updates are also TQ related, which reminds me Chapter 11 of 4XCrazy's "Homelands" is up.

MinervaFan, the GQ/Lacy Vegas scenes can be found at GQ Daily. Go into the Dillon/Georgie archives. The episode aired May 18, 2005. Here are the scenes with a drunk Tracy. Credit to Shazzer (?). smirks gave me the clips, but I think that's who she got them from. Tracy/Edward reflecting on Lila can be found here. And Tracy lashing out at the Q's/breaking down can be found here. Credit to NeverQuiet. There are other clips from that episode, as well as the actual memorial, but I don't have them saved.

A bunch of random comments from yesterday's episode. Ready. Set. Go.

I hated everyone ganging up on Tracy for the umpteenth time. And Skye, Edward and AJ drove ELQ into the ground, not Tracy. Just wanted to clear that up.

So, TIIC finally mention a bit of Tracy's history, and then they screw it up. It's pretty hard to dump a dead guy, eh...figuratively speaking, LOL. Yes, Dillon, I am talking to you. ETA: I'm not making any sense, LOL, since Dillon said Gino dumped Tracy. Point is, what was said didn't happen.

I was laughing at Alan and Ned's reaction once they realized it was Tracy's birthday. "Ohh..." "Ohhhhhh." :lol: And Ned called his mother, "Birthday girl." Too cute.

Loved the little birthday surprise. She got all choked up and everything. Truly an "aww" moment. One of the best scenes in a long, long time. I wanted the Q's to start singing though. And I won't even START on Sonny!

But Tracy's line about Lulu/Sonny? Who wasn't thinking that? Hilarious. I love my girl. Hope she's on a lot today!












angel, I thought the same thing in regards to "Beautiful Disaster." I'm sure GH is going to mess this up. It doesn't even sound genuine. TPTB should just use your story. ;)

About Lulu/Holly...Well, Holly's the reason Luke leaves town, and Lulu is not going to happy about that, so maybe Lulu/Tracy will be on the same side for awhile.

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Mrs. Q, I couldn't agree more with your commentary on yesterday's show. I thought the exact same things...the Quartermen and the "Oooh"ing was great. And awww, Ned was adorkable calling his mom the birthday girl. Lots of Q smiling today at the birthday celebration...well, minus Skye, but what do you expect? Even Lulu was smiling quite a bit during the birthday surprise before she thought better of it. (I am a sick psycho freak for rewinding reaction shots...seriously, background acting will separate good actors from bad ones RIGHT AWAY...don't mind me...). I thought Luke's surprise party was sweet...even though I bet those gifts were recycled objects from the mansion. Even the driver's license thing was cute...obviously Luke was just teasing Tracy, and obviously the '39' let her in on the little game too, and Jane's smile was just great. I think they had a lot of fun with the Q scenes that day...everyone was all grins.

There are not enough explitives in the English language to express my hatred for Sonny at this point. I will need to learn a few other languages in order to properly convey my loathing for that jackass.

The line about Lulu is something I'm sure we've all thought or expressed from time to time, and I'm glad Tracy got to say it. I'm not mad at Luke for taking Lulu and running. He knows the score. Besides, this is NOT Luke's battle to fight, so his exit was needed there, but I love the little aside thing Luke and Tracy had going there. My favorite thing about Q scenes is that the actors just talk over each other sometimes, so there will be someone ranting amusingly in the background (in this case Alan did) and then there are people having their own little snarky aside, and you can focus on one and rewind and it's like getting double the scene.

Oh, and the scenes I gave Mrs. Q are courtesy of Misty from GHVT. I can maybe look through my archives for the other stuff tomorrow...I think I have all of the Coleman stuff as well, and my brain isn't functioning now (it's late) but whatever stuff on that list isn't downloaded, I probably have.

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Re: the Solieto references. Yeah, I'm not quite surprised TIIC messed up the historical references. Granted, I doubt they did as much research into the character of Tracy as even I did...OTOH, and this is giving the writers a LOT of credit, mind you, perhaps this is why the story got mangled. Maybe Tracy lied and told the family that Gino left her in order to

(1) cast suspicion for his death away from her (technically, she did not cause his death, but that wouldn't matter to the "let's blame Tracy for EVERYTHING" Quartermaines),

(2) minimize her post-widowhood involvement with the Solieto crime family (if she's been dumped, they'd never think to ask about her dealings with the Family afterwards), and

(3) protect Dillon, who was very young at the time and didn't need to know anything more than StepDaddy had gone to a nice warm place.

OTOH, I am being too generous, because it was right on this board that someone referenced the scene where Dillon asked about Gino's death, which means he knew Gino died. Granted, Dillon could have still been snarky and rude by saying something like, "Well, he dumped her by dying, which I guess is pretty extreme even for one of Mom's boyfriends..."

Yup. The writers are overworked, overstressed, and don't care about Tracy.

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smirks, angel, MinervaFan and anyone else who has conveyed their deep hatred for the vile character of Sonny Corinthos...I love you!

MinervaFan, yep. Tracy isn't related to Sonny, and she hasn't given birth to any of his children. There's no reason for TIIC to care about her. <_<

~Fanfiction Updates~

Chapter 12 of Oh, Baby has been posted. Thanks to everyone for reading/reviewing!

Also...4XCrazy has Chapter 13 of Homelands up.








According to the Cable Guide Spoilers... (Nothing new here except the dates)

Wednesday, April 12th: Luke asks Tracy to renew their vows

Thursday, April 13th: Tracy and Luke agree to renew their vows, so Luke cannot be extradited.

Friday, April 14th: Lulu realizes that Tracy has feelings for Luke.

So the question is...Do Luke and Tracy really renew their vows or not?

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Oooh, I'm reading Homelands and am totally hooked. Squee! Finally got the chance to save Beautiful Disaster, and am in the process of reading it. Took a GH fanfic vacation to work on some Gilmore Girls stories, but if they did not at least TOUCH on the ruination and aftermath of Tracy's 39th birthday party, then I think I'm gonna have to commit fiction.

Oh, and Ms. Q? Love the new banner.

Spoiler question:




Luke needs to avoid being extradited?? Oh, lord. I'm beginning to fall into the Dump Luke and Bring Back Coleman camp.

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