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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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If JE's going, I'm also glad it's her own choice, not someone else's. I'll miss seeing Tracy, so much, though. I started watching as a distraction in a really bad time for me, and as part of what helpfed me get through that, she's very dear, and...there's just no one like her.

Oh, I like Grace and Frankie, too, btw! It would be fantastic to see JE in something like that--any sort of show that would place her in a central role would be a dream!

But at the moment, personally, I guess the timing is fine. I'm not as bothered as I would have been a few months ago. I'm expecting twins in early February (after several miscarriages, so a bit of a miracle, really. I'll be 44 by the time they are born!) I'm preoccupied/anxious,/happy, and I know I'll be tired and busy soon enough--these are first babies--so dropping GH, when I rarely enjoy it, these days, will not be such a hardship. I still have my British soap.

And on current GH goings on, I'm rather hurt and highly offended that they'd bring up Luke's name, like this. If he's not putting in an appearance, just let it rest! I still miss him. And it was about time we saw some Tracy/Lulu interaction. More of that would be welcome. And Ned....where is he?!

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I meant to say--and I hope i'm not the only one!--that if I quit watching GH, I will still be interested in fan fic, writing and reading it. I have years of Tracy DVDs to rewatch, and get the ones I haven't yet seen, so plenty of story ideas may come from that...I hope. :) bb

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What a contrast, between Tuesday's and Wednesday's shows! If we had more like Wednesday's, I'd watch more often. (Or maybe

it's just that Sonny, Jason and Sam weren't on, and that improves any episode. LOL)

If JE is leaving, it does seem that they're setting the stage for that possibility, or that was my thought after the

Tracy/paul scenes, tuesday.

I'd have liked Tracy's voicemail to Luke to reveal that she actually does know his whereabouts, but otherwise, I'm happy

with what we got, yesterday. I might have liked Tracy to talk a bit about her relationship with Luke, in the way Laura did,

although I also think that would be out of character for her to reveal that much of herself...but I would have liked to see

it, anyway.

Oh, and I was shocked that Laura apologized for barging in and ruining last year's engagement party! After reading that T

and L were to have scenes together, I was thinking that it would be nice to have her say something like that, but rarely do

things play out on screen as I imagine them. :)


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truenorth, congrats on your pregnancy. :) 


Jane is definitely leaving in my opinion. GH is setting it up with the Luke mentions and the high quality scenes  with people she normally doesn't get much to do with. The scenes with Tracy and Laura and Tracy and Lulu were my favorite. But also good to see her and Paul talking about Dillon.


And Jane is looking very refreshed like she made the decision to go and is happy about it (of course, the long hair helps - ha). I'm going to miss her!!! But I guess I'l be able to focus completely on work and grad school (which I just started). Forgot what it's like to be back in school. So overwhelming. I don't know how people with kids work full-time and go to grad school. Seems impossible!!!





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Wow twins at 44 -- you are going to be busy True North but that is fabulous news! How exciting! Do you know what you are having? I'm so happy for you!

I'm at the tail end of my kids at home.  my youngest is 16 so I've got two more years with him home. I think when I started posting here he was 5! Or something like that.

Jane looks amazing lately -- not just her hair but overall!  I think she is ready to peace out and move on!  I think either Luke will show up to usher her off or she will reunite with him maybe offscreen?

Sabrina is dying around the 13th I think or so. Wonder if she will want to keep Teddy?  That would be a lame end to Tracy Q for her to exit to raise her baby.

I hope we have one last Q thanksgiving !

Wally is back this fall supposedly 


Hope Paul doesn't kill tracy -- LOL


She had a SOD preview about being very busy this fall with a personal crisis, family crisis and dealing with repercussions of the hospital killer crisis and re-examing her past.

There is one spoiler for her on the 15th getting devastating news 

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MSQ, I wish you very good luck with the hard work of grad school! I'd like to hear more about that, if you feel like sharing anything.


HookedonGh, thank you. :) We found out last week--the babies are a boy and a girl! I very much wanted a girl--I've only ever imagined myself having a daughter...probably just because I only have a sister, and only girl cousins, and I know next to nothing about little boys. :) But he will be mine, and I'll learn. And of course I'd have welcomed whoever I got. I swear the ultrasound tech drew out the suspense of revealing the gender of the second baby, though. LOL She told me about the boy first, and I was mentally preparing myself to hear that the second baby was also a boy. So the dr says they usually want to deliver twins at 37 weeks, I'll have to have a C section. That'll be the end of January, then. My sister and mother are planning to visit, separately,  for a couple of weeks to help out, for which I am exceedingly grateful... although my mom's not in the best health herself, and I worry she'll overdo it.


Now to GH... Tracy's been very involved lately in helping various other people hasn't she? Alexis, Sabrina, Dillon. It feels like filler material, to me, not helped by the fact that in each of these cases, the dialogue is all about the current situations of the other characters, and not much about what's on Tracy's mind, or about anything she's gone through, these past months, so very little to advance her story.


I'm always happy to see her, but now they've put this idea of revisiting Luke in the picture, I am eager for them to show us that, whatever form it takes, whether we see Luke one last time, or we just see Tracy on the phone with him, or some such. I almost don't mind either way, I just want it to happen!


This devastating news she'll get is worrying, though. Could it be something to do with Ned? I can't wait to see him! Scenes with Ned are never filler. :)


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Ooh, unseen Tracy footage! Thanks for sharing the link, DRW! I saw her first scene, but will have to continue it another time. Odd to have Lucy among the Q's. "Mother Quartermaine." LOL  I like the lengthier scenes of this era, and the comedy that's more obvious than it is, now.


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If DAYS hadn't screwed Matt Ashford over, so many times, Jack Deveraux could still be on the show right now.  And I would love to see a reunion with Jack and Angelica.


Of course, they could bring JE/Angelica back without MA/Jack there.  She has ties to Justin and Adrienne.  And I am sure the show would just act like Jack was never that important to her story.  That's what they kind of did in 2006 when they fired MA and got rid of Jack right after the long-awaited return of Steve and Kayla--ironically, a return that had been pushed for by J&J/Jack fans for years.

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Jane has just been awesome recently. No posts in two weeks here? :((   I hate what they did to Paul. Even if Richard wanted to leave, it didn't have to be like that. Last week, yesterday, he and Jane and even FH-who I normally don't think much of-have been great. Robert has been good, too. I love how forceful and protective Dillon  can be over his mama. That, my friends, is a real man. Kiki deserves to lose any hope of a chance with Dilly.

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I'm so glad Jane has gotten some really good scenes. I'm still hearing she is definitely retiring.  It was such a waste of a great actor on such a stupid contrived obviously last minute story of making Paul the hospital killer. I mean really -- he killed sloane for revenge and waited an entire year to kill the rest of the victims for revenge? Hell he was living with monica he could have killed her a year ago.

JE looks fantastic and its odd she has gotten a bunch of new clothes it seems before she is leaving.  She has scenes coming up with Monica and lucy regarding the hospital

I know she iso n the 10th, 12th and 17th for sure.

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Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, so the rumor of  Jane  retiring doesn't mean much to me  unless there are concrete details about when. Sure, she's probably *thinking* about retiring, and God willing, will retire one day.  Besides, we knew about TG retiring MONTHS ahead of time. So it will be with Jane, unless she herself says to keep it secret until the end, and why would she? I really don't think Frank Valentini is that dumb, to not give the mags and the fans a heads up in advance to prepare to say goodbye.  She's the current oldest contract cast member, and the longest contract character in terms of years of show history. He'd be foolish to just drop a line in SOD the week before she's out. Then again, a lot of the stuff he has done has been very foolish.

I still doubt it's going to be anytime in the next few months. Her contract is up for renewal-or it is close to that time-and talks start months ahead of time. Jane would have told them then, I think. We'd already know by now. Mags typically don't comment any more about an actor signing a new contract, only when they are coming and going. Either way, I do think the viewers would know a few months ahead of time, especially considering they tape about six weeks ahead, and stories are written months in advance. So for now, we're safe. Personally, as long as they keep giving her good material like she's gotten the past month, I want her to stay until GH ends, if SHE wants to.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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