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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Tracy is spoiled to be on Monday taking a turn for the worse, Tuesday needing surgery and Friday a definite change

SOD also has her showing her softer side

RPW said more Tracy Ned Dillon coming so probably next week


JE interview in this week's TV guide magazine...few excerpts were on soapoperaspy twitter page

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I'm so enjoying the Q stuff. I even have sort of been enjoying Jakeson. Wally, Jane and Robert just about had me crying. Thanks hooked for the spoilers. I would imagine Tracy maybe has to have brain surgery. I wonder if Jane will wear a bald cap, though I know these days the procedure is less invasive and they don't have to shave off all your hair. I just want the Qs to continue getting focus, and Tracy's recovery to not be the end of their airtime. We've seen so much of them lately, I am spoiled, but this is how it should ALWAYS be.  :)

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Hookedongh, or anyone who can answer, do you know if they usually post interviews on the TVguide site? I hope so; I'm seeing this a little late, and I really would like to read it.


I am not happy M.Easton has returned, and I want Dr. surly Mayes back as Tracy's doctor! :)

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Definitely not enough Tracy today, and really, today was more the rule than the exception. :( 


truenorth, there is supposed to be an online version, but he hasn't posted it yet. Here is the information from Soap Opera Spy:


Despite Jane Elliott’s love for her friend, Tony Geary, and Tracy Quartermaine’s love of Luke Spencer, had Luke’s larger-than-life shadow not retreated from the General Hospital (GH) canvas, Tracy would not be getting the rich storylines she is now on the show, said Elliott to Michael Logan in an interview published in next week’s TV Guide.

After all, said Elliott, “Tracy is an addict and Luke was her drug.” With Luke constantly drawing her in, Tracy would not have the wherewithal to battle Nikolas for ELQ nor the spontaneity go on a tropical vacation retreat on a whim.  Logan’s article declares that Elliott stands alone in daytime as a once wonderfully familiar sight in: strong, rich, commanding divas who led their families and took no prisoners in their personal or professional lives.

Elliott’s answers to Logan’s questions dripped with Tracy’s inimitable brash, lovable battle-ax attitude. For instance, Logan pointed out how “harrowing” Tracy’s seizures were to see for us viewers. Elliott responded that she was lucky to have “young, buff actors” to catch her every time she dove toward the floor, convulsing. “I’m not some 95-pound ingénue. I’m a substantial, almost 70-year-old woman, and they were terrified of dropping me. I’m like, ‘Good luck to ya’ boys!’”

In an industry in which actresses of all ages plump, fill, and paralyze their faces to remain cast-able, Elliott looks refreshingly unaltered—and beautiful. And when was the last time an actress over 30 casually mentioned her age in passing to an interviewer?

The most titillating part of the full-page story on Elliott came in a sidebar about her 51 years in showbiz. She starred in a film with Elvis Presley, “Change of Habit.” Given Presley’s well-known penchant for womanizing, Logan asked if Elliott succumbed to his charms during the filming of the movie. “I’m not going to tell you that we didn’t sleep together,” said Elliott. One can almost see Elliott throwing her head back in a Tracy-like, brazen laugh.

In addition to GH, Elliott has appeared on Guiding LightAll My ChildrenDays of Our Lives, and Knots Landing.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Thanks Ms.Q. Jane is and has always been one of the best actresses ever, and I love that her RL personality is so much fun.  My current fear is they will try to pair her with ME... Tracy needs to stick to business stories rather than bad romance until the right leading man comes her way.  The only other non-Tracy story I like right now is Anna working with Sonny to get to Jillian.As much as Sonny eating the show, his scenes with Anna work for me.

Now, if only Bobbie could work her way back into story......


Love the Ned/Dillon dynamic, and I hope they allow Jason/Tracy to work together*as much as I can't stand Miller*, as Prince Nick needs to be knocked down a peg or two.....:-)


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I doubt they'll pair her with ME. They won't put her with a "pet," nor will they put her with someone 20 years younger. I was surprised when they paired her with Joe Scully Jr. and that was a 12 year difference. Jane and Richard S. did look good though. :wub:


truenorth and others who are interested: hooked passed this on to me earlier, and I wanted to share here... Here is the full length interview. LOTS of good stuff: http://www.tvinsider.com/article/83676/general-hospitals-jane-elliot-dishes-on-her-awesome-50-year-run-in-soaps/


Haven't watched today, but like yesterday, it seems like very, very little... Though the little that we do get sounds good. Beggars can't be choosers, right? *sigh*

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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That's a great article; thanks for the link, msQ and HookedonGH. I just love JE's confidence and the personality that comes through in every word she says. But...I've never been a fan of Elvis, at all, so don't want to think about that! LOL


Is it just me, I wonder, or did the question about her so-called lack of education strike anyone else as exceedingly rude? "Do you regret not being educated?" I would never ask such a thing of someone I respected, or anyone, really, in such a way! But maybe the fact of it being in print, and missing the vocal inflection makes it seem out of line.


But what a missed opportunity to see some great acting, with the ATWT job falling through. How sad. I watched ATWT in the mid 90s, and what amazing stuff it would have been, and what fun, to have seen JE and Elizabeth Hubbard's Lucinda character in scenes together! *sigh*

As for GH currently, I'm so eager to see smug, and boring-as-hell Nikolas get every drop of the comeuppance he deserves! Can't happen soon enough, for me. :)

I haven't been watching for decades, but to me, Anna working with Sonny feels incredibly wrong and out of character, and I can't stand these scenes...maybe just because I despise Sonny so thoroughly, and am not happy with any situation that forces me to endure him. LOL Far too much time is devoted to him, and other characters defending his vile actions and questionable motives. It's disgusting!

Also, why, all of a sudden, is Dillon receptive to Paul's presence, and why is he willing to risk Paul upsetting Tracy? Paul is not a source of support for Tracy! Makes no sense to me, and I absolutely adored Ned's vehement reaction to this, yesterday, it was the best part of the show. I love Ned!!

The fact that no one's thought to wonder about Ashton continues to really annoy me. Just a throw-away remark about him would satisfy--someone wondering if he's suffering somewhere, too. Was this business planned, or is Ashton ill or dying from this?

So, it's apparently okay to name Luke other times, but no one comments on possibly trying to reach him to inform him of this catastrophic thing that Tracy's going through? Furnish some explanation for this omission, because he would care, no matter what happened last summer. With a little creativity in the writing, people who aren't on the show don't need to essentially just drop off the face of the earth.


Edited by truenorth
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Not to go off topic (Tracy), but the only reason I like the scenes between Sonny and Anna is that he actually acts, not Mumbles \his way through the scenes. He and Anna are only helping each other for their mutual respect and love of Duke. I think Anna would do anything to bring Jillian to justice. As much as Anna knows about his dirty dealings, she also knows that when she and Robert were presumed dead, Sonny was among those who took good care of her daughter, and that is why she would go along with him.


Of course, Tracy goes into surgery and then nothing. TIIC need to go...

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Yes, I anticipated an update on how the operation went, today. Shame!


I thought yesterday's ep should have closed when they took Tracy away, after her final line. That would have been a moving end to the show, even the week, had it been a Friday.


Why hasn't Rachel stopped by the hospital to check in? She was concerned and there at the start, talking to Dillon, so I'd expect her to spare a minute to follow up.

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I think Jane and Michael E have great chemistry. In fact, it's second in my mind only to her chemistry with Dillon's OG daddy, Paul Satterfield. Unfortunately, this show is notorious for not building upon great opportunities, so they may waste this one. I hope not. I think they could be an awesome older woman-younger man romance. Oh sure, there are people out there that will make rude comments, some will hate it-but who cares? Not me. I've waited years for someone to care about Tracy just as she is-to like her for herself. The last time that happened was with Joe Junior. The last time before that, on GH? Was Marco Dane, many years ago. Unless you count The City time, she had friends on that show......

I don't want this wasted. Yeah I know, he'll probably hook up with other people on the way. That's okay. As long as Tracy and Finn are end game, I'm good. Please remember that I have the right to change my mind on this-LOLOL-but as of right now, I don't think I will. I am riveted in their scenes. This past week with them was wonderful. Best chemistry since PS. Loving it.  :) The Monopoly playing, etc. :wub:

And I'm not normally a fan of ME. I remember him as Tanner Scofield on DOOL. I had a crush on him then. :)

But I have never really cared one way or the other about his other GH characters. I think pairing him with Jane right off the bat was SO smart. Please show, don't waste this potential. I am even contemplating a fan fic, LOL. I already have an idea in my head, but to my shame I  haven't written *any* kind of thing in so long. To call me rusty at writing would be a vast understatement.



It is so GOOD to see Wally, can  he stay, be put back on contract, and have a story?

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Yeah, why didn't Jason hand control of ELQ back to Tracy? There's no Fluke, and no current threat and no reason why she shouldn't be in charge. I'm offended! :) Although I suppose since he remembers nothing prior to this year concerning the Q's, he only knows about ELQ with Michael at the helm. Still, it would have been nice to have had some conversation about it, before just making a final decision like that. Ned's in town, after all, so Jason might have included him in this hand-over.


And I love Tracy's spirited ways and her very direct manner, but I'm a bit sick of her constantly being portrayed as, and other characters commenting incessantly on how cantankerous she is! Seems like it wasn't emphasized so obviously, before this new writing team came along...or am I just being too critical??


And her scenes are far too short! I could not believe one day this past week, she had ONE line, Michael had one line, and they moved off to someone else's scenes!! This hardly counts as having a storyline! Brain surgery and worried relatives SHOULD warrant lengthy scenes!

Oh, and ILTQ, yes! Please go with that fan fic inspiration! I'll be eager to read anything you may come up with. I'm not a fan of ME, but this newest character is at least more interesting than Silas was, and I can get on board with anything that's written well, especially fan fiction. Bring it on, please!


And let us know when you've posted. I check ff.net and AO3, but not often; there's rarely anything Tracy-centric posted, anymore, sadly.


Anyway, I also need to update the fanfic folder and post a link, there have been a couple of new stories.


Edited by truenorth
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YES, YES, and YES! This is not the first time something similar has happened in this story. I know I'm supposed to be appreciative that the current powers that be cared enough to actually give her material, but it hasn't received proper pacing or air time. How are you going to do a brain biopsy and then keep her offscreen for 5 days? Or how is she going to average maybe 5 minutes, while others are consistently getting 10 minutes or more? It's so frustrating to me. 


ILTQ, yes, not much Ned at all. I wish he was there when Tracy woke up. As if Ned would actually leave the hospital. So ridiculous. Wally did say he is still taping GH and DAYS, but I'm not sure if GH will focus on him/Tracy or him/Olivia, as there is an upcoming Ned/Olivia spoiler. 


Tracy is scheduled to be on Thursday this week, and then nothing yet for the following week, but not all spoilers are out. I do think she'll be backburnered though. As for May, at the end of the month, both Wally and Robert Palmer Watkins are doing the Nurses Ball. I'm thinking Tracy won't be there and instead will be recovering offscreen. 

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I don't know that I will go through with the story ideas, but I'd like to. One of my issues-other than the fact that I haven't written anything in so long-is Finn and the secret of what he's shooting up. I don't know how to handle that. Should I offer an explanation? I know I don't want that to be the focus of the story at ALL. I'm just wondering what would be the best way to address that. I'm also hesitant because my favorite genre to read is mystery/suspense/adventure(been on a Hitchcock kick all weekend), but I'm thinking that might be too ambitious for now. I don't have a Beta Reader, and don't you need one to post on FF.net? Remos-wherever she is these days- posted the one story for Lacy that I did years ago, under her own name. I have an account, just not a reader. So I may impose on one of you to post it for me, if you have time, once it's written? I think I may start  out with something simple, like missing scenes.  Then maybe later, if I feel inspired, post more.

Loved the Tracy and Finn backgammon bonding this week, and the Tracy/Ned scenes were so SWEET.  :) How sad it is, that our girl is getting some good stuff, and hardly anyone  is posting. :(

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