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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Good points. I'm hoping for TG's sake that if they are sacrificing the character on the alter of LnL yet again, that this is the final swan song. If that's the case, than it can't help but be reflected in JE's acting and attitude - how many times have we seen her gush about working with TG, and she's hardly interviewed. It always comes up, though. If he's truly exiting, then she's going to play Tracy very differently. Both Tracy and JE would be loosing their "Husband".

Agreed on comparing Laura with Sonny and Carly. You hit the nail. I have serious issues with anyone, actor or non, who is hateful and then expects adoration from others, so I've no use for GF. But the character of Laura itself is just a disaster. Characters to root for tend to be self-aware, repentant, and willing to take their licks. I'm still of the opinion that many fans "like" the character because they think they're supposed to, rather than really liking her. If the whole LnL thing wasn't so huge, the character wouldn't even deserve a footnote because she's not very impressive.

I'm drawing a blank on Tracy ever having girl-friends. She's had Luke and Marco over the years, but never a woman. It's nice to see. Hell, it's nice to see anyone who's not one of the Luke Spencers, appreciate who she is. Hardly anyone falls into that category, regardless of gender.

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Haven't been watching it on soapnet, I've been taping my local channel, so no to the promos.

Honestly I am way past caring about Lacy as a couple, but it angers me that they were never given a fair shake. I say let Bora have him. I do want Lacy to stay friends if TG stays on the show, but I have to say that since I only cared about him in reference to Tracy, it's not going to break my heart if he leaves.

I don't have a good opinion of GF either, but this is a JE thread and I ain't tainting it with no more talk about THAT one.

Except to say that now that Tracy has her BFF, she's got someone who can punch Bora in her big fat face, if needed. Or Luke, or whoever needed a butt kicking from Tracy. I too am loving Tracy/Connie, and they sort of remind me of Tracy/Zoey back in the day, from The City.

I loooved them so much. If I could get lots of Tron goodness, I wouldn't even care about a romance for Tracy nearly as much.

The fist bump thing on Friday was adorable. :) They are sweet. I like them.

They have a kind of Thelma and Louise vibe going on, and they make GH bearable because I can't decide what's worse: having Laura back or having bloodsuckers around. I cannot with the vampire mess. UGH

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I think those two things are on the same level IMO. Lets hope the vampire stuff ends sooner rather than later, 'cause I'm afraid we are stuck with the other bloodsucker. I'm really disappointed that they brought Lynn Herring back for this. Some things should stay in the past.

I want to see this Nurses' Ball get moving. I really like Sabrina, and if she starts hanging around Tracy more because of everything, then it's pretty clear who this "Lauren Frank" is going to be. I'd much rather her than Britch for the long lost one. Ages match up better, too. Tracy, Connie and Sabrina would be an extremely interesting combination to watch. Those two would have little Brina all growed-up in no time.

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It was pretty cute. They also had another GH50 one by itself and a Carly one (both carly's Tamara Braun and LW)

Sometimes I also really HATE Luke for certain things. Like today for example. Sometimes I just want him to wind up alone,not even with Laura. Like IMO she wouldn't freaking deserve someone who is with Anna (?!?!??!?) and then drops and leaves for Laura?! Like c'mon? Gimme a fraking break!! If he does end up with anyone I'd rather it be Laura than Anna (I'm sowy sad.png ) I really HATE AnaL with a passion. I knew he was going for a kiss and I literally covered my eyes and plugged my ears. It's too disgusting to watch. If anything,they wind up the most disgusting,hated couple in daytime history,have Laura and Tracy just look at them in disgust and just walk away thinking what in God's name was he thinking?! Sometimes I don't understand Luke,like he says to Tracy he loves her (and always will,which I'm 100% sure is true but misused ALOT) and then he drops her for freaking Anna?! No offense to my other girl Anna,but she is a disgrace with him... And he tells Laura he loves her and will fight,blah,blah,blah,and goes for Anna? Like did you forget about your supposed "true love"? Uggghhh just had to get that out. The thing is I can't hate Luke forever and will always believe in LuNacy. What's done is done.

On that note,I L♥VE Tracy/Connie. I mean as soon as Connie arrived I loved her!! Her style and accent! And I thought the fist bump was cute too wub.png

About the vamps...I LOVE immortal and myths and fantasy and greek mythology!!!! But the way they use it,it don't work here.

Sometimes I really,really cannot stand having Sabrina on my screen. Other times it's pretty enjoyable and since it's you bringing something like this up I can't really disagree. happy.png

Edited by partyperson25
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I don't think Sabrina is lauren. I'm pretty sure they cast a lauren recently

was at the Gh habitat build last weekend. Jane cancelled but they never updated the list of people there. bummer. Nancy too which was also a bummer

In fact half the cast didn't show. I guess some had done so in advance but others were just no shows

I did have a great time with Lisa L and Kelly Sullivan. It was Teresa Castillo, Jason Thompson, Emily Wilson (ellie) and the new kid who is Rafe who nobody really even knew who he was including the cast! LOL

that was it

Unfotunately connie turns back into kate this week or next so that is it for connie/tracy for a while I guess

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Wow, and these are the people who are supposed to 'adore' Tracy? I don't think so. I think they are all in a time warp and myopic when it comes to character development. They've taken Luke away from her, then Lulu, then Joe, and now Connie. Luke, poor bugger, is a shadow of himself, Lulu is obsession over home and hearth like a mini-Laura circa 1990s, which is not who she should be, Joe they killed just as he had potential, and Kate is a pale reflection of Connie. I don't really think these writers have a clue. They want to resurrect old characters, but where is the progression and character growth? It's not there.

Watching soaps is a painful experience these days. I feel like all the writers think the viewers are idiots, so just throw party tricks and 'vets' at them, and they won't notice that their story telling abilities are bankrupt.

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They did cast a woman for Lauren. AND YOU'RE SO LUCKY,MEETING THEM!!! GRRRR...jkjk I kid


God some days I just wish Dante would lie to Lulu again so they could break up once and for all!! Dante needs to be unattached to that once AMAZING character who I so greatly apprecited (when Guza actually gave a shiz about most real relationships) Now all she does is make me want to claw her eyes out! Thank God Maxie isn't carrying their child. BTW IMO Lulu would look horrible as a parent,*GAG* The olden days........

DAMMMNNN You haven't posted here in FOREVER!!

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Oh and for my friends on here,plese exuse my avatar. And forgive me,I just thought they were such a good/original couple and that doesn't necessarily mean I'm a Laura lover....totally...no. Just,no. It's just the couple/pairing,you don't have to like the character to love the couple. Keep that in mind.... Forgive me


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Funny that they didn't edit the fact that 2013 isn't a leap year! LOL Friday February 29th should be March 1st. Looks like she will be on a lot in the next two weeks!

Does anybody out there know what the status is with all the vets coming back and for how long they are staying?? People like Jackie, Genie, Jack, Lynn, Jon, Ian and Kin? I know that they are planning something for the 50th anniversary but they all eventually will leave, right?

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