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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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It didn't entirely work. I still don't want Tracy back with Luke. If they aren't going to redeem Joe or bring him back as a different character, as far as I'm concerned, if Luke is the only option....Tracy can be alone until GH ends. :)

I don't think that was their "strategy". If it was, it was a stupid one. Because why waste airtime getting us to like a guy, only to have him be rotten? Why not just let him BE rotten from the get go, and *maybe* have Tracy like him, but have the audience know for certain that he was no good. Really...what WAS the point of him saving her life, only to have him try and kill Kristina? I mean, I don't care about Kristina, but it's not a redeeming move. I don't understand it, at all. If they had to prop the chemless pairing of Trey and Kristina, why not have Trey save her from a random mugging? It just.....all makes no sense. If he was just used to give Tracy airtime, again....they made some of us like the pairing and want it to succeed.

I feel like I was played, and I don't like it. I got cable again for THIS? And please. If they are giving Tracy Clint as a consolation prize, I'll jab forks in my eyes.

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Well I feel like I'm being played because everyone knows LuNacy should be endgame (like Bo/Nora and Viki/Clint), but because RC is all soapy and all about DELAY, DELAY, DELAY... I am being TORTURED. I might even have to put up with a BORA return (well not really cause I've left before, I'm contemplating leaving again and i would DEFINITELY leave if she came back).

If RC gives Tracy Clint, I'll start calling her Dorian and RC will become RERON.. and I will NEVER stop. Ridiculous!!!!!

I actually like Clint, but give him to Monica. If she's coming back in a real way she needs some lovin'!

Glad Joe is dying.

Glad he saved our girl, gave her a hot fling and is now.. going away!!!!


VIVA LA LUNACY!wub.pngwub.pngwub.png

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I think what happened is they had a story arc in place for Joe but it was changed because of Steve leaving, AJ returning, John passing away etc. You could tell cause he mentioned the MC and Tracy talked to him about Alan; he had connections to Johnny and talked to him in jail about knowing he had solieto money; he had the angst built in there of saving Tracy...clearly they were setting up for a longer story.

I think they were totally softening him to make him more likeable or show he was more than just a thug with Tracy and that he cared, but then plans got changed cause they wouldn't have bothered to try to redeem him if they weren't planning a story. I think now it was just a quick lets get rid of him make him go off the rails and then probably reveal him to be working for someone else or wahtever and have him be an easy kill off.

Edited by hookedongh
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I think the plan from the beginning was that he was going to try and kill Krusty or fake her death. Nothing else makes sense. I also don't see how Steve, John and Sean's RL comings goings and passing away, effect RS's airtime/story. Maybe Tracy's. But I don't see why she can't have a hand in an ELQ Sl and still be with Joe.

After I watched the scenes yesterday, I still don't feel he is irredeemable. We're talking about a show where the "romantic lead man" shot his own son, a cop, and would have watched him die if Olivia hadn't burst in to tell him who he was. I think my issues with Joe are not what he's done, but will he get to a point where he drops his Sonny vendetta? I read somewhere that Kristina stops Sonny from killing Joe because of Trey. Perhaps Joe finally can let it go and make his own life without caring what SOnny does.

If he can, I can deal with him and Tracy, because I still believe he didn't rape Kate.

I also doubt he's dying any time in the next few months, anyway. If he were, it would just be easiest for him to die from the gunshot wound he's going to get today.

BTW-I may be wrong, but it looks pretty obvious that he gets shot from him and Trey struggling over the gun, which accidentally goes off. If he's set to die, why not just have him die by the end of the week? But he doesn't.

As far as everyone knowing Lacy are endgame....lots disagree. Some disagree here, there are LnL supporters who disagree, some Luke/Anna fans who disagree.

As far as the four bores from OLTL-keep them all away from Tracy. For that matter, their time has passed. Keep them all away from GH, period.

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Joe is dead I"m almost certain...I think he dies in some sort of battle with jason as he is involved with Duke coming up

He will be dead by third week in oct as that is when Jason "dies" or dies or whatever

I think luke/tracy are no way endgame. I think they will be friends and that is all

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If Joe is dying that soon, it would already be in the mags and the scene would have been filmed, and any legitimate insider would have spilled it the day it was filmed and given a last airdate.

And I repeat again, I am almost certain it's Heather who is going to be responsible for Jason's "death". I could be wrong, but I don't think I am about this. Heather is far too crazy, and she is Jason's target right now. Not Joe.

And while I realize this isn't Guza's GH anymore, when I think of all most of these characters have done and gotten away with, if they are killing off Joe for what he's done, that just ticks me off..

Again-if the goal is to bump him off.....it would be easiest to just have him die today. Prolonging it, if they know that's what they want to do, is just stupid. But it hasn't even been talked about in the mags. For all I know, he COULD be dead before the end of the year.

But I am not going to believe it until the show or the mags announce it.

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I think because he is going to die in however jason dies and that is still a few weeks away and not in mags yet

Plus they don't want to spoil that yet about steve's exit

BTW Bergen Williams tweeted last night that she is back on Gh set this week taping and it has been a while

Glad Alice is back

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But they've already spoiled Steve's exit weeks (or was it months) ago. And I doubt Joe's death, would be something they'd hide. SONNY'S death they might not spoil, but Joe's? And again, the mags generally come out enough in advance that they report exits in time for anyone to be able to tune in to see it. I suppose it's possible that GH sees Joe as insignificant enough that they wouldn't give the mags the info until the last minute, but still.

Any insider, any REAL insider, if Joe is dying the middle of October, would be able to give airdates, including last airdate. Including info like what Tracy and Joe's last scene together is, etc. If they can't pony that up, I'd not give them the time of day.

I have no idea, as I said before, if Joe is dying soon. But it's not anytime in the next month, unless it has been a very well kept secret. I honestly hope they don't. Even if they don't keep him and Tracy together. I REALLY like the character and actor.

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It's the overarching assumption that L&L are the only real option. Personally, I think that's a waste and been done too often. Hopefully GH will stick around for a long, long time, and the myth of L&L's greatness will die it's rightful death.

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considering luke is in a triangle with anna/duke I don't think luke/tracy are going to be getting back together anytime soon--not because of Laura

So today Joe was totally creepy about to blow kristina's brains out and trey comes in battle, gun goes off, joe shot in shoulder, trey/kristina let him wander out

Monica/Tracy classic barbs scenes monica smacking her down why she is still with joe and says she is going to tell edward

Tracy promises to cut off all ties and then joe shows up falls into her arms all bloody (getting stains on her tablecloth she is wearing)

Tomorrow preview shows them talking and tracy not looking too receptive

I thing she is on tomorrow for sure and F when the police show up and she has to make a decision on wehther to help him or not

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