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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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for next week on soaps.com looks like Tracy is on M, W and TH

Week of September 17:

Monday September 17:

Sonny screws up Tracy's happiness.

Sonny discusses the missing money that Jerry extorted with Joe and Tracy.

Kate is stunned to learn Trey wears a medal identical to Joe Jr's.

Connie emerges with the realization that Trey is the son Connie disposed of.

Wednesday September 19:

Tracy has a hard time shaking her heavy doubts about Joe Jr.

Sonny tells Michael he thinks he knows who Trey’s father is.

Trey confronts Joe.

Tracy rejects a call from Joe and tells Monica it’s all over with Joe.

Thursday September 20:

Joe Jr. swears that Sonny and Kate’s wedding will be one that no one will forget.

Joe Jr. dares Tracy to deny their connection.

Edited by hookedongh
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I don't think LuNacy were allowed to run very far at all. They had a few years of good stuff, then they were shoved into a rut that neither of them could get out. IMO LuNacy's potential hasn't even come close to being tapped. Holding patterns do not equal story or character development.

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And I agree with that. I think there is a ridiculous amount of potential left for them. But at this point, I'm not all that hell-bent on seeing it explored. I loved them together, but I just see that chapter as being closed now. Of course I wish they had made it, but they didn't. And the way that things ended this time just seems final to me. Sure, they've both acknowledged that they still feel for each other but I just don't think they were a couple that's meant for longevity. They have a very deep love, that will last forever. That doesn't mean they have to be in a relationship. In fact, love like that could prove to be a magnificent friendship.

This regime has showed that they're willing to write for Tracy outside of LuNacy, and at the end of the day that's what I care about. And since it seems GF will be returning, I just assume put L&L back together for the 50th/end.

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Id much rather luke and tracy be in the place they are now as friends who will always love each other and on good terms then them reuniting after luke/anna fizzle only to then be cast aside for the obvious and eventual luke and laura ride off into the sunset when GH ends.

I'd rather luke leave Anna for Laura than Tracy again

If even Joe kicks it soon, at least they have shown Tracy can still carry a pairing. I'm more than ok with her being the Dorian of GH

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Hey all! Hope everyone is well!

I haven't watched the show since the first time luke made goo-goo eyes at Anna. The last LuNacy scene I watched was when our girl gave Luke major tongue action at the floating rib.

Decided to check here the other nite and saw how u were all talking about this joe guy. I had no idea Tracy was seeing someone. I'll check out a couple of their clips on YouTube and weigh in on that.

I didn't know SB was leaving. Why? And how are they writing off his character?

I want LuNacy back ASAP and i prob won't watch until they r reunited.

KNH - when u send your res to a theatre where a show is going but has not started load in yet... Make sure you put the name of the show along with theatre name and propmaster. That way even if the show is not in there yet it will be saved intil they get there. If You have connections where U are I'd say u should start using them. These jobs often go to family and friends. It's the Same with all theatre related jobs from the box office sales people to stage managers. It's all the same.

Edited by TracyLuv
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I actually haven't read GH fan fic in years. I read mostly "Sherlock" fan fic now, but lately haven't had the time.

Joey, hun, I'm really starting to like you, and I love your Tracy lovin', so don't be a douche, okay? I know you're mad because you think Sonny ruined your chance at happiness, so you want to ruin his. But just....sit your butt down and chill, M'kay?

This, I agree on. They could have been so great. But I just told Funny, if we really think about it, this regime is kind of ageist as well. Yes, they are giving Luke love scenes(kind of) and Tracy, too....but BOTH with younger people. Not with each other. I don't think they are any more keen on showing two sixty something's being sexy with each other, any more than JFP was.

I think, unfortunately, that the days of Lacy as a romantic couple are over. I agree with hooked that at least they are friends, and at least we won't see him leaving Tracy for Frumpa. At least Tracy wasted no time finding a man who likes her. I think this is the best Tracy material in terms of well roundedness and airtime, since Jane came back in 2003.

Yes, it does hurt to say that. Yes, it DOES sting that Lacy had (still has) SO much potential. But I think it's also about timing, and the "timing" for addressing the potential is gone. The timing for exploring them was seven years ago. SEVEN.YEARS. And yes, most of that time and opportunity was wasted on hijinks and it upsets me if I dwell on it.

BUT-there's also a lot to be said for the two of them being great friends. Because that's something Frumpa CAN'T compete with. I want a scene, IF she comes back (personally I think it's inevitable, but I'm hoping she doesn't) with Tracy being in some kind of trouble and Luke rushing off to help her.

Much like Luke used to rush off on Tracy to help others. smile.png And you see, it can only happen in this universe, if Luke and Tracy AREN'T a couple. Just imagine Frumpa's face. LOLOL I mean, come on, ya'll. Butter my butt and call me a biscuit, if that's not just the living END.

Never will happen, you say? Luke will never rush off and leave Laura hanging to go help Spanky? Oh, really now-you think not? Think again, my friends. I say it can happen, and it WILL. I'm calling it now.

I hope GH lasts another year. I think that's a goodly amount of time to explore TraJo, or whatever we call them. I kind of like they don't have an easy squish name, sometimes squish names get annoying.

And again, yeah, Joe? Don't be stupid. Don't. Just go find Tracy and forget Sonny and ConKate.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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Oh, had to come back in to say that last part, that Joe dares Tracy to deny their connection: The girly idiot part of me *swooned* at that.

I think seeing them relate when they aren't sexing, is going to be very interesting. That is what, I think, is going to make or break them.

Personally, I just think this story can't be passed up because Joe IS into her. How many times has that happened, that a man has just liked her for her, with NO strings/agenda? How many ?

I don't even need to count. One. Him. That's why I can't just blow this off so easily.

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I agree, that part is wonderful, and I'm prepared to take the Tracy/Joe ride to it's natural conclusion. I'm just saying given the choice, the Luke/Tracy goldmine has barely been touched. Rather than parings that have run their course, I'd rather see pairings who still have story left in them. I'm not particularly fond of what they are doing to Luke right now. If this whitewashing and wimp-of-the-day routine is who they think Luke really is, then I'm not sure he will ever be good enough for Tracy. However if he gets his mojo back, i want to see the fire again.

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Here are SoapZone's spoilers for this week, nothing we didn't already know but.......

  • Sonny sells Joe Jr. out to Tracy, by unmasking the cad.
  • Tracy washes her hands of Joe Jr., just like that.
  • Joe Jr. endeavors to win Tracy back by reminding her that they have something too good to pass up.
  • Tracy just will not give Joe Jr. the time of day.
  • Tracy cannot overcome her destroyed trust in Joe Jr., try as she might.

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