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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Tracy/joe today she cooked him soup cause alice is sick


then tracy and the rich 1 percent club of PC talking about pooling money together

sam and mcbain show up (yay for a tracy/sam snarky scene)

Joe knocking out jax to help jerry escape

She is in preview tomorrow showing up at the police station iwth todd, johnny, et al

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Not sure which spoilers are accurate or not, but I'm adding my commentary:

Tracy goes to GH to be of help: Agreed that it's ultimately because of Edward. I am glad to see her role in this story continue.

Monica gives Tracy disturbing news: My first thought was that it had something to do with Edward, dying perhaps, but that's tragic, not disturbing. I wonder if Monica finds out about Joe before Tracy?

Joe confesses to Tracy: I wonder if he confesses after Tracy finds out from someone or if he does it on his own.

Joe asks Tracy to help protect his son: That is definitely something that would be hard to say no to because if the roles were switched, Tracy would want help protecting her son.

Tracy gives Joe financial help: Hopefully, it's not for anything illegal.

Monica and Edward chastize Tracy: Because of her relationship with Joe?

As for today's episode...Really enjoyed having Tracy on multiple times in the same segment! Who would have thought?! She also got the last shot right before the opening credits. Doesn't happen very often. Can't even remember the last time it did.

Was a bit "errr" about Joe coughing and sweating on the chair, saying aloud, "What I was thinking?" (something like that) It was in regards to giving Tracy the antidote and not himself. I brushed it off because after all, if you were dying, you'd probably be asking yourself the same question, "Why did I give it up?!"

But then later on, Joe said (after Tracy was out of hearing range) that she better cough up the money for the antidote because he owes her. It was not the gentleman Joe that we have been seeing with Tracy. I'd like to chalk it up to "well, he thinks he is dying, so he's not exactly acting how he normally would, but I don't know. I didn't like it.

Todd/Tracy were very funny together, from the moment she opened the door. Actually, they were funny right before that when Todd kept ringing the door bell, and Tracy was screaming, "I'm coming!!!!"

Also enjoyed the group scenes with Todd/Tracy/Johnny/Carly/Sonny. Not a big fan of most of those characters, but when you put them all in the same room, talking about providing the money, it was really good! I felt like they all got a decent amount of lines too. No one was totally left out.

The Sam/McBain/Tracy scene seemed so random and fast, but it was amusing, and I'm glad that TPTB remembered Tracy was involved with the Dead Man's Hand. Did Luke really end up with it though? Can't remember.

Tracy's on tomorrow at the PCPD and Todd is saying something like, "Why are you the perfect picture of health?"

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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The Q mansion ensemble today was some of the best soap writing/dialogue I've seen in a LONG time. Tracy, Todd & Sonny all in same room = very hilarious, thoroughly enjoyable and wonderful to watch.

Loving Tracy's position at the center of the cure. It's so friggin' wonderful.

I'm still not forgiving TIIC for the ANNA/LUKE and TRACY/JOE pairings.. but if they kill Joe and bust ANNAL... AND get LuNacy back together.. I MIGHT forgive 'em. We'll see...

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I'll give this one to him only because



Expect a leapord to change all his spots at once I guess!! He's getting there but we

Complain when it's a complete 360 in two

Episodes too bc that's just Rediculous. It isn't beleivable if he just turns into a pope all at once

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Rewatching part of today's scenes on YouTube before bed...

Laughing out loud at Todd being all eager to eat Tracy's soup and then making a grossed out face and spitting it out after trying it. laugh.png What's the history with Tracy's cooking? Can she cook well or not?

Also thought it was nice that Joe wanted to go upstairs so fast as soon as he heard Sonny was coming. Joe doesn't want Tracy to know the real him, which should make me angry, but I'm going to spin it into this: Joe cares about Tracy so much that he doesn't want his relationship wtih Sonny to jeopardize what he and Tracy have. Of course, who knows what will happen when the truth is revealed.

Seriously so happy that Tracy is getting screentime lately. I feel like it's been months since she's been on in any decent capacity. She, what, had 4 episodes in August? Checking out the counts... 3 in July, 7 in June, 8 in May, 5 in April, 6 in March, 6 in February, and 11 in January (her best month this year). Wow these numbers aren't very good at all overall! Hoping that September is her best month yet even though it just started! *fingers crossed*

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Yes, I just watched today. It had a real old fashioned soapy kind of feel to it. I like that so much of the cast is being utilized lately. The only thing that could have made those scenes at the Quartermaine mansion more enjoyable would have been QUARTERMAINES.

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I loved today's epi it was very intriguing and interesting I absolutely loved the 1% rich group they're all great nd most of my fav characters are in there with the exception of Johnny. Sonny/Todd/Tracy comedics especially Todd. Today's epi was all about history mean,the DEAD MAN'S HAND,Tracy had her hair long back then!! And I loved the Sam Tracy interaction theyre so alike remember the rumors of her being SAMs mother?!? Tracy has had history with everyone she acted with today! Accept for joe and oltl ppl,speaking of wouldnt it be funny to have a pairing of ToddT (Tracy Todd pronounced tottie like hot tottie lol) anyway today's epi was good nd can't wait to c Monica and tracy

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another good tracy day today I think

scenes at PCPD with the 1 percent

scenes with maxie at GH and Steve Webber

Joe had scenes with jerry telling him he gave tracy the dose with jerry hysterical laughing, but gives joe another one for himself

tracy calling joe to see how he is and tell him she is at hospital

Joe shows up tells her she looks beautiful,,,this isn't the end...they are going to be okay...they kiss, liz comes in to get her blood sample

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