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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Your link worked for me, Ms.Q, thanks.

Still not thrilled about Anna, but I seriously want to be 53 and still able to jump onto a man! Bergen, Finola and Jane - three fabulous reasons to be Vegan.

BTW, have the Tracy/Alice scene aired yet or are they to come? I really, really hope Alice has Tracy's back on this one.

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Nope. I'm not as interested in what they present on screen as I am in what happens in their mind. Someone can be the most amazing actor ever, but if their intellectual life doesn't impress me then I'm not interested.

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To me it's just a job. I will enjoy them, and I certainly would be polite enough to acknowledge how I enjoy their work if I ever were to meet them, but I'm not going to make an effort and certainly don't want a "fan encounter". I have a running list of actors I would like to have tea with, primarily women, and that list includes JE as well as Judi Dench and Mary McDonnell, but it's their intellect that has gotten me interested, not their body of work.

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Didn't watch the show today, couldn't bring myself to do it. Interesting though to know we are not the only ones who want Luke/Tracy pairing over Anna. Most of the comments by fans in response to the LUke\Anna/kiss teaser by GH Facebook were "NOOOO! Luke belongs wih Tracy ... "

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LOL, and HOW many years did we LuNatics have to read the Luke belonged to someone else? Justice is a beautiful thing.

I'm personally choosing to believe the insider that said fan response will determine ultimate outcome, so make the calls. But in the meantime here's hoping this team truly writes an actual LuNacy romance to go along with this triangle and it's not one-sided to begin with. I for one have watched way too many years of Tracy having to do the heavy lifting in this pairing with only occasional help from Luke. LuNacy was absolutely amazing and quite well written right up until Luke skipped town with Skye's help after his heart attack. It hasn't been anything but the occasional moment since. Even with crap they have remained gold, so what will they turn in if someone really does them justice...

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I LOVE that this iswhat we are hearing!!

Remos, you're right. it was about time we start hearin all of those praises for our couple!! and if it i up t the audience responce I am simultaniously super happy and very annoyed. I love that we can all actually have an effect on the story. Not happy about the fact that it would even come down to that. Has the entire audience, as well as the writing team, forgotten that Tracy beat out th great and powerful Laura, we are supposed t believe that Anna can now bump her out of the running?

Here is what made me sad about todays show. First- how Tracy was acting, but this is mainly only because of how Luke was actin. She was so unbelievably excited. It wasn't her usual confidence when she knows she's gotten something or sh has some kind of power. You guys all know that fliry look I'm takling about. It's a whole different demeanor. This was like a teenager who is SOOOO excited that when it potenially doesn't work out it'll be like someon shot her puppy.

Now for Luke- I didn't like what the wrote fo him a all. I am still hoping we are goingto watch tomorrow and it'll be anna's dream. That I can buy. This wasn't even looking like luke was questioning his feelings for tracy or if he should go back to her. Instead it just looks like he is trying to find a way to get out of it and like she is that annoying kid in class who follows you around wit a crush and you can't get away from. how are we supposd to believe a triangle if he doesn't een look interested in one. I am starting to be all for this triangle with somone else liking tracy. If it is not antony where luke kows it's bogus and he's looking to drive her a little crazy. If he thnks there is genuinely someone after her who really is interested it may drive HIM a little bit crazy. I woudl reallllllly enjoy THAT as a story, wishful thinking i guess

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If that's the way they are going to write this, than it's a fail from day one. Triangles only work when there is investment on all sides. I'm not interested in this to begin with, but if they are going to paint Tracy the fool then forget it.


Just saw it and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Luke wasn't dismissing Tracy at all, and Tracy was well into her Martinis with Alice, which explains some of her exuberance. I hope they actually make an Alice/Tracy friendship of sorts - Tracy is going to need someone in her corner. Anna is definitely jealous of Tracy, which is a nice twist. I just hope these writers honour who Tracy has become and not put her back to what she once was.

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