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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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There are a lot of available Q's if he wanted them. The Alan Quartermaines might have been killed, but the Tracy Quartermaines are alive and well. Ned, Dillon and Brook could all return and shift the balance in the family. Then Jason and Michael would at least have someone their generation to play with. Not to mention Skye (though I don't consider her a real Q), and then there's Celia and whomever a writer wants to create with her.

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i don't like the idea that they may be pairing luke with anna unless it's a friendship/hijinx kind of situation. i wass watching them over the last few days and I don't think they have any kind of romantic chemistry at all or even any potential for it. I love the idea of them as friends and getting into little adventures and maybe bring back some of that old spark from GH past.... this is also NOT said just because I want luke and tracy back at all costs- though it's still true. I can't WAIT till they start putting them back into scenes together. I will grant the new guy a pass as he needs to build the stories and get his own thing going, but he can't try and say there is no way to do the stuff we'd all like. it'd be very easy to get them into a great story- which I think they need especially since it was such a weak ending for their marriage. they didn't grow apart or hate each other or anything that would warrent an end. he has said all along he would never leave unless she decided it. she threatened it quite a bit but when it came down to it she didn't ask for this divorce nor did she want it when he asked. they are still crazy in love so I think they need a real story. as for the quartermaines- like was said above, they killed off all the classic characters- but they have plenty to pick from to bring them back AND they have enough that haven't reallt been on the canvas so it's like a blank slate so they can really bring back the old Q stylings.... and god knows jason can always come around to his old Q ways as well-- REALLY shake up the story

can't wait till friday- just itching for a tracy scene

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I'm not worried in the least that they will do Luke and Anna. In all honestly TG doesn't have romantic chemistry with very many people, but he's got great friend chemistry across the board, and that's what will happen with Luke and Anna.

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^^^I was thinking the same thing, watching Luke and Anna the past two days all I could think about was how Anna feeling so bad about missing so much of Robin's life would reflect on Luke and his family. I have my fingers crossed that Luke will come to the realization that his family IS important and being there for them (even if it's just Lulu & Tracy thats left) matters after seeing his two friends grieving for their child. I know RC mentioned something about Robin's death having an umbrella affect on other characters and I just hope this is true for Luke. Maybe he can even write a better reason for Luke to be gone when Tony goes on his uber long vacations.

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Well, today we had the "Luke makes Tracy jealous", without even trying. I'm relieved to see they are keeping the LuNacy connection alive. It's a much better pairing because few are actually supporters of Luke's love for Tracy, so it comes with it's own tension.

I just catch the occasional Tracy scenes on YT, but was noticing the opening. Has Tracy been put back in the opening even once since they shortened it to almost nothing?

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i was watching clips today from a while back and I was looking to see if anyone has the clips from 7-14-04. it's the day lila died and justus told tracy. I don't have that one and I haven't seen it in forever. I can't find it on youtube anyway so i thought i'd take a chance with you guys

thanks so much!

i haven't seen her yet and I've been looking for it. I am glad that they had the last or almost last scene today. it means it's definately a lead in to monday

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looking for more clips if anyone happens to still have them. I know it's a long shot at this point but SOMEONE must have them somewhere.

the ones I asked in the other post0 just to keep them together:

7-14-04 when tracy found out Lila died

the new request

8-31-06 when tracy was telling lulu about her abortion

9-15-06 when luke came back and he and tracy talked about her abortion b.c lulu spilled the beans

i think that's it for now. I know no one will be on for a while since we have no epis to talk about right now

I have to say- I've been holding out to see if you made any comments on hair/clothing Ms Q!!!! NOTHING?! I was completely expecting a rant based on that god awful shirt that kind of looked like the things they used to put her in

completely random question- who here knows what the italian horn is? I had a customer at work today ask me why I am wearing a pepper! and it happens all the time... and I live right next door to the most italian town in the most italian state in the country so it's a little strange to me. I think what makes it odd is that an adult has the stones to come to me and ask me why I am wearing a particular thing. Unless I am wearing underwear or a spiked dog collar to work what business is it of theirs why I would wear something? Not really that big a deal in the long run but I get asked it so much and then I get asked to explain what it means. I usually give up b/c they want the whole story so I just say it's a good luck charm or it was my great grandmother's and they stop asking. Too long a tale for work. One time I actually got a history lesson on it from a women who went to a polish church btw so her lesson was pretty far off base, but she gave me a whole lecture about it's history, what it means and where it came from. Then she turned around and goes "but I guess you already knoe this since you have one" I wanted to call her out on how many ways I know she was wrong. WHY do people care. I want to start walking into where people work and asking them why they are weraing pants that day or why the have orange on. The only time this crap is acceptable or I'll even say it's cute is when my daycare kids used to think it was a pepper. One even thought it was a pickle for some reason but they were 3 and 4 when I was there- so again, cute!

still not that important and I don't know why it irritates me so much but it did

i think I'm done with non GH business now :)

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*waves to everyone*

Head spins. Robin is dead? Ethan already left? Ethan is a Scorpio or isn't? Is this what Luke lied about to Robert? Did Jane and Nathan get any scenes with each other before he left? How did his character leave?

Is anyone important involved in the explosion someone was talking about?

Jane isn't in the opening anymore? REALLY? Well, that says it all, doesn't it?

Stupid show.

Honestly, I cannot remember the last time I even sought out a recap or a clip. I haven't posted at any soap boards besides this one in six months or more. Have not lurked here since the last time I posted. Guza did it, he made me not care enough to even keep up with recaps and spoilers.

Ah well.

And someone remind me..who is the new EP and new HW? And they are just doing what others did before them, aren't they? Telling the stories THEY want to tell?


It's more than that for me. I guess I just don't have the time or the attention span to focus on more than one show at a time. And my show right now is "Sherlock". I know I mentioned it before, but you guys....if you haven't checked it out, GAH so worth it.

There's enough drama and angst along with the mysteries to keep almost anyone interested.

Plus...and here's the kicker...I realized about a month ago what it is about Sherlock and Mycroft, his brother, that pulls me in so much. They have a slightly more antagonistic relationship than in the stories. But the way it's played...the dynamic, the angst, the facades...it hit me between the eyes: They are QUARTERMAINES. Not for real of course, but in almost every tangible way, yeah. They are. Back when the Q's were heavily featured, back when they were complex and sneaky and not always "good". The snark and the resentment and the hurt and yes, the love too, it's all there. Benedict Cumberbatch and Mark Gatiss (who is also co creator and a writer on the show) have such a good brotherly vibe. MG reminds me a bit of Hugo Napier, who played Ashton. Not physically really, but in mannerisms as an English gentleman.

Best part about the series is the brotherly interactions IMO. After I realized how "Qish" they are, I've just loved them more. My ultimate dream: Jane and Tony(or Hugo) playing Mummy and Daddy Holmes(who may or may not be deceased, it is not clear yet.)

The second season starts on PBS, the first SUnday night in May. It'll be on DVD almost immediately after. What sucks for me is that the seasons are so short-THREE episodes each so far. Season two is about a year and a half after SEason one, and it looks like Season Three will be about the same amount of time after Season Two. It's VERY frustrating, that when I find something I like, I get very little of it.

So yes, another shameless free publicity plug for my new show. You guys won't regret it, I promise.

I hope everyone is doing well in your personal lives, because as much as I just gushed about a TV show....it's RL that matters so much more, doesn't it?

For those who still watch Days of Our Lives, are EJ and Nicole still together? I used to LOVE them.

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From what I recall….

Tracy and Ethan did NOT get a farewell scene

Luke and Tracy shared their first scene (not even engaging yet) since he slapped her on the butt about a month ago

Luke lied to Robert, Anna and Helena about Ethan (only Holly, Lulu, Ethan and Luke know the truth - Ethan IS a Spencer)

Opening has been badly edited and it's only the "stars" (which tells you how Jane rates)

Ethan is on the run or off doing his thing with Robert looking for him

Since I don't watch the show with any sense of regularity, I could be wrong on the finer points of Ethan's departure.

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Just saw that new 12 second opening... They were sure able to fit a lot of people in it. It wouldn't have been that difficult to add Jane Elliot.

knh, I don't have any clips on my computer since it crashed. Oh, if it makes you feel better, I get asked about what I'm wearing a lot, but I teach junior high students, so any time I wear something "uncool," they call me out on it. Sometimes their comments make me laugh. Sometimes, the students set themselves up for a comeback by me, and other times, they are absolutely correct, and I say thank you for noticing.

Do we know if Tracy's on tomorrow? You'd think it'd continue since she was on at the end of Friday, but I know the preview of Wednesday says Luke makes Tracy jealous, so I don't know if that's been moved...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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