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DAYS: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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Today felt rushed.

It never works when you try to squeeze multiple episodes of drama into one. But I enjoyed today and despite the rushing it was so great to see Konstantin finally get his [!@#$%^&*] handed to him. I was actually a little surprised by his confession at the end too and I’m really looking forward to Monday

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I just wish the scenes today had gone on a little longer before they reached their climax. This was one moment that really shouldn’t have been rushed, especially considering how other characters and storylines get padded out with fluff all the time.   

Plus, it was really weird that Sarah appeared in the episode but couldn’t make the wedding. Budget and scheduling aside, she needed to be there. Sort of like how Will and Sonny, who spearheaded the plan to end Leo and Craig suddenly couldn’t make their wedding. And all the trouble they went through to have Dee and Suzanne finally share scenes together and Marlena couldn’t make the wedding either? She really needed to be there too. 

Switching gears, Theresa is a total dick for what she did to Brady but at least she conveyed some humanity in her scenes. You can tell she actually felt guilty. I hope her and Brady’s night together ends up driving storyline somehow, not just for them and Alex but for Tate as well. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Today was all about Maggie's wedding to Konstatine.

Alex caught Theresa in bed with Brady.

Konstatine instructed John to kill Maggie after wedding.

The wedding itself seemed like a bad parody.

Cliffhanger: Konstatine revealed he was responsible for Victor's plane crash that killed him.

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At the very least, I'm hoping for a key that leads to a door that leads to a parallel dimension where Salem is a normal town filled with normal people who die and stay dead.

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That's very true.  The whole wedding was staged so awkwardly.  Everyone just staring while John is pulling a gun out?  Lol.  The 8 random chairs?  I know Days has about 2 nickels to put together any event, but the whole episode was just horribly directed. 

Circling back to Marlena, I'll be honest and say she wasn't even NEEDED in this story.  Her concern never felt real.  I understand her and John figured it out and it is weird the show didn't even explain why she wasn't there though.  But then Sarah just decided to go to the hospital instead of her mother's wedding so....

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Hold on a gosh darn minute!

Yesterday's cliffhanger had Alex come home yelling for Theresa while she and Brady fell into bed.  Now, today, he knocks on the door in the morning.  So, what did he do last night?  He called for her, and then just went to sleep?

Also, amusing that Bonnie is over the whole Xander kidnapping thing.  I guess if Nicole's forgiven him, then everyone's cool about it.  Charm (and a cute smile) really goes far in Salem.

Brady mentioning the use of the living room as a constant wedding venue was amusing, but shouldn't someone have asked why he was there?  Or, do they get as confused as I do about who lives at the Kiriakas and Dimera mansions?

Overall, John and Steve continue to be as dumb as a box of rocks, the Theresa wig looks better now without the dark roots, but the use of flashbacks as a stylistic choice is unwelcome on a daily basis.


Edited by j swift
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My God Theresa continues to get worse with each passing day. I really can't wait for her to get her comeuppance and for Brady, Alex, Tate and the rest of the town to completely wash their hands of her and have nothing to do with her ever again. She is so vile; it's pretty obvious at this point that she will never truly change and she just isn't capable of it. Whatever; I hope after she leaves town she dies off-screen somehow and Ron won't have to write for her ever again if he doesn't want to because it's pretty obvious he hates writing for her. 

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@carolineg or @AbcNbc247 - was the point of Sarah showing Bonnie her phone so we as the audience wouldn't be tipped off that her name is similar to Alex's Mother's name by not saying it out loud? 

I missed if they've said Xander's Mother's name since they've started talking about her.  But, since the forged letter about Alex's paternity was supposedly signed by Angelica Devereaux, that has to be a clue about how it will be exposed, right?

Edited by j swift
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Just awful.

All DAYS cares about is getting any episode's taping finished. Doesn't seem to matter what it looks like -- whatever is easiest and cheapest works best.

And we had to wait for Ron to return for this Konstantin wrap-up? For THIS??? How can it be satisfying when Maggie could have gotten rid of Konstantin months ago? Make it make sense.

And Theresa the hoe bag is just going to skate on by and not be mentioned as a partner in crime? Uh...ok.

I also find it ludicrous that Alex would be fine with Theresa being his one-and-only just seconds after finding her with Brady bodily fluids all over her.

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