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GH: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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It has been interesting to watch how his impact- scenes about something, more beats being played, characters with a point of view- has slowly been dissipating. It feels very much like we are nearly back to the GH that was in play before, but with a little more care being placed in the actual words people are saying. It is nowhere near what it was for the first 6 weeks he was there. But it is better and resonates more, as if PM did bring something out of their scripts and they are trying to keep some of it there.

He may still be credited, but that influence is much lighter in the last few weeks. Even Gregory’s funeral is nothing like the depth we got when Dante was shot. Those scripts were old school.

it is still more consistently watchable, even though I think his fingerprints are not all over the scripts and certain characters anymore. Nina has already lost a bit of the spark she had been given almost immediately upon his arrival. 

Edited by titan1978
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I think the first week of June was fairly strong, despite the Sonny stuff I mentioned, and the onscreen acknowledged stall with Pikeman (by Brennan in the script) or on many plots, like with Kristina vs. Natalia or Ava and Natalia - well-written sparring, but what is the point? Why is the surrogacy story still going? Why did Pikeman have to stall this long unless FV is trying to save JPS? I can't speak for the rest of the month as I'm still going through it and have only watched a bit of this week ahead. I still think the Drew, Nina, etc. stuff early in the month is pretty well done, and the Nina/Maxie stuff still sings for me. I'm waiting for it to totally fall off before I drop it again, but I intend to.

Edited by Vee
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The sequence of events with Finn today was so weird.   He woke up from being passed out, to looking at the cut, to just passing out cold on the floor again?   I found that whole scene much funnier than I should have.  The paramedics just leaving him on a chair still passed out was unintentionally funny as well.  Luckily, Jane Elliot being awesome made me care a teeny, tiny bit.

Jagger is so annoying that I am actively rooting for Jason/Carly.  


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Sam gave Carly another good dragging lol I see they were paying attention to the audience feedback. LW played those scenes great you could feel the guilt all over Carly.

I kind of want Jagger dead at this point. Actively pursuing Carly when you’re holding her freedom over Jason’s head is just gross. When this Pikeman stuff activates I hope he’s the next to take a bullet.

Anna and Valentine’s cat and mouse game continues to be fun they’ve made me a fan.

I feel like Chase and Brook Lynn are always on and a big part of me is tired of seeing them and confused as to why they’ve been made the shows big couple. I am enjoying Finn’s spiral though. Tracy was great today with Violet, the sniffing salt and getting picture proof of Finn on his bender. ME’s gotta be a goner soon.

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When a poster (such as the one you mentioned) is put on ignore for a reason, I get it, but then nobody speaks out when this stuff is said.

Which is what Taby said earlier this month.  Sometimes you have to ignore, but sometimes you have to call it out.

Edited by janea4old
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And speaking of catch-up LOL!!! And now I see what you all were talking about because that scene with Sam and Wagger was a whole *PorshaWilliams*reeeeach*PorshaWilliams* Cuz how can Wagger have Jason under this thumb for YEARS and not know about this particular ex-wife. I don't believe it. And I cannot even stretch my suspicion of disbelief to accept it. Other than the fact he has a nice back and seeing Sam work, it was not needed.


And I might be in the minority, but this Finn storyline is on FIRE. But like I said about PM, he definitely did seem to take the 'if we have to use characters I don't want to write for, might as well use them for something' so he did. Cuz these Finn vs Chase scenes were great. And ME seem clocked in. Moreso than JS which shocked me, but JS rarely does anger well for me. That said...he filled out his pants reeeeal nice so lol. I will say what I'm sure I've said before. I actually feel invested. And I haven't felt invested with one of ME's characters since John from OLTL.


We know any scene involving Liz I love. And I love her with her kids. And yes such a mom cuz I lmao at Jake thinking he wasn't going to be grounded. But that's Aidan's fault I guess.





Like I said I feel like PM was writing Finn and Valentin out finally which I know would make a lot of people here happy so I'm sad to see him leave while Frank runs around trying to deconstruct all of PM's stories.



I honestly feel like we are seeing the seeds that PM was planting slowly starting to be seen finally, but he was already out of the door which makes it sad. 


Stories that needed to move, started to. From Alexis's fight to get her license to Nina/Drew (and Willow makes 3) to the downfall of Sonny to Pikeman to the wedding were all starting to really take shape. Valentin felt like Dead Man Walking. And now Finn was on his way to a fall. But somewhere along the way...STALLING. 


But yeah...this influence is fading. 

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Because he's played by a sexy beast...pun intended.

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But seriously, I would think Brennen was a case of a great actor that was short-term that has enough chemistry and charisma to come back. And...he did. And when they FINALLY decided to give us the tea on the Pikeman story, he was giving a more cunning villain as well as setting up for Valentin to FINALLY leave because that was where it felt like it was leading. I just saw the 6-11 scene with him and Anna and they actually showed him revealing a hint of vulnerability in not answering Anna's retoretic question. He has been sly and soft and charismatic and crafty and also menacing, but up until not vulnerable. A moment that made me go hmmmm....were they planning on keeping him around under PM? 


Very much this.


Oh, I understand. It's the PM effect.


I also understand the foreboding that is coming when PM leaves. It might be good, but not the same as it was under PM. It has been nice to see him do some magic and I felt like he was following them Rules. It is just sad we will not get to see all he had planned now.

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