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GH: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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TJ said absolutely nothing wrong to Molly. They picked Kristina’s wild ass and now she’s gonna end up keeping their baby because Molly needed to be related to the child. It is a little hard for me to care about this storyline though as the TJ and Molly I watched for years are not the ones in the storyline, though I’ve accepted Mansi as Kristina.

I thought Maurice was actually trying in the scenes at Kristina’s apartment. It’s just when he started talking about Dex, you see in plain display he is not a talented thespian.

I’ve never been big on LW as Carly, but I will say that woman sells the hell out of Jason being the bestest most specialist person she’s ever met on the planet. 

Edited by Antoyne
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Regarding Sam/Carly - I also thought it was a good Sam mentioned that Carly would never want Jason to evolve or change his way of life because that would mean he’d have to relook at why he keeps putting Carly #1 in his life, above his own damn children. It’s absolutely true.

I also found it funny that Carly mentioned she barely even knew Danny. Meanwhile, Jason is constantly trying to protect her kids. Carly doesn’t give a damn about how Jason’s absence and bad parenting his hurt his kids, all she cares about is Jason being there for her and her kids. 

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The only rewrite is Joss last year and Sam this year bringing up Morgan to point the finger at Sonny and throwing that shot at Carly. Jax pushed this same lie in 21 when he blew up at Carly/Jason for Joey Novak harassing Joss at Kelly's. If Jax, Joss, and Sam want to make this point to Carly, it's best to go to the trauma Michael went through. Morgan was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Morgan's demise and death is 100% on Sam's bio father and two aunts. 

There was no rewrites to the original story. It was always open ended about who set the bomb. Sonny went to church to talk to Griffin after ordering the hit on Julian. He didn't have an enforcer at the time and took out a contract from former associates. Griffin convinced Sonny to call it off in time. Sonny did cancel the contract on Julian. He thought he killed Morgan. There were teases to someone named Oscar Jessup "before" the bombing (who turned out to be Olivia Jerome) and this person was threatening Julian by phone to mess with Sonny. It just took them time for BM's Jason and Curtis to investigate the bombing. 

Edited by Vince79
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The question has been asked what in the hell does Julian Jerome & Olivia Jerome & their bullsh*t have to do with Sam? You may not like the answer but it is what it is, you cannot become unrelated to people you are related to. So, the point, pitiful as it is, still stands. 

To the people who think Sam deserves a retcon giving her a different father, well, just here's yet another reason to wish for that! 

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The point, I think, is Morgan would not be dead/'dead' if not for Sonny and his business. Just like Michael would not have been shot or raped if not for Sonny and his business. Whereas Sam repeatedly divested herself of both Julian and the Jeromes to protect herself and her son. She doesn't have a responsibility for anything that happened there.

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Thank you!

You know I vastly prefer Carly to Sam, but Sam was right yesterday.  She has deliberately and repeatedly made moves to get away from the mob life while Carly defends it.  

At this moment it doesn't appear Sam is in danger being related to the Jeromes.  Jason being her son's father is currently more problematic.

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People make good points about Sam aggressively choosing not to be associated with certain people she is related to by blood. But, to me, yesterday, Sam was totally wrong. The person she needs to talk to about this is Danny, not Jason, certainly not Carly. She brings up over & over again things that happened when Jason first hit town when they have already been totally dealt with. Jason heard her. He apologized. He said he was wrong. He tried to make a plan with her, giving boundaries & rules & saying what he would do for his part if Danny broke them. And, he has done so. And, Danny got grounded & lost his phone.

Sam has a high level of worry but only Sam can do anything about that. Because Danny is Jason's son & so inherently has a certain level of danger. She seems to think that if Jason would just agree with her that all would be fine. But, it is simply not so. 

The only way Danny would be completely free of danger would be if NO ONE KNEW he was Jason's son & it's too late. 

Why in the world do people think Sam was right to appeal to Carly about this particular problem that only Sam seems to have? I have yet to see any glimmer of an idea why this should be Carly's problem. 

However, I will agree that it is an interesting conversation. 

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Uh, you've left out a word, easy thing to do, only I can'r figure out which word. 

At this point, I wouldn't even ?blame? ?Drew? for changing his last name to Quartermaine. Is that it? Do I win a prize? 

And, for the record, I don't know anyone who liked Julian except he was played by a good actor. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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But it wasn't him being a mobster or his business that lead to his son's death. Sonny could've been a 9 to 5 factory worker and Morgan would still be dead. They have a laundry list on Michael that is fact to use instead of always going to Morgan to jab at Carly that is fiction. He wasn't being targeted for who his father was and is dead cause he stole a car rigged to explode. He was the collateral damage of a mob sibling fued. 

If Ava had not sent Morgan on a breakdown from replacing his meds with fakes, he wouldn't have stolen the car. He was on foot and out of his mind. Ava wasn't going after Sonny. She was trying to show Kiki he was "nuts" so she would break up with him. Morgan was doing fine until Ava ruined him.

ETA: It is terrible writing to have Kristina blame Ava for Morgan's death only a month ago (Scenes with Nina at Crimson) and have Sam throwing it in Carly's face a month later. Which is it? Ava's fault? Sonny's fault? They go back and forth too much with this topic. 

Olivia was targeting Julian for revenge over leaving her for dead 25 years ago (long lasting injuries) and for ordering the hit that killed her true love Duke. She wanted payback on him for those two things more than a battle for Sonny's mob territory. Julian wasn't doing much other than baiting Sonny in public to piss him off on her command. He didn't go after him in shipments or shootings. Neither did she. Anna was more of her target than Sonny. Her ultimate plan was to kidnap Griffin and use the GH underground lab to bring back Duke. All in all her return wasn't about a war on Sonny. It was a crazy lady out to torture her brother and went after Alexis, Sam, and Lucas. 

Edited by Vince79
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