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GH: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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Considering I cried during the Liz/Finn scenes? Nah, it really hit home. Liz was acting the way I did when my significant other's drinking went out of control. Knowing someone is different than being that someone. It's also a serial, remember, so there very well could be more scenes which shot it.

But the confrontation between Liz and Finn, her fear and him insisting that he's fine and that she wont take Violet was very, very real. But these few outbursts and regrets, as you put it, is always ALWAYS a sign that a relapse is underway.

All of the ratings suck.

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Again, that's just not how it hit for me.  It was rather dull.  I do appreciate your perspective though and it's different from knowing people and being that person of course. We are all internet strangers/friends/casual posters and it's very brave of you to share your personal story.  I would rather not share mine.  I truly respect your journey and don't want to sound crass or unsympathetic, but I don't think your own experience and feelings plays out to the entire audience.   I certainly wasn't crying or even that enthralled, but everyone does have a different awareness and I respect that.  Honestly, though, keep doing what your doing and keep fighting for your own health and sobriety because that's a lot more important than Finn and Liz.



Edited by carolineg
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HW: Elizabeth Korte & Patrick Mulcahey

BDW Or SW?: Cathy Lepard (Cathy is the only other writer listed. So Perhaps PM did the BDW)

DIR: Robert Markham

The funeral was solemn but I liked it

Loved Tracy and Alexis

Glad to see Jake & Aidan

Think they are inching to a Elizabeth/Finn Break Up

Glad Blaze told off her Mom & that Kristina showed up

Wish Molly/Kristina would stop playing the same scene over & over again. 

Edited by John
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I thought the scenes surrounding Gregory's death with Finn lashing out at Liz were very good. My only issue is that downward spiral should not have been staggered out as much, where people just kept talking about the one drink for days. I still suspect the reason the brakes haven't been fully taken off yet is because FV intervened to save Easton after PM quit, just as I fully expect him to do with JPS/Valentin. But now he's drinking again, so maybe it's on.

Edited by Vee
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Concerned about Tracy keeping the shades on. 

Their mother looked amazing. They cleaned up nice.

From your keyboard to Soap Jesus!

So glad Blaze showed a little bit of frustration & anger at that idiocy. And, yes, never have I ever been so glad to see Kristina show up! 

Don't blame them! It's the writers. 

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Well, I guess got to the start of the Finn drinking mess in my viewing and I'm just happy to FINALLY see conflict between Liz and Finn and that it was organically done AND made some sense versus history that happened off screen or took from what was clearly a Liz story.

One can hope.

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Almost done with today's episode. I wish we had intercuts between Natalia and Blaze in the sound booth and the man they were with looking on -- wondering what the hell was going on. Or we could see him kicking back while eating popcorn and chugging a Dr Pepper.

It'd be great fun if Natalia told Blaze she was being homophobic in the recording booth to 'get the emotion out' of her so it would be more powerful. But have it where Natalie actually convinces her by talking about how she truly sees the love between Blaze and Kristina. And provides examples and so forth. But, the audience knows she manipulative.

It would give her more depth and complexity. Character depth/complexity doesn't always mean 'likeable' sides. To me it means a greater psychological profile.


Eventually, I would want Natalia to start giving Blaze pills to kill fatigue. Now, that would be a fun story!

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I also wondered about that.  The name that popped into my head was Patrick Drake.  I am not sure if they ever labeled him an addict, but he was abusing pills for a little while when he thought Robin had died.  After he stopped, we would still see him drinking from time to time. 

Edited by StevieM
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Interesting.  I definitely thought Curtis.  Does Finn even know Patrick?

Anyhow, I have pretty much given up on the show.  I feel like I sat through some boring PM work just because I thought it would change eventually and now I am mostly apathetic.  The show hasn't really declined in quality.  I just don't have much hope anymore and struggle to get through episodes.

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-- Giovanni Mazza (Gio) is solid. Good casting, and I hope we get more of the violin.

-- Kirsten Storms is looking good.

-- That Metro Court pool makes me laugh. They try so hard to pretend it's a real pool with depth when it's obvious it's a wading pool.

-- Eva LaRue is spending way too much time in the tanning booth. She's as dark and red as a lobster.

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