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ALL: Did/does anyone follow the Web Soaps?

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No, what he's talking about are serialized prose. Like what Charles Dickens did published on the web.

He should have said "[...] anyone read the prose-based web soaps". I would have written it as "Does anyone read the serialized web stories that are like soaps".

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Thank you. That's what I came to think he was talking about rather than any on the list of what I see called web soaps. 

There wasn't any argument. There was confusion. The topic needs renaming. If no one else is going to do so, ... 

@Toups Can you change this topic name to be something like "Today's Prose Soaps"? Thanks! 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Although there can be some confusion, web soaps are typically scripted shows written by fans for online readers. This is where forums like mySONTV and the blog feature came into existence.

Digital Dramas, or Web Serials, are typically scripted shows filmed by independent producers on a reduced budget compared to broadcast soaps. That's how I remember things.

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I loved reading @Matt's For Now and Forever, which took place in the 30's and was "cast" with classic Hollywood actors. I remember he was admitted some soap writer contacted him through email to try and help him get in the door of actually writing for the soaps, but he ended up turning him down. Matt, feel free to repeat the anecdote again with more accuracy if you feel so obliged!

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I don't know why this is being started up again but many places when web soaps are spoken about what they are talking about and the shows that they list are shows like Venicetheseries and Anacostia and about a dozen more. They definitely are not talking about written serials. So please do not label this valid issue as nonsense. There are many references online which support this. 

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Text based serials have been called "websoaps" for well over 25 years.  Yes, there were a very small handful of websoaps with video, but these were definitely outliers.  The newer crop of fully produced, video based non-broadcast/cable soaps are more accurately streaming series or, specifically, streaming soaps & would be an entirely separate classification.  You don't get to just jump into a place that already exists, claim it as your own, and then act like the originating group doesn't belong.  I think there's actually a term for that, but I can't think of it off the top of my head.

Edited by Matt
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Well, you're looking at it from a particular point of view, which I respect, although I'm not saying a word about what the creators & producers of these new video soaps which are produced for the web call themselves or anything like that. If I were to guess I'd say they go by what the NATAS information says.

The point of view I am talking about is what people see & read in media or on wikis, etc. And also what ordinary fans tend to think of when they hear a term. And, if you don't see how "web soap" could be confusing and confused between written/prose serial and filmed serial, then, I'm not at all sure what else could be said, so I'll just leave it at that. 

One thing I do know is that I am not willing to stand & die on this hill. I literally have no horse in the race. Two of us here in this thread, read it & automatically thought of our favorite filmed serial produced for the web. If there are two, then there could be many. Anyway, it's not my problem. 

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