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B&B May 2024 Discussion Thread

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This show is officially IN telenovelas are hell territory.

I haven't laughed so much in my life. I will give that to Bradley - thank you for turning this into the biggest unintentional comedy on TV.



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Now I have to tune in again to see this....all that would be missing is to pan WAYYY in on Li's face. "NO!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!   DIOS MIO!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (SCREAMMMMMMMMMM)".   Built shirtless doctor enters, "TE AMO, LI.  No MIRES A SHEILAAAAAAAAAA! NO MIRES!  NO MIRESSSSSSS!"   Cries, clutches Li to his chest and we have no idea who he is either.  

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Oh, how I hollered when Hope did the perfect soap faint. Good job, Annika. lol.


I may find this Sheila storyline ridiculous and repetitive, but I have been living for the funny moments. So Hope doing that faint was right up my alley. 


And Lord, how the writers are setting Steffy up for a big fall. Cuz her at home with Finn and the dinner. LOL!!! 


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Now THAT...is the reaction that I want more people to have!!!


OMG!!! I'm glad that I kept watching then. lol. Sheila knew she was dead wrong to lay there and taunt Li. And Li's reaction. CHEF'S KISS!!! I think most people know I want a Round 2 between Li and Sheila. I STILL want one like Round 1 where Li beat her tail. But I loved Li pouncing on her. I was sooooo mad Deacon ran in and stopped her. Cuz Li was in her right to beat Sheila's tail a second time. 


Meanwhile, I actually liked Steffy coming to the (very) slow realization that Sheila was alive. It was such a soapy ending to the week with that close-up on Steffy. I do hope that is the end of the mention of the word 'Sugar.'


Then I just realized that BROOKE doesn't know yet. So...never mind. le sigh.


And what is this storyline coming up with that young triangle? Ugh...no.



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I am catching up.

JMW gave a performance to LIVE for. She almost saved the bad material and really in that moment I was rooting for Steffy. Through the years JMW has improved and improved and now I can say she really is a true gem. I would love for some other writer to give her wings and make Steffy likeable and rootable. But yes - I loved her expressions and the way she was handling it with true RAW emotion - this is what an actor does.

Finn - Boy, oh, boy. What a complete waste of time... I get that some people get off on him and think his abs are hot and etc, but that little basic Ken Doll is like watching paint dry. Such uninteresting, lack of emotion, lack of expression "acting". And the scene had potential which some other actor could have played off from JMW's energy. She REALLY needs a better scene companion than this. When he stands there and makes the sour face, it's almost like Steffy is talking to a stage prop. It's almost like a monologue. Recast is BADLY needed in my opinion. He is just unbearable to watch - in the Academy I studied acting, this would not get even accepted  to... try. 

Overall I think JMW gave the strongest scene of the month so far. The other parts I find very underwhelming and going into the genre of absurd and comical, which is... not my cup of tea. I found Li and Sheila's scene... shamefully bad and really really cheap. These types of animation movie fights do no interest me.  

This is what I expect next.

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Brooke RULED today. She needed to b-tch slap that rapist! And finally someone in this effing show said - She was altered and YOU KNEW what you were doing. You were in your right mind! FINALLY. Brooke was giving me 1992-1993 era Brooke with that attitude and energy - I love her when she is not Ridge's cheerleader or the SFTV. 

And the rapist crying....- YEAH, CRY! That's the least you can do. 

And what I was saying weeks ago, Brooke said it - You didn't stop to ask her... WHY WAS SHE THERE...

I need to see THIS BROOKE back every day. 

THANK GOD it was finally said. 


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