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Y&R May 2024 Discussion Thread

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The whiplash.


Perhaps it's the way that TSJ played it, but I found any major friction between Tucker and Audra to feel false this week so far. Audra I understood. And they been building that up enough that her starting to hang with Nate more...someone she was attracted to from jump...felt true. But Tucker finally storming off from her...and right into Ashley. Yeeeeah...NO. 


I like they are giving Cole more to do. Being there for his daughter. Getting back together with Victoria. And now being on to Victor being up to something. And that cliffhanger of seeing Jordan...and it's only Tuesday...uh oh. 


Same for Diane. I don't think she and Tucker have had scenes since he returned to town to hold her past over her head. And they were pretty good, but it's good to see schemers together for me. But that Kyle storyline...UGH. While I am liking seeing more of him (and MM has been looking like a snack again), I just don't like Kyle and Diane fighting when again he claimed to be okay with it. Now he undermines her all over the place. ENOUGH. 


I liked Claire and Summer sat and talked one on one. Outside of that, I look forward to Claire taking off the gloves.



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Is it me or did anyone else see a bit of spark between Traci and Ashley's therapist Friend? 


Oh, lord, Cole figured it out!!! That said EP did a great job with those scenes. And ha at him at least not immediately letting her out. As much as I enjoy Victor torturing Jordan, I'm with @Soapsuds that this storyline has gone off the rails. 


Oh...? Vicious Lil vs Audra? I would be down for that. Cuz she's more on Audra's level than I feel Ashley is. 


ED continues to take this story and play it to the hilt. And it was nice to see TSJ checked in. 


Smh. As much as I don't like Billy in this C-W story, Devon isn't looking too hot right now either. Nice to see Jack giving his opinion. 

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To me, it feels like Josh Griffith might not have expected CZ/Jordan to shake up the show as much as she did, so he keeps expanding her story by adding all these ridiculous twists and turns, not realizing that it's only going to hurt the character in the end.

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Exactly!!! I love CZ and her camp. I am loving Victor and the dungeon. But...yeeeeah, overall, it is too wash, rinse, repeat. Why take her to a hospital if she is going to escape like she's already done twice over the last month and a half? 


Victor for once is justified.



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