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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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I think you know that they didn't recast to have a mama there for Chase. And, good god, the cast is so big!

Well, they own it so they don't have to pay anyone unlike the other 3. People watch on TV, on Hulu, on the app, on abc.com, on YouTube TV, ... maybe something I'm not thinking of, but many ways to watch where one is not represented by the Nielsen ratings. Last I heard GH was #4 on Hulu. I don't know of any metric that counts those other ways to watch. 

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-- I agree it was a mistake to make Gregory's illness the focus of the ceremony. WE all know he's sick and going to die. Why not do that after the ceremony?

-- The line yesterday about Monica was "She still has pneumonia." I almost did a spit-take when I heard that.

-- The set looked small and cramped to me. I was surprised since GH usually does grand things with sets.

-- Tracy looked great, but Lois' outfit was a complete misfire. The bad hat, the huge flower, the ostentatious jewelry, the pants. They went for a cliche Lois instead of letting her shine.

-- Speaking of cliches, that was the entire episode. Every damn cliche that's ever been uttered during a soap wedding was uttered in this episode. The actors saved some of it, but overall it didn't work for me. After all this buildup, I expected more.

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I agree. I wouldn't even know where to start.



I admit that I was thinking...especially with the bachelor/bachelorette party done...that it would be happening this week or tail end of last week. It's starting to feel like we are not getting to it until Memorial Day week or something. 



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Lois's hat is what British women wear, called a fascinator. With Lois they were going for "posh". I thought everything looked grand. Tracy, Maxie & Willow, great bridesmaid's gowns. Jordan looked amazing. 

I guess I loved every single thing about Tracy, the lavender, the glance at the picture of Lila & Edward, what she said to Ned & their hug, what she said to Brook Lynn & their hug, ... seemed hugging was a sub-theme. Yes, even Spinelli hugging Jason. 

Oh, Gio. He is very good & I loved the violin music. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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I loved Anna vs Carly. I know Anna had worried to Jason about how she would get the info out of Carly versus if Jason had done it himself. She basically dogwalked Carly and no way Carly was going to gallop all over her. And the look on Carly's face at the end of conversation...she knew she frakked up. Love to see it. 


I liked the Stella/Trina talk. Why? Because as of late, Trina has gone back to talk-to status, and it's not at all sitting right with me. So it was nice to have scenes talking about HER. And to add on to that...we get her reaction to Jordan coming back and telling what Laura has been up to. Since Trina and Laura just had some lovely scenes...yeah...that hurt.


I found those Michael/Sasha scenes so odd. Could they be trying to get Michael and Sasha back into each other's romantic orbit?


Hehe at Cody trying to play matchmaker between Tracy and Gregory. But I smh at him and Sasha still playing the 'just friends' game. Haven't you two already kissed twice now? Ugh.


Awwwwwwwwwwwww at Drew doing for Nina with Willow what Nina did for Drew with the Senator last week. They are sooooo falling for each other. 



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We just had parties, successful ones. I expect they had more covid precautions still in place for Portia's wedding. And it was totally eclipsed by the biological father of Trina reveal. They went directly from the ceremony to a huge fight with Curtis furious & also Trina furious. And, Taggert getting drunk. 

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Thank you for the information.

Also guilty of being a viewer.



But even with covid precautions, I remember them doing a pretty good job of getting plenty of people and a good amount of the town, too. Though was the reveal and the coming together of Sprina the only major stories though?



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Boy, that was not at all my takeaway from Anna reading Carly the riot act. I mean she booked a driver to take her to the prison the next instant after Anna stopped chewing her out. 

I loved the scene, but I thought Anna approached Carly completely wrong. 

I was glad that Jordan brought Trina up to date.

Frankly, I felt that Trina expressed what the fans are feeling about what Laura is up to.

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