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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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That's all I ask of any actor in any performance: just show up!  I personally don't care if you're the kind who devours every piece of scenery in every scene, leaving behind nothing but sawdust.  Believe me, it's a helluva lot more fun to watch someone OVER-act than it is to watch someone who doesn't act at all (*coughs*TrevorStJohn*coughs*).

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I could see Heather being moved to a mental Health Facility that has high security. However her getting released and being able to walk around PC eating BLT's at Bobbie's is an insult to her victims and their families.

Edited by John
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From your lips to God's ears.


All this stuff going on with Sonny and Taggert who has been back in town not around? Just...odd. And sad.

Why we bringing Ronn Moss into this? 

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But that's how I feel about CZ as Jordan over at Y&R rn. Hate the storyline, but CZ knows she can chew everything in sight. High camp, but I LIVE for it.



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Longer scenes is nothing new to FV on GH. When that hack Jean Passanante became HW with Altman, she slowed the lightning RC pace down. She talked about it in interviews too- the show was going to have longer scenes and more character development. She was a terrible HW, but that team did slow the pace down and the scenes were longer.

It seems like a such an online soap complaint disguised as insider information to me. What is the one concrete thing we know as viewers is directly from this HW team? Longer scenes and better dialogue. It’s the only place to hang their hat as being PM and EK’s faults.

I have said from the beginning of these changes that Varni is clearly more invested if not also more involved. He started talking about the show more. Roger Howarth was let go. When the Burton coming back stuff started, didn’t he make a post about the show getting back to its GH roots, working to lure back an audience not currently watching enough? The slapdash primetime special was very much more of an introduction to the show at that moment than much of the retrospective we were expecting.

PM was shocking, not just because of his retirement but also because he has never been one of Frank’s people.

If there is a war going on, that causes the show to suffer. And one thing I know is that Korte and Valentini love GH, neither one wants the show to suffer.

What I am seeing is a messy transition, both the stylistic change and the rush to put new writers in place while scrapping months of story. It takes time to get that going, and if they were smart we would be seeing more of characters we love helping this transition along. 

For instance- I could have enjoyed that Sasha learns to cook episode more if it also had Liz and her boys talking about their lives and the Jason situation.

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Exactly.  Actors like CZ get it: if you're up to bat, you don't bunt.  You swing for the fences.  Maybe you'll hit a homerun, and maybe you won't.  But it's much more thrilling either way.  (Just ask Babe Ruth, lol).

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I agree for sure. Since PM came on, the scenes have been long and the dialogue soooo much better. And another scene...the dialogue AND scenes have been so much more about the individual's inner life and their motivations. Their feelings. And that is just a PM hallmark. Less dialogue that is just plot, plot, plot. 


Plot IS still going on. But it's being build upon. If anything...it's just a feel of someone else in the works. Which has not been the first time it has happened on this show since FV has been there. So...things that make you go hmmmm.


More of the characters we love would be nice. And written in character to boot.





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I'll say this much: if you know anything about soaps, you don't hire someone like Patrick Mulcahey to be your "yes" man.  If you do, you do it at your own peril.

Edited by Khan
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It's happened before, sure, but is not his preference or wasn't in the past. From what I recall he prefers the shorter bite-sized scenes bc he believes it keep the youth demo watching, he has since OLTL. I still feel too much of his mindset is stuck in the mid-late 2000s when he was fixated on the Starr Manning Show.

Edited by Vee
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Frankly, I'm not TOO hung up on the average length of scenes, for two reasons: 1) I grew up on KNOTS LANDING, so scenes that run 1:30 or less don't really phase me all that much*, lol; and 2) I believe that it doesn't matter whether a scene runs ten minutes or ten seconds, a bad scene is a bad scene is a bad scene.

My number-one issue atm with GH remains the same: there are TOO. DAMN. MANY. CHARACTERS.


(*I mean, I don't necessarily PREFER shorter scenes, just because of my love of classic playwrights like Chekhov, Ibsen and Strindberg; but this is television, after all, and there are worse sins being committed on shows nowadays).

Don't worry, @Taoboi: the folks in the back heard me just fine, lol.

I mean, if you're Frank Valentini/Nathan Varni and you're just looking for a HW who will maintain the status quo and nothing more, I'm sure there are at least a dozen, other scribes out there who'd be willing to take on that job.  But you don't go and lure out of retirement a writer with a rep for not putting up with b.s. if you're not willing to give him his head at least a little bit.

Edited by Khan
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Lord...that was in record time! Sonny dropping Ava in one scene and picking up Natalia as his date in the next. I can't with Sonny being douche-y. lol. That said...Ava, what are you up to with this doctor? And now Ava is using reverse psychology on Sonny. Their renewed connection is starting to get oh so twisted. 


LMAO at Jason knowing Carly sooooo well because that's EXACTLY why she was at the prison. Still loving the Anna/Jason team-up. And Anna figuring now their enemies know they are onto them due to Carly. I kinda wish there was more of a cliffhanger Friday to this episode since it seems like the Pikeman storyline is (finally?) heading to climax with more and more people learning about Jason being part of the FBI, the audience knowing what is being held over his head, and now Brennan onto Carly which means Val will eventually be onto Anna. Cat and mouse indeed.


Gregory bowing out of officiating the wedding. After all of that build. Did I hear that right? If so....hmmm a rewrite? In any case, he was overdue for some scenes with Alexis so we will see. Speaking of...I still feel like they are setting up for Finn/Alexis once everything is said and done. Which I don't mind. But where would Liz go if they go there? 


First Portia. And Now Jordan bringing the common sense to Laura about Heather. I liked those scenes. And credit where credit due, I thought TH had a lot of conviction in those scenes. Because realistically...where can Heather go from there? Some of her acts could be excused MAYBE, but ALL of them? Hold up. 


I liked the Natalia/Blase scenes in Blaze's hospital room. And I thought the Blaze actress did a good job because I felt there was a lot going on in her eyes. And yes, it's her life and I saw Natalia's point of view, but I really couldn't help but give her the newbie-sucking-up-storyline glare. 


I found the Sam/Jason scenes and the later Sam/Dante scenes weak. And I don't blame that on JB or DZ at all. It felt like KM was phoning it in. And in the aforementioned Sam/Dante scenes, it screamed cue cards to me. Which I found out because both of the actors were giving. 


I guess it said something about costuming that Dex looked better in sweats than he looked in that police suit.

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