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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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There is much to improve and fix but for the record, I have absolutely been far more bored by D&C's show than this lol.

I honestly never want to see Jason paired with any of these three women again and might die if they went back for the umpteenth round of Jasam, because I do like that Sam seems to have finally and definitively moved beyond him as she's been working on doing since his first 'death' in 2012. (Not that I care about the pairing with Dante, bc I barely do despite some good writing during the shooting) That being said I do think they could play the relationships with Jason more. The lack of them and especially Liz makes me wonder if it is down to Korte and her alleged Carly fixation, and if so it's time to demote.

Edited by Vee
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It does feel very deliberate in a petty distasteful way. It was so odd to me when Jason had his court bail hearing and they didn’t even have him share a glance with Elizabeth even though she was right behind him. Those fanbases are still so actively nutso (buying trucks, trend wars, pitting son against son) it just seems like bad business not to write material to keep them engaged. 

I also don’t understand why Jason and Spinelli haven’t had any scenes either when he was so involved those initial weeks.

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Jason & Spinelli should soon

RE Elizabeth:

She's not the same she was when she was with Jason. Since then she became a mom 3 times, had multiple marriages and is now head nurse. She has grown.

Elizabeth is not anti Jason. Not keeping Jake from him but I think she's over all the mess Jason can bring

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I like it, but I think you'd need to hit some consequences well before July which I agree is a great moment for bigger action (and which is close but not close enough for me after the last two months of the slow hand). Let Ava's machinations end with Kristina horribly injured and miscarrying in this hit without her action or inaction being known and instead blamed on a fight with Joss, and then she links up with Valentin and gets in with Pikeman. She informs him she will either get Sonny into a marital bed within the year or not, but either way his territory will become hers when she and Pikeman cross him out and then carve it up. Meanwhile, yeah I would injure either Jake, Danny or Rocco in the same incident, causing drama for the parentals. When it comes out that Jason is putting them all at risk for Carly she finally gets the heat and leans more on Wagger.

The miscarriage shatters Molly and T.J.'s already very-frayed relationship. Meanwhile, Natalia's scheming to divest Blaze of the wounded Kristina at her weakest point strains the girls, as Blaze seems increasingly noncommittal about her career vs. her girlfriend and the mercenary way her family has always done things. Natalia also tries to capitalize on her relationship with Sonny in business, and quickly makes a more active nuisance of herself as she begins to commit corporate espionage against Deception and attempt to rope in Nina and Drew.

I'd probably give Chase and BLQ a month or two of wedded bliss and then either kill him or send him off in a coma (to eventually write him out for good) in the assault in July. That guy is a manchild and a test pattern to me. His replacement on the force, dragged out of his existential exile, would be Lucky Spencer. Other July casualties can probably include Natalia (scheming to the end!) who possibly gets got by Ava personally amidst the chaos, possibly an injured Michael sent away for a recast as mentioned, Jordan, etc. Gregory would die from ALS complications only after saving people at the scene, going out an unexpected hero with Tracy at his side. Finn would of course return to Doctors Without Borders with both his family gone. Sasha would be maimed or something and also decide it's finally time to dip tf out of the town that's given her nothing but grief - whatever she's looking for in a new life, she can't find it here and Cody isn't ready to leave Mac or the Qs behind. Heartbroken Blaze can probably also dip. Molly and T.J. leave, trying to mend their battered relationship. And once Anna draws down on Valentin and has him dead to rights following the botched attack, she blows him away. The only person who gets away clean for now: Ava, since the only one who knew about her is Valentin.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a few people I'd kill or fire. To be clear, this is the chill version where I wouldn't just kill a bunch of people next week. Which is a good option!

I don't have an interest in bear-baiting those old fanbases tbh. JFP was right about one thing long ago, but in the wrong way: Sometimes a soap audience does need to be trained. In this case they need to be re-trained to not just watch for their couples or their characters and FF the rest. If you're watching my show you better be prepared to watch the hour to keep up on WTF is going on. I'm not writing just to stoke the embers from 20 year old YouTube clips for a daily bump. I think you can write substantive material for Jason and Elizabeth and Jason and Sam (who have had more), and I think some of the Jason/Carly material has been quite good and well-acted. But it can't be about either ignoring them all for Carly, and it can't be about baiting them with a reunion which AFAIC should not happen. Both those couples are burnt to me.

The FV shuffle, IMO.

Edited by Vee
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Well, speaking of those toxic fanbases, I am sick to death of them. Fortunately I have many of them blocked. The other day some of them decided that what we need is a queer on the writing team. Well, when I stopped laughing I posted letting them know that Patrick Mulcahey is gay & then SourceRyan added that Scott Sickles is, too. So, I presume we reached them. Facts count. Oh, a bunch of Sprina's fans want Shannon Peace back. I don't even go there. 

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Now they are asking for new HW's to be hired and feel it will happen because of this response from Carolyn Hinsey


It's been 8 weeks people.  Saying PM should go back into retirement Soaps do not move fast, never really have. Makes me wonder if some of the fans today would have survived long term stories from the 1980's  like Marco & Karen switching Jenny's dead baby with Kartina live baby on OLTL. That story ran 3 years

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Technically it's not still. She's lost her column at least twice. She's back. She used to have a Friday column in the New York Daily News & Digest was put to bed on Wednesday EOD. She wrote a book at probably the last time period when soaps were still big-ish. Egregiously wrong, in it she said GL was canceled in March when there were so many stories told about how stupid it was for them to announce it on April Fools' Day!!! 

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I still remember after OLTL dumped Kyle &Oliver , CH insinuated that If Brett Claywell had signed a contract, Kish would have stayed. Claywell went to twitter and called her on her lies, even stating he had a 4 year deal as Kyle. Maybe she was thinking Scott Evans who was recurring as Oliver Fish

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