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B&B: April 2024 Discussion Thread

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BOLD uses the word "mints" in dialogue as if they're Skittles. They're DRUGS, although I long ago stopped expecting honesty from this show.

Joshua Hoffman is limited as an actor, but at least he's something to look at. With the crap scripts on this show, iT's not like I enjoy the "better" actors.

The show clearly wants us to care about RJ's and Luna's relationship, but we don't. I don't know a single person who cares if they break up or if she ends up with Zende.

What they should do is a 911 a la Buck.  Have RJ break up with Luna, then after some introspection, discover he's bisexual. Of course, we can't have that on a show that won't recognize gays in the fashion industry let alone in a core family.

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Joshua Hoffman is better than half of the male talent in the show. That is not saying that he is VERY talented, but with the likes of Biberty... Joshua is giving Emmy worthy material in comparison.   

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When Carter finally became the person who called out Zende on his BS, I thought "finally." But, then of course he follows it with what a "good guy" Zende is.

Even IF Zende truly believed that Luna was suddenly in his bed and wanted to be with him, he should have at least been questioning WHY she was suddenly acting this way out of nowhere AND be thinking of how this could impact RJ, his cousin. They completed ruined the character of Zende with this story.

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Tanner is bad but Jf is the absolute worse to me. Not js is acting chops. But Tanner atleast has presence and sex appeal. As an actor if you can’t act I can accept if you have some kind of charisma presence good chemistry with cast sex appeal or possibly good looks. All the other male actors. Give that except him. I don’t enjoy him as RJ at all. They should recast 

 As for the acting solely I can excuse that for him being young. But over MA SC TK, DD JMC Delon & SK? I absolutely don’t see that. LSV nor TN are good actors. But as I said they atleast give me something. 

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JF has immense sex appeal and his acting is improving. He has potential.  And... he is a bit of legend now in the gay community boards. They love him there. And with reason.

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  He is perfectly cast. And bringing in viewers for sure.  RJ is a lot more exciting than some other people that act like an AI robots.  

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I mean he has a buff body build for sure. I could see that appealing to some. But I don’t necessarily see sex appeal. The energy he oozes. he don’t give Brooke Logan or Ridge Forrester son. 
Mathew JMW & Don are the best examples of sex appeal to me. 

As for viewers I’ve seen him get no buzz. I’m sure some fans like him. I’ve seen it. But I don’t see a solid fanbase anywhere. Steffy/Sinn, Thope, & Sheacon I’ve all seen built fandoms for. And imo if you can’t build that. It’s a flop. I’m not js talking about one forum either. I think they could definitely do better. This is a son of a super couple. It should be JMW level casting. 

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He oozes energy for me and for a lot of people, just look around this forum and you'll see plenty of people that like him. He has been on people's avatars and etc. I am also not talking about only one forum. The gay community is appreciating him and that IS making people tune in. I am a gay man and I can't ignore this fact. There are lots other of people that are dead weight on this show, but I don't want to go in detail. The actors are this show's LAST problem. They are actually it's saving grace most of the time. So I don't see a reason for a dispute. Different strokes for different folks. Just because you don't feel him oozing sex appeal, doesn't mean OTHER people don't. I hope you can understand that? If we all liked the same things, life would be unbearable and boring. 

RJ is hot and I hope he and his muscles are here to stay. He is also not that bad of an actor and for Bold's standard he is WAY above it. This show has bigger fish to fry and that is CREATING ANY COHERENT STORYLINE. 


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OMG I can't believe they thought this was good? LMAO



Tanner is not bad, anyone who watched him when he was being held captive by Sheila is full of sh*t cause he was out acting Kimberlin Brown and others

JF is horrible, he's worse than Charity Ramer if that's even possible. 

LMAO seriously dude just stop while you're not ahead. The kid is awful. Tanner out acts him by miles

I mean if you stan this kid and want to bash others as "horrible" actors then you can't be taken seriously AT ALL. It makes you sound ridiculous 

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If anyone can watch the above clip and say that kid is some amazing thespian you're full of sh*t and that's being kind LMAO

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I am not going to go into an argument with you, since I once promised the admins I will tolerate you and be civil. Please do the same. You are coming here with a tone, I am not appreciating

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 You say I sound ridiculous. This is little too personal, which you like to get when your favorites get commented on negatively. The same pattern repeats.

This is how I perceive the situation - I am saying my opinion which you don't agree with. I will continue do to so, since this is a freedom this forum gives me. Can you move on? Probably not. Also telling me to stop while I'm ahead sound little menacing. I hope you don't mean it that way - I would suggest you pick your words more carefully next time. I am not going to report, since I don't want to lose the admins's free time. I am sure they know what is what at this point in the game.  But please abstain from telling me what to say and when to leave before I am ahead and things like that. I have never personally told you things like that or told you you are ridiculous - and this word is offensive. Also hinting that I am full of sh-t is not nice. 

ridiculous /rɪˈdɪkjʊləs/ adjective deserving or inviting derision or mockery;  

I know you are very passionate about Steffy and Finn and probably can't contain your need to defend. And I accept that. But remember - Finn is not your brother or relative and Tanner will probably never know me and you exist - you don't need to defend them like they are your private family - getting personal and calling people "ridiculous, full of s-t" and telling them to stop while they are ahead - they are just actors on a low-budget soap opera. All is okay in the world. It's great that you find Tanner's acting so great - you probably have a different POV which many of us - don't.

And one last thing - I am not saying JF is THE GREATEST actor, but darling, compared to Liberty Biberty - he is Al Pacino. And I'm not alone in this way of thinking. I think everyone can see Tanner is the worst actor on Bold. He is a meme on social media. A meme about bad acting. Tanner Novlan needs some acting lessons ASAP, he can't lay on shirtless and abs his whole life... In 10 years, this won't cut it.  JF is a newbie, JUST A KID, who I am sure can out-act Novlan any day - and Tanner is NOT a newbie - this says it all. 

Edited by Althea Davis
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