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GH: April 2024 Discussion Thread

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So I am confused about yesterday.  Did Ava take a muscle relaxer or Sonny's bi polar meds?   I know that we saw the label and someone said it was a muscle relaxer, but why would Valentin tamper with those pills?  What's the point?  How would that effect Sonny?  I get that it's a plot point to have Ava figure out Sonny's pills are messed up, but I am wondering why Sonny's even taking muscle relaxers in the first place.

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She definitely took a muscle relaxer. Looked like she took 3. And, that should've knocked her out. Didn't. So, something is definitely up. Plus, yeah, why is Sonny taking that? And where were those all important bipolar meds?! These are very valid questions & they lack answers! Also, while we're at it, where in the hell was Sonny in the middle of the night?! Seems like those were quarter doses of this blasted muscle relaxer. 

Also, why wouldn't Ava have grabbed her phone & googled what the drug was? We have no reason prior to this to think that Ava is stupid! 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Yeah she took 3.  Which I still think is super dangerous and very strange for Ava to just take a large dose of someone else's pills.  But....whatever.

Maybe it will be explained better today, but I don't get the point.  So, Sonny's muscles just won't be relaxed lol?  If it was a sleeping pill I could understand the motive a bit better and it would make sense to have Sonny losing sleep, but you generally don't use muscle relaxers to sleep.  And Sonny would obviously be able to get Ambien or something from a Dr.  

The only other possibility I can think of is that Sonny's pills are mis-marked, so his bipolar meds are in the muscle relaxer container and vice versa and Sonny rarely takes the muscle relaxers so everything is out of whack.  I thought Valentin said he lowered the doses on the bi polar meds though.  And I would think Sonny would have a solid idea of what each of his pills looked like lol.

Sonny was with Jason.  I guess their meetup was really late at night.  Nina was still at work and Kevin/Laura were still up, so maybe Ava went to bed really early hence the reason she couldn't sleep.

Edited by carolineg
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Yes, I objected to this idea of a quarter dose rather than just swap for a lookalike placebo. Sonny would definitely notice if his pills looked different. Although if it were a capsule filled with granules that would make this quarter dose thing work. Looked like a capsule but, again, they showed us the label! 

Okay, good, at least that's a working theory. And I meant to mention, very nice negligee. Plus, Ava's new 'do looks better now on the second day. Since this is a soap, these things matter. 

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Well, I think the entire point was to make Sonny's mental struggles gradual and less noticeable, so entirely swapping out the medicine wouldn't work or it would be too obvious too quickly.

I am sure GH will explain more because it was confusing in general yesterday and I thought I perhaps missed something.  I guess this means Ava/Valentin aren't working together though.

Jason has already noticed, so I am going to assume this will be wrapped up sooner rather than later.

Who beat up Jagger?  Are we supposed to think it was Sonny's men or someone else?  Like I mentioned, I was too busy watching the blood dripping out of his nose all episode and wasn't actually paying attention to what he was saying.

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Well, let me inform you then. He was flirting with Carly. Carly was flirting right back. I can see maybe a fling there. But she'd have no more time for JJJS than that! 

Agree that we now know Valentin & Ava are not working together. Had thought perhaps they were. 

I keep wondering what they will hold back for May Sweeps. 

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Oh, yeah.   I knew he was flirting with Carly and I heard Carly complain about how bad the Metro Court was run.  

It strange how the narrative on Nina's leadership of the Metro Court has changed.  I thought she was good at running the hotel.  And do none of these problems fall on Olivia?  She's been doing this way longer and last I checked she owns half of the hotel.  

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Oh, and "Livi" acted so badly toward Carly when she thought that Jason had shot Dante. Then, without anything remotely like an apology she shows up whining to Carly about Nina firing someone & waving paint swatches around, claiming Nina could not identify the color yellow! Apparently PM/Korte have a more colorful personality in mind for Olivia! It was a tad weird. 

Carly's fixation on the lack of working ice machines was a little bit hilarious. But her insistence on taking care of JJJS was at least true to character. If someone is in need & there's no one else available, Carly's enemy list seems to vanish. 

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It seems like Olivia just lets Nina do what she wants and goes and complains to Carly without doing anything about it.  They are equal partners from my understanding, so why doesn't Olivia just say no ?  And I think broken ice machines fall on maintenance or at least the head of maintenance, not the freaking owner lol.

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it’s so stupid, but this shows goes out of its way to say Carly is Jesus level and is the cure for everything. 

Remember in the early 00’s during that Face of Deception storyline when Carly would call Liz “the face of Kelly’s!” In a strange turn of events, that’s what Carly ended up becoming.

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Although, I guess it’s “Bobbie’s” now. 

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I was asked what is it that is wrong with Sonny if it's not his meds: 

Let's see, what is wrong with Sonny. This is gonna take a list you know? Settle in, take awhile.

Egotistical, misogynistic, narcissistic, paranoid, not well educated, more a doer than a thinker, mean, Napoleonic complex, physically short in stature, stupid, a good cook, dimples, skillsets a barman, a chef or a restauranteur, oh yes, coffee connoisseur.

Oh, I left out "known for his sauce" only that sounds dirty. 

I believe that is it. 

I would've said that the show goes out of its way to make it clear that the Jesus of Port Charles is actually Sonny. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Sonny at least gets called out on his sh!t by a select few - but, according to everyone, the MetroCourt can't function without Carly, she can save magazines with no editorial experience, she can fight off thugs by her mere presence alone, save lives, Nina is responsible for everything that's gone wrong in Carly's life, and she has the most perfect hair doing it all! 

Edited by BetterForgotten
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I think it's monumentally stupid. And Ava's not stupid. I couldn't even see Joss doing that and she is stupid.

Minus the stupid stupidity of the setup I was impressed that we got to see Ava's bedroom, Sonny's bedroom and a bathroom. Y&R would've filmed all of that entirely on greenscreen. Or had Ava talk to herself about searching through Sonny's place for the pills.

I refuse to believe Carly is a good boss. Someone with her disposition is not pleasant to work for. Nina probably isn't either but Carly is a mouthy and volatile, no way is she good to her employees. It's such annoying writing to make her amazing at everything.

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It was especially stupid considering Ava has a child sleeping in that house as well.  She was just going to take three muscle relaxers and pass out?  Lol.  She is staying with Sonny because her and Avery are in danger.  You'd think Ava would at least want to be able to wake up quickly and be aware if there is trouble. 

I have a hard time believing Carly is a good boss because of her entire personality.  I will say I find her slightly more credible than Olivia/Nina.  She and Jax ran the hotel together for a long time and we know Jax is a good business person, so I would assume he taught her a few things over time.  I can at least buy Carly knows most of the ins and outs of the Metro Court because she's always been part of it.

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