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GH: March 2024 Discussion Thread

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I've said it before (and so has Caroline) but I do think it's possible HP could return in the probably distant future after making amends and/or doing her time. Daytime is often very forgiving. I really don't care at present though.

Edited by Vee
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I find her creepy. But I don't really need any Molly on canvas atm, the character and T.J. have both been wasted and spent for years and she needs a break.

Sure, just like the last temp. You are entitled to your opinion, it is not a fact. Either way this show doesn't need Molly right now.

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It seemed to be a source of confusion in several places, so I made the same assumptions lol.  I think some of the wording in the scenes may have been slightly confusing because they were talking about Tracy's wedding dress as well, but the dress they took out of the box at the end of the show was Lois's dress.

I don't care about Molly at all and don't mind the new one that much.  I just don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that Haley Pullos will come back down the road.  If she completes her sentence and gets help I just don't understand why she wouldn't get a chance in a few (or several) years.  She made a horrible mistake, but people do make mistakes and learn from them.  There are many other soap stars that privately and publicly have struggled and gotten hired and re-hired over and over.  But then again, Haley Pullos may be a nightmare and awful to work with and GH is glad to be rid of her lol.

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Yep, she is FinalMolly. HP made her bed & she gets to sleep in it. It's fair, also, that she suffer consequences. 

But, those other people may not have caused as much trouble for their shows as HP did. Or lied to their employer. And she did it by making a choice to withhold pertinent information. If she had told Frank what she should have, there would have been NO TEMPMolly & so with luck they might not have had to suffer through WildlyInappropriateMolly. It would have just been HP & one replacement, instead of 4  different Mollys in as many months. 

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Again,  I don't know much about HP at all.  Before this incident I never heard anything bad about her and she seemed well liked.  Frank can hold a grudge and be angry and upset and probably won't re-hire her and that's understandable.  I don't think it's impossible to think a new regime may hire her down the road.  Listen, HP's life and career isn't a cause I care deeply about. I have no idea if this is an isolated incident and she feels remorse and has more clarity now that she is supposedly sober or if she is going to just make more bad decisions.  She's young and this can go several ways for her.  I just don't think she necessarily will be condemned to never working again for the rest of her life because of it.  That's it.  I am truly not advocating for Halley or condoning any of her behavior.

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I don't understand why anyone would assume we don't want HP to pay the price for her awful actions or are cheering for her to come back vs. our simply saying, pragmatically, that it's far from impossible that the show will have her back someday lol. Soap stars have done far worse than Pullos and been invited back because of popularity or because (like HP, who grew up on the show and has deep ties BTS there) they're 'family.'

I want HP to take what's coming to her from the court; I think her actions are reprehensible, and I see zero reason for Molly to be on the show now or in the foreseeable future. But she's young, she can rehabilitate herself and she has a long history with the show, and it's not like soaps haven't given second, third and fourth chances before. It's very common. I think that's all either of us are saying. But I don't care either way, so long as I don't have to watch Morticia Molly forever and they write the character out.

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It's been said, but the dialogue in Maxie's segments for several days running (starting with the Spinelli stuff a few eps ago and up to the end of the week) and the Tracy/Gregory discussion of marriage is also sharper than the usual dull knives BTS at this show. Same with Wagger and Sonny - 'until you get jurisdiction over the FBI or simply die of shame...'

Re: Tom Hardy Jr., he has always been my first choice for a new younger male lead. Cast him in the Patrick mold like when he first came on (brash, brilliant, cocky doctor) and go from there. I guess Tom/Thomas wouldn't be quite as young now as he would've been had they done it ten years ago but whatever, age is fluid on this show and it's doable. I'd have him attempt to romance the older, recently-separated Portia at work as a young man on the make but end up with spiky feminist writer Christina Collins (Lucy and Kevin/Scott's kid, adopted from Chris Ramsey and the locally infamous Dr. Julie Devlin). There, I just came up with two characters with more future prospects than most of the leads under 40 currently on the show.

Edited by Vee
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I've not seen anyone suggest that you or anyone else was condoning her behavior. I don't think you or others have to be concerned about that. And, I agree about the other & earlier said that there are other EPs (Frank may not be at GH forever, of course!) and there are also other shows. No one is condemning her to some life of utter hopelessness. Just being realistic and yes pragmatic about her burning Frank & being the cause of the 4 Mollys debacle. Simply not rocket science. 

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