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GH: March 2024 Discussion Thread

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Okay, I don't know if this happens often or not, but here Vee & I are in lockstep, agreeing to beat the band. 

Anyway, about your last sentence, been there & done that with Sonny before, maybe so. Could be that is inevitable with Sonny being the way he is & being in so much story over so many years. Y'all all have a longer history with GH than I do but this is the absolute worst I've seen him  in terms of isolation & not trusting people he should while trusting only one person who he should not be. 

I mean think about it. News that Dante is awake. Sonny would have been AT THE HOSPITAL in 10 minutes flat! But, no, little miss Ava deftly talked him out of going. WTF?! 

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It makes no sense the way Sonny is acting toward Jason.  He must still be jealous after walking in and Jason and Carly about to consummate their marriage.

How in the world is Jason bail eligible?

I see where Sam is coming from, but she's behaving like Jason's last two disappearances was his fault.  Moreover, did Sam not think having kids with a mobster would create problems from the get go?

Seeing Molly as the ADA furthers my conclusion that characters in law enforcement --especially on a show like GH where the criminals are a part of the community---should not be attached to the canvas because of clear conflicts of interest. Sonny is Molly's uncle and Jason was his lieutenant.

Edited by Planet Soap
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I think my worst fear is Ava being up to something and it's working and she pulls back because she loves Sonny.  It will all blow up in her face and she'll look stupid again.  I have little use for Ava myself, but I can't deal with another woman being changed by the love of a short, greying, shouty, past-his-prime mobster with a million kids.*

*Obviously, this doesn't refer to my feelings on the eventual Sonny/Brenda reconciliation lol.

Meh, Sonny's been in worse places.  Starting in the late 90's he was drunk and going through depression when both Lily and Brenda died and very isolated.  He was worse when he was with starting his romance with Emily (sorry to bring that up) before he was diagnosed and when he was off his meds when Brenda left him and tried to kill Jax and shot Robin.   

IMO, this isolation and manic behavior started quite slowly and is a bit understandable when you think about his life circumstances to the point where people around him wouldn't necessarily think he was off his meds or ill, but just in a bad place.

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I think if she's in on it she's gonna get caught, that's inevitable. But it's also in Ava's nature to sometimes act a fool over men beneath her lol. She's always been equal measures vicious, brilliant and at times stupid. Remember, she brought us Aunt Denise and carried on with Morgan all over again while wearing the damn Party City fright wig and talking like Lois.

I also hope she doesn't pull back over new feelings for Sonny, but I'd never really considered that possibility. I doubt whatever happens will get to a point where Ava would be able to do so even if she wanted to. I suspect she'll be exposed before then.

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They really have put Ava through the old ringer, haven't they, lol?

To me, having Ava fall for Sonny as she simultaneously plots to ruin him would be an almost total retread of what happened between him and Claudia, and we all know how THAT turned out.  (I just hope there's room enough for two in Claude's grave in the woods, lol.)

Edited by Khan
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I’m still puzzled why Sonny sought out Ava in the first place and why she’s earned trust with him (unless he’s on to her and playing her too), but that’s just me. These stories are always repetitive with Sonny and Jason, so hard to invest until we know both characters are being written out or due for a serious downfall (which won’t happen).

Agreed with the others who said the kid playing Rocco is much more natural and confident than the other boys on the show. I didn’t feel like I was watching a young actor trying to act in his scenes yesterday and that’s a good thing. 

Edited by BetterForgotten
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For me, the problem has always been that I am being asked as a viewer to invest myself emotionally in these mobsters, when I know what real-life mobsters do and the impact they have on our communities.  Even though Sonny and Jason have been sanitized for our entertainment, that doesn't change the fact that in order for them to appear at all sympathetic to the audience, their adversaries, including those who work in law enforcement, have to be incompetent, psychotic or somehow more amoral than Sonny and Jason are by comparison.

I'm not saying GH glamorizes or romanticizes organized crime - although, let's be honest, Sonny and Jason (and Luke) have received more than their fair share of propping over the years - but I do think it's irresponsible for any show not to portray the full reality of organized crime or even show these sociopaths - and that's who and what mobsters are, ladies and gents; they are, at their core, sociopaths - receiving true comeuppance in the form of lengthy imprisonment and/or death.  I felt that way when shows like "The Sopranos" were all the rage, and I definitely feel that way in 2024.

Edited by Khan
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Reading up on the Pikeman deal, apparently Sonny is okay with dealing arms but not drugs, lol. Is that any better especially in the midst of a gun violence epidemic?

How did Jason become a militaristic super soldier? He was a med student before the accident and I didn't see him get any formal training after. 

At this point, about 30 years into Sonny & Jason, we have to apply an extreme suspension of disbelief, especially when it comes to their quasi morality.

SB: I would argue that since 2017, Jason has overtaken Sonny as the male lead of the show. 

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This is a soap had had a current character, Anna Devane, have a whole ass story with Casey the Alien from Lumina. I have long ago suspended belief with GH if I am being entertained.

Guza shifted Jason to the center towards the end of his last tenure, and now we are veering closer to that again. It was really noticeable once Dante arrived. Sonny’s stories quickly became about his kids more than him directly.

As far as Sonny goes, I think this is one of the most organic manipulations he has had in years. His isolation started with his missing year in Nixon Falls, his relationship with Nina which cut the cord with Carly and Michael. Jason dies, Then Michael went after him through Dex. Nina and FCC. He was already isolated and ripe for manipulation. Then Ava and possibly Avery are in danger, and he lets an actual viper into his orbit, and she’s the only one there. One betrayal after another, his meds are off, and someone that knows his security is taking shots at him. Then Jason arrived and Dante is shot. His last safe person. I see one long line of events leading to this moment. 

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As someone who hasn't watched GH on a regular basis since the '90s, I was really excited the week before last.  The day-to-day writing was an improvement, and I was like Charlie Brown with Lucy's football at the thought of a dramatic, long-term unbrella story on a soap in the 21st century that made sense. 

This past week was a bit more rocky, and in fact cheapened some of what worked for me or I at least tolerated in Mulcahey, et al's first full week...  The stakes of characters like Anna and Carly's daughter with Jax (I think?) washing their hands of Sonny aren't nearly as dramatic if they're still hero worshipping Jason.  And I could kind of dig Laura and Heather bonding (and suspend disbelief about walking back at least Heather's most serious crimes) until I watched those scenes with Trina this week, and I remembered that oh yeah, Laura's grandson just died and she could have been talking to this perfectly lovely woman said grandson loved instead.

But I powered through and Friday was at least compelling, even though I still have questions about where all this is going.  I'm hoping for the best next week.  It's still weird to me that I've watched GH more this year than I have in the past 2.5 decades...it figures this would be my midlife crisis.

A few random observations/questions:

I really cannot keep track of Sonny and Jason's children/grandchildren, especially the ones with Brenda and/or Robin–esque mothers.  I don't think it was this hard for me to figure out Bob and Kim's blended family on ATWT, and in this case I actually saw at least some of these characters' origin stories.

Did Brook Lynn and Monica have an actual, meaningful relationship?  I recall Brook Lynn was the one who explained Monica's absence when I tuned in for Bobbie's sendoff, and it was the same this week.  Or was that just a coincidence?

Edited by DeliaIrisFan
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Yes, Joss is Carly's & Jax's & her hatred is laser focused on Sonny. 

Laura's inattention, literally neglect, of Trina is something many fans hate. 

I may mess this up!! It's as much a struggle as Salem. 

Sonny's children: Dante (Olivia), Michael (who are his bio-parents? Carly is either his mother or as if), Kristina (Alexis), Donna (Carly) & Avery (Ava). 

Jason's children: Danny (Sam) & Jake (Liz). 

Sam's other children: Scout (Drew)

Liz's other children: Cameron who is off at college, Aiden who bakes & is gay. 

Olivia's other child: Leo (adopted by Ned)

Maxie's children: James (Nathan) & Georgie (Spinelli)

Carly's other child: Joss (Jax) 

Alexis's other children: Molly & Sam

Now, we wait for corrections! LOL 


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Thank you!  Yes, I know Carly is Michael's birth mother, and AJ was his bio father - well, unless Carlivati or whoever rewrote that at some point.  And Molly's father was Ric Hearst's character, I think, so that means she's related to Sonny as well?  It all just seems really excessive, and made this week's fight scene that was already bad in every way somehow even stupider.

I also didn't know how long Ned and Olivia had been together, so I assumed Ned was Leo's biological father.  That's an interesting detail.

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