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GH: March 2024 Discussion Thread

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So, was the Spixie kiss also character driven? 

Last week there was a great deal setting up this week.

This week so far it's also seemed that many things are being set up. I'm just not sure if we are currently set up for a big day tomorrow or we're just poised for next week.

I am guessing that the tag tomorrow will be Carly seeing Jason & they'll make us wait till Monday to get past the look on her face when she sees him in the flesh. 

And the other thing I thought today is that Michael called it. Not accustomed to that coming from him. But, he said Sonny was going to become isolated, not have anyone to trust & trust the wrong people. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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LOL, yesterday's gay gossip columnist at the Invader ("Adrian DeWitt") is a very obvious riff on George Sanders' famous character Addison DeWitt from All About Eve. Far from subtle, but it's fun and I don't mind. It's not as obnoxious as the constant in-jokes and references RC used to throw in. (I remember when his film/art references were more quiet and obscure, like the Alec Guinness classic The Horse's Mouth or when he quietly had Shane on OLTL - who the network had vetoed making gay - go off to the "Phil Jimenez Art School" in London, Phil Jimenez being a gay comic artist.)

Meanwhile, they got Spinelli living in a studio maintenance closet/Korean Internet cafe. Go back to Maxie’s bro.

Edited by Vee
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Yep.  Make sure she remembers, though: 1) no bright lights, 2) no water and 3) no feeding after midnight.

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Posted (edited)

I haven't hit today's show yet, but I must say almost all the story segments are smarter now. The Spixie, etc. stuff has been consistently good for over a week IMO which is deeply unsettling for me, a person who has been almost as checked out on Maxie as KS clearly had been for years. She's put in real work over the last week and seems awake and feeling/looking better, and the scripts have been good. The stuff with her, Cody and Sasha yesterday was also smart, including Sasha's POV on women being handled/talked down to. I do not compliment any scenes featuring Sasha lightly, as I often willfully forget she exists when she is not physically on-camera. And Josh Kelly still has a facility for comedy: "Wait, so he conned you into letting him give you money? That bastard!"

You better start watching, @Khan!

Edited by Vee
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I can't believe you just complimented Sasha!  

I still don't think Spinelli lives in that closet.  He just has his secret spy stuff there.  He has partial custody of Georgie.  Where on earth does she sleep?

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That's your Face of Deception lol.  So fashion forward.

Listen, I believe Spinelli would live in that closet all day everyday.  I just don't think he actually does because of Georgie.  Plus, if that was his apartment, Maxie would have never believed his pipes flooded.  Spinelli would be crying in a fetal position unable to move if all his computers and surveillance stuff got ruined by water damage.

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I have seen this look on Ava's face in Spinelli's lair many times before. @DRW50 knows of her "Fire Marshall Bill" mode. Once Jason came into the picture she was shitting herself. I'm guessing she knows that if Jason is on the scene that whatever she is up to has gone sideways.

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