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B&B: Steffy vs Sheila promo

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Ordinarily. I would agree with that idea in general terms about most characters/storylines

But Sheila is a horrible person and should have died permanently decades ago.  She's already had way too much focus.  So in my opinion, she should have zero attention and deserves to be killed off in this way. 

I'm fine with this if it gives Steffy and Finn focus, as they do deserve focus.

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Same! Especially since Thudley didn't know how to write for her. Trying to make her a "romantic heroine" type with a love interest and everything. I wonder if this came from CBS? I can't see Brad letting KB go that easily given the love fest he has for her and Sheila. We saw how he gushed over her at her 30th anniversary celebration

Edited by dragonflies
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Soaps need to have anti-heroes. I don't know if you watched in the 90s, but back in the day Sheila was daytime's greatest villain. I agree that she is over-exposed and stupidly written... but I wanted to see her redeemed or just transformed into an interesting anti-hero of the 2024 day. What Bradley did was use her for cheap tricks and in the end he burned her in the microwave like he does with everyone else. 

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Actually... I've been thinking now... and you have a point... From what I've observed on social media... and the reactions some actors have had to this... and NOT HAD...  And I am like 55 percent sure Sheila will be back. Which will be even worse. NOW SHE NEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDS TO STAY DEAD.

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I disagree.  I did watch Sheila in her initial run on Y&R vs Lauren and I hated her then.  I *still* haven't forgiven her for stealing baby Scotty from Lauren, plus trying to kill her mother Molly Carter in a fire, etc etc etc.
She should have been killed off in that era.

Sheila is NOT redeemable. Any storyline saying she's redeemable is barfworthy in my opinion!

I fundamentally believe that on all soaps, the same villain should not continue to appear for decades.  They should be short-term (maximum one year) story arcs.  The focus should be on the main characters.

Edited by janea4old
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Well I disagree respectfully. I think SOAPS are the exact place for villains like that. And I think history has proven it. Soaps thrive on anti-heroes that come and go for decades. But yeah... Bradley could not write for her anymore. So I too prefer her gone. I only wished it was DONE WITH QUALITY.

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Brad tried his damndest to "redeem" her and it flopped miserably, even used Deacon to try and do it and nearly ruined Deacon in the process, making him dumber than a box of rocks. Deacon wanted nothing more than to be in Hope(and Beth) and Brooke's lives and choosing Sheila over her? Nope I call B.S

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I have seen some strange likes on twitter and people hinting she may... be back... and not actually dead... and all this for ratings. And I am getting scared. I hope SHE IS REALLY DEAD. 

Thank you! I've seen the same with you too! It's pleasure to always discuss and interact insightfully. 

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oh I can see Brad bringing her back at some point, resurrecting her. I mean they thought her "dead"(and still do apparently) on YR all the while in LA living it up

I mean for months he's done nothing with KB/Sheila. She was just stagnant as a character. Serving pizza, really? She should have gone to prison and stayed there.

Yes I still hate that f*cking idiot Ridge/Bill story, they're the reason she didn't go to prison

Hey @Errol or @Toups anyway we can split this thread and put the KB news separate? If not that's okay

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Honestly, finding a new villain for a soap is not exactly a problem as long as they get the casting right. Sheila's just done way too much over the decades to be able to work as a character interacting with other characters on this show. Just start writing new villains with blank slates that can actually convincingly manipulate people without them looking dumb as hell as a result. 

With that said, Sheila will be back when Bradley needs a ratings boost.

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