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General Hospital: October 2023 Discussion Thread

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  • Lois & Sonny REUNITED! A broad! Love it. Lois' presence on the canvas is SO [!@#$%^&*] nice. We need to keep Rena Sofer on!
  • Sorry, but Elizabeth was barely tossing that damn salad. That was a brief shake.
  • Yay for Cameron mention!! Perhaps a recast down the line? I don't see William Lipton returning.
  • Ava & Laura reuniting?! I love this. I missed the friendship they had once upon a time.
  • TJ is an [!@#$%^&*] for stopping Austin. C'mon, sir. C'mon now.
  • You can tell Amanda Setton has taken influence from Sofer's work as Lois in her approach to Brook Lynn, and her own mannerisms. I love that.
  • Jane Elliot continues to shine as Tracy; you can tell she's full enjoying herself and the work she's doing.
  • Blaze & Kristina have some electric chemistry. I am liking it a lot, so far!!
  • I appreciate Sofer's pronunciation of "Brook Lynn" as TWO names, and not Brooklyn (one-word city).
  • I love that Laura continues to be in Ava & Nikolas' corner despite her previous objections... but all of these Nikolas mentions must be Adam Huss is coming around again!
  • Olivia is clearly starting to come around to liking Eddie... and once she kisses/makes love to him, Ned is going to come back and she'll be turned off.
  • Café Cherie? Oh. I love this new set. Loving the use of lights and colours. I hope this is not a one-off set.
  • Ava got some FIRE in her, and I need to see it MORE! Enough of the wet dog she'll been written to become. AVA JEROME is a powerhouse.
  • Lois is amazing. We HAVE to keep her around.
  • More renovations beyond the paint job to the penthouse set? Sure. Let's see how this goes, shall we?
  • As much as I love Laura having siblings, I'm going to need Martin to skip out of town, permanently.
  • Oh TJ, darling, c'mon do the right thing. Or let Ava in the damn room.
  • Sorry, but Sasha fits in better with Cody, Dante & Sam than she ever did with Chase, Michael & Willow. And I liked the latter four together.
  • EW. NOTHING about THAT was magical. It was horrific.
  • Damn. That plate Lois made looks delicious.... can I have some, please?
  • Lucy vs. Tracy is FUN! Absolute fun. Use of history and vets! Perfect. This is what we need more of on the canvas.
  • Ava! That's my girl! She knows he's lying. Don't fall back now. Follow your instincts, Ava!!
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I fantasised for a long time about getting Rena Sofer back to play Lois against Amanda Setton’s Brook Lynn - and I’ve been nothing short of mesmerised by how natural these two have been playing mother and daughter. This scene here, for example… they just bounce off each other, and it’s as though they’ve been doing this for YEARS…

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He's now been voted the most stubborn EP. I am unaware of there ever being a competition but he's won hands down. And, ME said the show is all-in on this & Soap Central said that he said he was all-in. I believe there are 7 fans which Frank can swing to like FIZZLE. The rest? Not a chance. 

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That's the Frank Valentini way. That editing style is based on a philosophy he (and I'm sure many network execs) began adhering to years ago - they think shorter scenes are preferred for the younger demographic's attention span.

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I’m okay with Rena’s return being short term. It reminds me of how they used Tracy and her extended runs in the 1990s and now. She comes in when the storyline and the moment needs it, and makes a truly memorable moment. She can then leave so she doesn’t get dragged down into B-stories. 

Lois is an iconic character. On the same playing field as Tracy IMO. Keep the fire hot. Leave us begging for more

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Lois said he is different, that he is centered. Some fans are saying that is Nina. Me, I say it is Mike. 

And about keeping Lois ... Me, I am okay with however it works out. If she should decide to extend, I would stand up & clap! But, if she wants this to be it, okay, maybe come again later?

I can't imagine where he would fit in now. 


OMG Thank goodness someone told Ava that Nik is alive! This has been bugging me no end. 

Love how impressionable she is that she is getting the accent!! 


Another AMEN. 

Yep. Supposedly he was to be in & out. We've had plenty of out. Time for some more in. 

Yes, I'm sure that is what has been written & will be written more. But, yesterday I was so dadgummed proud of Olivia! "I am not going to force him to take therapy that he does not want. If he wants to sit & strum his guitar & be Eddie Maine for the rest of his life, I am going to make peace with it." 

I miss Monica & I want Monica to show up & take up for Olivia! 

Also, though, I want NEddie to shave, get a hairstyling & wear something besides that old jeans jacket. I realize this is not going to happen. 

Yes, I posted just that! Also HOW CAN I UNSEE THIS?! 

Oh, sorry, not sorry. I love me some Marty. 

But GMAB, "stud finder" is their strange uncommon hardware item?!! Writers, do better. Torque wrench? Set of Allen wrenches? Even Channelox. Raise your hand if you know where the stud finder is at your house! 

And, this means that Sam's new story is gonna be household improvement. Not some interesting PI job. Also Felicia won't be doing capers anymore either. And, Anna is too sad & afraid to do anything brave & adventurous. Maybe giving Ava back her fangs will give us one female badass? 


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I think the show was teasing Cameron with Esme before Lipton left.  I could see him fitting in that story with Spencer/Trina.

As far as Lois saying Sonny is more centered, I agree.  I think it's Mike and I actually think his relationship with Nina is far less chaotic than most of his relationships previously.  I don't like it, but it doesn't seem to bring the same emotional highs and lows he had with Carly or Brenda.  Also, it's been a long time since Lois had much contact with Sonny and he certainly has changed since then.  My vote is to always keep Lois and ditch some dead weight elsewhere, but I am fine with whatever Rena wants to do.

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