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Days of Our Lives: October 2023 Discussion Thread

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Oh boy, that was heavy-handed!  Did we need to literally see flashbacks to Theresa and the letters!  I expect she'll be musing aloud to herself in the town square later in the week about Alex being Victor's son when Nicole will happen by, and she'll cover by saying, "Alex got too much sun" (snort)

This was exactly my issue.  What gives Brady the dominion to say how Tate is going to be punished?  Theresa sacrificed a lot to raise Tate, and today she's portrayed as if he's a burden.  And what kind of fire alarm causes $5,000 in damages?  Brady should call Sloan and get her to make a deal before accepting liability.  I mean, they sent their son there as an 8-year-old, and he came back 18, the least they could was discount the remodeling fees.

I thought the point of Maggie's dialogue was more about how Micky was devoted to Mike even after he found out that he was not his biological father.  The circumstances of Mike's conception has nothing to do with that relationship, nor was it ever an issue for Micky in terms of his affection toward his son.  Although, it might have been less controversial if she made the same point about Micky and ether Melissa (who at one point Linda tried to trick him into believing he was her father), or Sarah. 

Lastly, it is so silly that characters need excuses to go see each other.  IRL, who returns flowers to their son because they learned that they're not the grandmother.

Edited by j swift
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@AbcNbc247 I think that's exactly where they're going.

Tate is going to get butt hurt when Theresa leaves town, and he'll rebel against Brady, which will cause Nicole to restrict Holly from dating him, but eventually he'll rescue Holly (or Nicole/Eric's baby), so Nicole will relent, and Brady will never be called out for missing most of the first 18 years of Tate's life in order to live in his father's spare room and chase girls that he loved in high school.

But, once again, I ask: Are Tate and Dick Van Dyke going to be roommates in Rachel's old room?  And wouldn't DVD be more comfortable back at his old place?

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Oh, do you mean the type of relationship where she never mentions him once he's an adult, until he's recast for the third time, and they need to remind the audience of his origin story?

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In addition to the Bill & Laura LIE we were fed, we got this LOL lie from Leo: that he resorts to humor to cover for how much he hates himself.

Jesus. This Leo propping is pathetic and laughable. Leo is SCUM, and we've never been given the idea of and reasons for any self-loathing.

He's a selfish, egocentric, narcissistic POS.

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So Holly has a crush on Johnny. Interesting. 

I wonder if she’s going to be able to pose a threat for him and Chanel, but it definitely could be an obstacle for her and Tate. I hope they run with it and play it out for a while. Too many times, this team has lost interest in actors and characters and I’d hate to see that happen again. Like it did for Tripp/Wendy, Stefan/Gabi and Chad/Stephanie. 

The actress seems ok so far. I’m looking forward to seeing Holly interact with other people. I hope she and Tate are not just kept in a bubble.

She looks like Sabrina Carpenter. And Tate looks like William Lipton lol 

I like the Abe/Nicole scene too. Their relationship is one of the best things on the show right now. 

As for Alex/Theresa, I’ll pass. Maybe things will get different in the future lol 

Agree 100%

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@janea4old & @Liberty City Reports of rape erasure seem to not fit the actual scene.

Maggie's analogy was that when Micky found out that he wasn't Mike's father, he still loved him as a son, just as Justin should love Alex regardless of whether he is his biological father. 

The circumstances of Mike's conception has nothing to do with the validity of that point.  She didn't say that Mike was the product of Bill and Laura's later affair, she just mentioned Micky finding out later that he wasn't Mike's father. 

As I mentioned, it might have been less controversial if she mentioned Sarah or Melissa's relationship with Micky, but it is the same idea, and it would've been an imperfect analogy because Micky always knew he wasn't their biological father.

Edited by j swift
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