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DAYS: October 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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Oh yeah I knew what you meant. Just giggling at the *other meaning.

Well, that makes sense, more sense than them all being 25. Will is after all her big brother. And he & Sonny are both nicely mature. I'm not gonna say Alex is mature. Those words will not pass here but heck he could be 30, sure.

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Fair and I would tend to agree.  On Days though, 6 years is a lifetime for characters lol.  Chanel graduated? college, can drink, got married twice, and divorced twice, hooked up with a girl, and opened a business since then lol. 


The only reason I say Alex is 30 is because he's older than Sonny as far as the cannon of the show, not due to maturity.

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How old is Rachel? I've got 7 in my head but I'm not sure I have a basis for that. Do we really have the potential makings of a "Bad Seed" in the middle of that DiMera/Black custody battle? The judge didn't interview Rachel so she can't be too old! Personally I believe that most kids want their parents to get back together so badly that they would pull a stunt like this. But I also believe someone ought to be banking some money for therapy sooner instead of later.

Good for Kate!

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Personally that is one of my favorite characteristics I like about Kate. That she has never been shy about saying what she wants and how she wants it.

I think John isn’t the only one. Like I look at Gabi, I was not a fan of her but she was okay. But all she does now and run up behind the DiMera twins as a whiny shallow b*tch. Gabi had soo much going for her before Ron got his hands on her. She was model and had her OWN company and plan to establish generational wealth for Ariana. The girl was smart.

I liked John when he had Basic Black. Marlena went to work and John went to work and then they would come back together at the end of the work day. It seemed so normal and much more for him to do.

It seems like the show doesn’t know how to write people separate. Couples are very well capable of existing without writing EVERYTHING together. 

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Interesting Take. Roman & Kate have different & separate existences; Abe & Paulina do; Steve & Kayla do; Rafe & Nicole do; Brady & Chloe had different & together & they don't count now; Jada & Eric have different & separate but they're too young to count; Ava was with different people & never seemed to have an occupation or activity after she gave up ruling the mob family. And that always seemed a dilemma to me about Ava. Chad & Abby had their own things & they don't count now either. Will & Sonny definitely have different & apart. Hard to draw any conclusion about Victor & Maggie these days since he seems to be more needy than he ever used to be. I honestly don't know what Bonnie does with herself. But, Justin's job is separate.


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Victoria Grace (Wendy) becomes the first adult "Days" actor on contract born in the 2000's. Up until this week, the only "Days" contract actors ever born in the 2000's were Ava & Olivia White, who played baby Claire Brady on contract from 2006-2007. They were also the only babies ever on contract in the history of "Days." 
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I think Gabi has been lost ever since CB quit before the pandemic and then came back.  She hasn't had a clear direction, but she isn't necessarily dependent on having a partner.  And I like Gabi.

John was the leading man of the show in the 90's and I think if Deidre left there would be no John.  Marlena still has scenes with other people, but John could pop in once or twice a month and not be missed.

I genuinely don't think other couples suffer as much.  Perhaps Steve, who doesn't tend to do a lot outside of Kayla while Kayla has the hospital.  Even Roman gets more solo scenes lol.

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Back a bit when it came up that John maybe didn't have as many episode counts as did Cady/Jenn, I began thinking about his position. I think he is very important to the show inherently but the way they use (or abuse) him, you'd never know it! I think they flat-out do him wrong. And I don't think they treat anyone else that way unless it would be Steve or unless it was Ava when they never gave her anything to do except make a lot of pasta. John's treatment is glaring once you think to look at it. Thank goodness he gets to have regular scenes with grandchildren. Maybe he should join a club, a service club. Maybe he should go every morning to the Y & meet with his Water Buffalo buddies. I feel for the dude!

Edited by Tonksadora
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When TomSell wrote him out (twice, iirc—once was story-dictated, the other time was bc of an injury or health issue of Drake’s) I was honestly fine with it.  But Marlena was insanely back burner then and basically back with Roman(!!!), which I was also fine with.  That was a very strange time for the vets… Kayla was single and recurring, they didn’t know wtf to do with Hope (even once they got her with Aiden), I remember a single Adrienne having a steady presence, Justin was mostly MIA, Doug & Julie were rarely used, Joe Mascolo’s health prevented him from appearing much… they only seemed to be really invested in Jennifer and Maggie (because of Daniel omg lol).

This orchid story is a total flop, but RC is the first writer since Reilly Round II to show any real, meaningful love to J&M.  And I love that Roman & Kate are being written as endgame.  But unless the plan is to transition Kate to an anti-matriarch supporting character, I wish this reunion would’ve been saved till closer to the series finale (which will hopefully be in the distant future!!!), because we’re all thinking that she’s gonna f it up and hook up with EJ or someone equally scandalous!

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There have been writers that have hated John and Marlena and RC seems to appreciate Marlena and John/Marlena, but doesn't care for John as a character much.  Perhaps he is so ill-defined without Marlena.  So many identities, so many re-writes.  It's not easy.  Plus a lot of characters fit a similar bill to him (Steve, Roman).  Rafe and Shawn handle cop business.  He rarely even shares scenes with his friends Abe, Patch, and Roman (outside this story).  John doesn't need to be an action hero still, but he could help the cops or give advice to Brady/Eric/Shawn/Belle/Sami/Allie/Will/Johnny.  He has so many connections, but they aren't used much.  It's just strange.  Unless Drake just doesn't want to commit to that much of a schedule.

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